Sonic Trounces Mario in UK Favourites Poll

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.10.2008 15

A recent poll conducted during The London Games Festival has crowned Sonic the Hedgehog as UK's top gaming icon!

According to Digital Spy, Sega's speedy blue wonder sailed to the number one spot in the poll with a cool 24% picking him as their favourite gaming character.

Mario chugged along in second place with 21%, followed by the busty Lara Croft, of Tomb Raider fame, carrying a 16% slice. Others included Donkey Kong (11%), Pac Man (10%), Link (5%) and Max Payne (4%), Pikachu (3%), Niko Bellic of GTAIV (2%) and last, but not least, Streetfighter's Blanka (1%).

The poll took into account 500 British gamers during one of the festivals numerous events this month. For more information on the London Games Festival, be sure to check out the Official website.

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Mario all the way for me!

No way!!!

Link ftw!!

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Sonic! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sonic is a cool character but his game series isn't as respectable.

So yeah I'd probably agree with this poll since it ws based on the actual characters.

Although "gaming icon"? makes me a little concerned for UK's gamers...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

booooooooooooo. Sonic lost all of his coolness a long long time ago, so why did he win the poll?!?

Only 500 people, that's not alot.

For me Sonic lost his coolness when he opened his mouth and started talking.

Yay! Lara came 3rd!!!! Smilie

Trepe said:
For me Sonic lost his coolness when he opened his mouth and started talking.

And sealed the deal with some hedgehog on lady action.

samus_boy said:

And sealed the deal with some hedgehog on lady action.

That game never happened, ending says so. >:

( Edited 22.10.2008 14:39 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

it would've been understandable in the days of the SEGA Genesis. His games were great then, but his newer games are mediocre at best. (although Sonic Unleashed looks good)

mario is still the greatest gaming icon. 500 people aren't going to change mario's status of superiority.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Wow. This is a travesty. Only 500 people? Oh well. Still, Sonic over Mario? Lara over Link?! I can't believe Max, Niko and Blanka are even on the list. And where the hell's Samus? What's wrong with these people? This poll is broken. BROKEN!!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

SuperLink said: That game never happened, ending says so. >:

Time-line wise, yeah it never happened. But, paradox or not, she smooched him...Smilie

samus_boy said:

Time-line wise, yeah it never happened. But, paradox or not, she smooched him...Smilie

Well then she's a necrophiliac furfag and it's not Sonic's fault.

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