Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.12.2008 7

Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Amidst the Dragon Quest announcements recently, Square-Enix has set a date for IX in Japan, revealing the limited edition DSi.

The RPG giant held a conference on all things Dragon Quest in Tokyo, and whilst announcing the next entry for Wii, highly promoted the forthcoming DS release on March 27th 2009. To accompany the launch there'll be a limited-edition DSi shell - and it looks fantastic.

Image for Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell
Image for Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell
Image for Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell
Image for Dragon Quest IX Recieves Japanese Date, DSi Shell

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Sorry to burst yer bubble jb, but that's only a DQ shell, not a full-blown DSi. Looks ace though! Smilie

I knew that...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

O damn that shell looks HAWT.

Phoenixus said:
Sorry to burst yer bubble jb, but that's only a DQ shell, not a full-blown DSi. Looks ace though! Smilie
That's even better!
That means it'll be cheap Smilie

oh and I see a problem with the cosplay in the first pic...the one on the right doesn't have blue hair D:

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

That shell is awesome design.

That's awesome, I want the DSi so badly....

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Certainly feeling the love!

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