PETA has parodied Majesco's Cooking Mama to urge the publisher to bring out a vegetarian option.
The group has produced a flash game that mimics the Cooking Mama style with a slightly more gruesome take: having players pull a turkey's feathers and scoop out the poor bird's innards. The animal rights group hopes for a more vegetarian approach for cooking games.
She looks innocent enough—a happy woman who has a twinkle in her eye and loves to cook—but if you take just a minute to think about what happens to the animals who are killed for Mama's meals, a fun cooking game no longer seems quite so innocent.Every year, billions of animals are raised and killed for food, but people often overlook the immense suffering that occurs before they make it to their dinner plates.
...Please give Mama a voice—write to Majesco and politely ask that it create more vegetarian recipes for Mama or even a game with just vegetarian recipes.

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks and Joystiq.
[Do you think this parody was appropriate? Should Masjeco really be attacked for a simple and fun cooking game?