Dead Rising Wii: Isabella Goes Fat

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.01.2009 10

Dead Rising Wii: Isabella Goes Fat on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have given poor Isabella a handful of burgers with her transition to the Wii in the Dead Rising port.

The graphical downgrade has been an issue in past screens and videos of the port, it's far less detailed but still smooth nontheless. However, character designs seem to be a little off compared to the original..

This is the original look for Isabella Keyes in the Xbox 360 version:

Image for Dead Rising Wii: Isabella Goes Fat

And now, with the power of Acme Triple Chin Enhancer (patent pending), the Wii Isabella:

Image for Dead Rising Wii: Isabella Goes Fat

Thanks to Kotaku.

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Good Isabella. You look kind of cool.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

America-friendly version? ;-Smilie

(Don't kill me)

Are Capcom trying to imply that the Wii is for fat people? Smilie

Guess it would kind of half-explain the existence of Wii Fit...

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

It's a twist in the story, why do you think the bikini outfit for the guy was made for?

But seriously, Capcom, RE4 looked better than this crap! At least Ashley looked normal.

Guest 13.01.2009#5

They just made the game more manly, I don't really see the problem.

Aside from that, the hair looks greasy too!

*lol* Great port. They made the graphics thinner and the Isabellas fatter. Cool!
But hey, it's just the angle from which it is photographed.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Are we sure that's not some code enabled model change? You know, like big heads or small bodies and such? We've seen other cut scenes of the Wii port and this is the 1st time we've seen her like that.

lol, this Wii game just gets worse.

Capcom have since said that the pre-rendered movies in the Wii version are the same as the 360 version (since it would have taken too much work/$$$ to redo them), so this is simply an awful screen capture. (Kotaku has updated their story, as have

Why in God's name they chose this particular pic to publish is another question.

What kind of game is Dead Rising if there is a significant drop in the number of zombies. Smilie
It's like... Left 4 Dead with 50% of the zombies gone... wahhhhhh.

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