Points Not Interchangeable Between Wii & DSi

By Shane Jury 19.10.2008 13

After it was announced that DSi owners could buy Wii points to use on downloadable games, many had assumed that it would be possible to exchange them between the two Nintendo consoles, but that won't be happening.

Confirmed by Siliconera, Nintendo will be renaming Wii Points as simply Nintendo Points, and they will be used for both the Wii and the DSi. The screen below shows what the new cards will be like, and Europe's standard 2000 point card should follow suit;

Image for Points Not Interchangeable Between Wii & DSi

Instead of being able to put some points from one card onto one system, and the rest of the points onto the other system, each card's points will only go to one of the consoles. Many are not surprised at this since Nintendo doesn’t have an overarching account system to control digital distribution.

Image for Points Not Interchangeable Between Wii & DSi

Confirmed items that you can buy on the DSi with Nintendo points include unique applications, and small games from DSWare, the DS equivalent of Wiiware, with point prices of 200, 500 & 800. Some are speculating that retro handhand titles might show up too...

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You should be able to link ur DSi to ur club nintendo account like wii and share points. Silly really.

Guess privacy nuts will like this system, but it really isnt that great from a practicility standpoint.

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I have two mobiles on o2 but I don't generally feel the need to share the top ups. I feel this is the same so it doesn't bother me.

Yes, but with phones the money you speed is continious, not discrete chunks.

With this system could could have enough points overall for a game, but only half on each.

So, that would be like not being able to make a 15 phonecall -at all-, because one phone has 7 mins and the other 8mins.

Its not massively annoying, but it is more annoying that not shareing phone credit.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Oh bloody hell. Wasted opportunity Nintendo - and it will make the whole thing massively confusing for parents and general consumers.

For this points for consoles route they would have really just stuck to Wii points, DS points.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well, it's not like nintendo will lose any customers over this, but still what a wasted oppertunity, but then I guess it would've been more online work for nintendo.

Stulaw said:
Well, it's not like nintendo will lose any customers over this, but still what a wasted oppertunity, but then I guess it would've been more online work for nintendo.

And we all know nintendo loves online Smilie.

For this points for consoles route they would have really just stuck to Wii points, DS points.

I agree but what can we do. Parents always end up buying the wrong things Smilie

Meh, I'm not surprised. Not really disappointed either. It's really a mute point and I don't find it confusing in the slightest.

I always wondered why Ninty didn't release the other retail Wii Points Cards (1000, 3000, & 5000) here in the States. We only have the 2000. No real biggie, though. Besides, you can acquire those increments on the Wii Shop Channel anyway. Be nice if they had an increment of 500 Wii points.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
Stulaw said:
Well, it's not like nintendo will lose any customers over this, but still what a wasted oppertunity, but then I guess it would've been more online work for nintendo.

And we all know nintendo loves online Smilie.

Exactly Smilie

I agree but what can we do. Parents always end up buying the wrong things Smilie

LOL, reminds me of when we got a GameCube and my aunt asked GAME for a good game for it and ended up with Halo. LOLOLOL

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yes, but thats GAME for you.
Horrible shop/monopoly.

Also, under this system its not like anyone can buy the wrong things.
Only if your parents both bought the card AND then scratched it off and assigned it to a console, could they potentialy do it wrong.(for what you want).

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

jb said:
I agree but what can we do. Parents always end up buying the wrong things Smilie

LOL, reminds me of when we got a GameCube and my aunt asked GAME for a good game for it and ended up with Halo. LOLOLOL

ROFLSmilie Awesome.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
bob (guest) 09.10.2010#13

stupid its in japenese:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x

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