Confirmed | Zelda Collection Disc GC Bundle!

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.10.2003 1

New GameCube Bundle...
...More Links in a Small Package!

According to various sources across the Internet, the rumoured Nintendo GameCube bundle that includes many old Zelda titles has now been found to be a reality. The only difference to the list in the original article below is that there will be a demo of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker as opposed to a Zelda documentary. There is still no sign of any GameBoy games in there, such as Link's Awakening or the two CAPCOM developed Oracle titles. As should be obvious, Link to the Past will not be included due to its recent re-release with Four Swords on the GBA. It is hoped that the games will be properly adapted to the GameCube hardware, rather than poorly ported like the version of Ocarina of Time that was included as a free gift with Wind Waker.

Below is an artist's impression of the Bundle and the Zelda Collection logo (click both to enlarge) that Nintendo has now sent to retailers across North America:

The Zelda Collection Bundle What the Official logo might well look like

This is a superb offer for fans of Zelda as well as general Nintendo followers. It currently looks as if you will only be able to receive the collection if you buy a GameCube system. Hopefully this will not be the only way to get your hands on the disc - bundling it with the forthcoming GC version of The Four Swords would be the ideal way of releasing this to the public, or simply putting it out on the shelves for a knock-down price-point. News of whether the offer will come to European shores is as of yet unconfirmed, but it would be unwise to leave us out in this case.

As more details arise, C3 will bring them to you.

- jesusraz

Remember, the following information is a rumour and has not been confirmed.

Nintendo apparently are forging a new GameCube bundle in the approach to the essential festive season at the end of the year to boost sales and the new found marketing system the company has employed.

The information is not solid yet, but several online based sources have divulged snippets of information regarding the bundle - instead of the traditional bonus disc or additional accessories or features, the GameCube will be bundled with a special edition Zelda based CD to use on the console itself.

Rumours seem to suggest that the disc shall contain classic Zelda games, and the franchise should provide the sales that are essential for the break into 2004.

The 5 additional features that online sources speculate to be included on the disc are:

  • Legend of Zelda [NES]
  • Zelda II: Adventure of Link [NES]
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64]
  • Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask [N64]
  • Zelda Documentary [Unseen]

    However, the above information is currently unconfirmed or denied by any official sources, but Cubed3 shall be informed of developments (if any) of the rumour.

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