But it IS crazy because when you put effort in you sale MORE.
The Wii is no different to any other system...the PS2 or DS specificaly. Its the biggest saler, it gets the most rubbish.
To rise above that stuff, you gota put effort in.
Its all about revenue stream indeed, but for some bezire reason its about taking revenue from the Wii, and then blowing it on expensive PS3/Xbox360 projects that probably wont turn a profit.
Anyway, lets remind ourselfs of some lovely Mario Galaxy graphics, showcase some technical things most developers arnt doing (links shamelessly nicked from someone else);
Lovely Fur.
Used in Mario Galaxy and...err..thats it.
Used on a few more cube games, however.
Specificaly Crystal Chronicals.
Allthough even SquareEnix couldnt be bothered to use it on the Wii game. (and space isnt an issue for this sort of code)
Bump mapped specular by the looks of it.
Very nice.
A few Wii games do use bump maps, but its few and far between, and not for effects like this.

Distorting the screen without a drop in framerate.
Nintendo do this time and time again in their games, from these magnifying planets, to subtle heat-distortions above fires in Zelda.
Again, another effect SquareEnix did on the cube very well.
For some reason though, these days the Crystals of Crystal Chronicals have stoped doing this.
Why on earth is that?

Pretty high-res textures on the ground there, with an irregular surface tarrian.
Not as high-res as a typical 360 game, but certainly better then the completely flat ground thats normal on most 3rd party games.
Finaly we finnish with a good example of lighting.
No self-shadowing, but good self-illumination on a fall-off curve tied to enviromental lights.
Really gives Mario an almost FMV-like quality to it.
Nintendos skilled, but they have no magic specs or chip-access that gives them more abilitys then everyone else.
It shouldnt seem like one company is codeing on a completely different system to everyone else!
( Edited 10.06.2008 16:45 by Darkflame )