E308 Media | Mega Man 9 Promo Art an Instant Classic

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2008 9

A promotional image for Mega Man 9 reveals yet more 8-bit inspired tributes to the original titles.

Image for E308 Media | Mega Man 9 Promo Art an Instant Classic

The original Mega Man 2 artwork:

Image for E308 Media | Mega Man 9 Promo Art an Instant Classic

The "box-art" for the game, found by 1up's Jeremy Parish, will make your eyes weep with 2-dimensional tears of joy. If you like Mega Man that is. In any case, as cheesy as it is, it's looking fab.

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



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That\'s crazy! \"Ultrasound Graphics Synthesis\" \"8bit Fidelity Engine\". I love it Smilie.

I love the concept also of having a virtual box art for a downloadble game.

Will that pic feature in my Wii Channel I wonder Smilie

( Edited 18.07.2008 00:26 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
That's crazy! "Ultrasound Graphics Synthesis" "8bit Fidelity Engine". I love it Smilie.

I love the concept also of having a virtual box art for a downloadble game.

Will that pic feature in my Wii Channel I wonder Smilie

It better!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It\'s so cheesy it\'s genius.

The cover gives the game away totally as far as the story is concerned, and in a tongue and cheek way Smilie. Most fans will fully know the story turns out already if they have read the synopsis.

I saw a E3 live stage demo earlier today and it looked awesome, I will post a video of that in the official thread later. This game is a love letter game to fans, this box art only proves that.

( Edited 18.07.2008 01:02 by Linkyshinks )

Smilie good stuff.

Is that art work official?

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

lol, awesome

It's like someone blended the box art from the first two Mega Mans and created this.

Isn't it amazing how something so awful can be so wonderful at the same time.

That is just pure AWESOME!!

I saw a guy at E3 (i wasnt at E3) with a t-shirt with that on.

I now think capcom are god-like for doing this game in the way they hav done it.

I really hope sega are talking notes: "HOW TO REVIVE A DEAD FRANCHISE"

Super Smash Bros code: 0903 4196 2445
Wii Address code: 5857 7795 0905 9367 [/img]

Fanfukkintastic! It's so great that Capcom are so into 8-Bitness again!!

This is just awesome/hilarious Smilie

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