MSX Games Offering Keyboard Control on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2008 5

Image for MSX Games Offering Keyboard Control on WiiMSX games seem to be compatible with the Wii's USB keyboard connection with the first game, Aleste.

The MSX console, according to Siliconera was used as a gaming device in Japan, offering keyboard control schemes with some dependant on the alphanumerical keys.

Aleste, recently released for the Virtual Console service, allows for four control schemes: Wii remote, classic and GameCube controllers as well as support for a USB keyboard plugged into either of the Wii's available slots.

With games now supporting keyboards as a means of control, would we be seeing more advanced keyboard functionality and classic PC ports on the Wii?

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I thought as much.

Linkyshinks said:
I thought as much.

Tis good, would like to see more uses of the keyboard in the future!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wouldn't this just make the purpose of consoles redundant? (assuming that keyboards will player a bigger role in the future in consoles).

But than I guess it provides a versatile range of control methods which people may choose.

...Not to mention quick chat to your opponent in Wifi enabled games, maybe a nice "how's it goin?", or "good morning, lovely weather isnt it?" before you start bashing them senseless and aiming energy beams at their heads Smilie

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BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...
Guest 06.06.2008#5

Didnt the MSX have the origional Metal Gears?

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