PETA: Cooking Mama Kills Animals

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.11.2008 17

PETA: Cooking Mama Kills Animals on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

PETA has parodied Majesco's Cooking Mama to urge the publisher to bring out a vegetarian option.

The group has produced a flash game that mimics the Cooking Mama style with a slightly more gruesome take: having players pull a turkey's feathers and scoop out the poor bird's innards. The animal rights group hopes for a more vegetarian approach for cooking games.

She looks innocent enough—a happy woman who has a twinkle in her eye and loves to cook—but if you take just a minute to think about what happens to the animals who are killed for Mama's meals, a fun cooking game no longer seems quite so innocent.

Every year, billions of animals are raised and killed for food, but people often overlook the immense suffering that occurs before they make it to their dinner plates.

...Please give Mama a voice—write to Majesco and politely ask that it create more vegetarian recipes for Mama or even a game with just vegetarian recipes.

Image for PETA: Cooking Mama Kills Animals

  • View the Cooking Mama Game
  • Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks and Joystiq.

    [Do you think this parody was appropriate? Should Masjeco really be attacked for a simple and fun cooking game?

    Box art for Cooking Mama
    Also known as

    Cooking Mama: Cook Off


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    Guest 18.11.2008#1

    I don't overlook the suffering of animals at all. In fact last month I watched a documentary on the slaughter of cows before I had dinner.

    Animals are not equal to humans Peta. From what I've read they taste far better for one.

    Also, insects are not as good as cows/pigs/chickens? Millions of insects are killed in the producing of vegatarian food.

    Okay, this is a little ridiculous.

    Guest 18.11.2008#3

    What! I played the game and got \'Too nice\' twice. I played as fast as possible. This game sucks.

    For those who don\'t want to play the game, here\'s the prize you get for completing it;

    Visit for more videos..

    ( Edited 18.11.2008 13:14 by Bart.... )

    This is simply pathetic if you ask me...

    Way to feed off success.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Leaching off the game's popularity and in a crude way. Okay, animals should certainly be treated better - but don't attack a game maker for it, get the message out there to the people who are processing the god damn meat.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I don\'t think the creators and players of Cooking Mama have any intention of harming any animals. Since when were there even slightly anti-animal connotations in a game like that? You\'re just COOKING. It\'s doesn\'t even have recipes. It\'s natural for humans to eat animals, if you don\'t want to support inhumane ways of treating animals, don\'t support the companies that do it like jb said.

    Things like this are just so ignorant...

    ( Edited 18.11.2008 13:48 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    That slaughter house must be a REALLY horrible place to work. Not that I'm a vegetarian, but I never buy chicken or bird-meat in general, for the very reasons shown in that video. At least you can't shove a cow in a shed and fuck around with it as much as that. Oh, and the use of Cooking Mama is somewhat dubious. And the flash PETA game is shite.

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...
    Guest 18.11.2008#8

    Not to mention it looks like one of the most boring jobs possible. Slash turkey throat, wait, slash turkey throat, repeat whole day, go home.

    No no no, sometimes they get to chase a turkey that escapes through the blood. That looks like awesome fun...

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...
    Guest 18.11.2008#10

    If Majesco is smart though they should create a cooking mama vegatarian edition. There's bound to be a lot of money in there with a little help of Peta advertising to it's supporters.

    Although PETA are taking the idea too far, after all - the game isn't actually killing animals - they'd be better off going after real TV chefs rather than virtual ones for example. I do agree that the game should have Veggie/Vegan options or alternatives though.

    I'm a Vegan but still play Zelda even though it has cow and goat milk as well as fishing in it. You've got to be realistic about these things, a game is a game real life slaughter is different.

    Is there no escape from these twats? I play games to escape a reality filled with ever more views like this!!

    While we\'re at it, lets also have :
    Cooking Mama:
    - Kosher
    - Halal
    - Vegan
    - Carb free
    - Detox
    - Dairy free
    - GI

    etc etc .. did i leave anyone out?! Grrr ...

    Wow! Actually, this series could run forever .. Smilie

    ( Edited 18.11.2008 21:52 by DazJ )

    There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..

    Lol at PETA, they've made a game that actually promotes what they're against, talk about contradictions.

    Cooking mama in no way promotes the bad treatment used to keep animals, but eating animals is human nature and it's a kids game FFS.

    SmilieSmilieSmilie Thanks PETA you have made my day. I shot cows in Resi 4, do you want capcom to make a game where you shoot vegetables? Infact thats not a bad idea...I've always wanted to shoot bussell sprouts over and over...Smilie

    (please note that this was all sarcasm;-Smilie)

    PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, right? Smilie

    And yeah, this is bloody ridiculous and pointless.

    If Cooking Mama was so bad and immoral on it\'s own, why did they feel the need to remake a more gruesome version?

    ( Edited 19.11.2008 00:23 by Ikana )

    PETA are nothing but a bunch of fascist and hypocrites with a hint of terrorism, how I despise this organization, their logic is complete Bullsh*t.

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    872 Score... try and beat it beetches!! Smilie

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