Disney Magical World, also known as Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life, is an Adventure game developed by Namco Bandai for the Nintendo 3DS video game console. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Disney Magical World.
Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life
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Title | Date | |
Disney Magical World 3DS Launch Trailer | 12.04.2014 | 0 |
Disney Magical World US Advert and Sweepstakes | 02.04.2014 | 0 |
Disney Magical World 3DS XL Revealed | 01.04.2014 | 0 |
Disney Magic Castle Sells Over Half a Million in Japan | 15.01.2014 | 0 |
Meet Disney Cast Using Nintendo 3DS Mii Characters in Disney Magic Castle | 07.03.2013 | 1 |
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