Demo is up on XboxLive for Gold members.
The PSN demo should be up today. Was due for yesterday but Sega, for whatever reason, forgot.
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Demo is up on XboxLive for Gold members.
The PSN demo should be up today. Was due for yesterday but Sega, for whatever reason, forgot.
Demo [PS3] impressions:
Just played PS3 demo. Much better than the previous one. No choppy screen tearing and Sonic controls lighter and more akin to his Mega Drive counterpart. Very nostalgic playing it again, and love the Modern style music.
I hope they do a sequel of some sorts, or at least a new game using Classic style. I want a new Sonic 3&K. Would be ace to play as Knuckles and Tails in this 2D HD style.
Azuardo said:
I hope they do a sequel of some sorts, or at least a new game using Classic style. I want a new Sonic 3&K. Would be ace to play as Knuckles and Tails in this 2D HD style.
As much as I want that, I don't think the style of Sonic 4 will change. I think we'll have Sonic 4 episodes continue in that style, which will likely include Tails and maybe Knux in the future.
I actually read a lot of people commenting a while back on something Sega apparently said. That they won't be using classic Sonic again, and Generations is a one-off. But I reckon once they see the success of this game, and the outcry for more classic, they'll know it makes sense to use this style again. So you never know, we might yet get a sort of Sonic 3&K sequel in Generations style, but it won't be under the Sonic 4 name.
I don't think SEGA can release another Episode of Sonic 4 with the same awful physics of the first game. The overwhelming negativity that the physics of Ep1 received aren't something SEGA can ignore.. at least telling myself that is how I get to sleep at night.
I also would like to see Sonic's Classic design return in future games, if anything as an Easter Egg or unlockable skin.
On one hand I agree with you. But on the other, I can see it being too odd for them to use Generations' engine, or close to it, for part 2. I reckon they'll always point people wanting classic Sonic and physics to Sonic Generations, with Sonic 4 episodes coexisting as their own style. Be interesting to see what happens with the next couple of games.
Sonic 4 won't lose the Homing Attack.. that's not a problem. What's a problem is the fact that letting go of the directional button makes you stop dead even if you're on a steep hill, it's bloody ridiculous.
Unless things are fixed the succeeding Episodes will probably bomb or something. Yeah Sonic 4 can have its own style.. I'm not expecting its graphics to change, which is fine, but if the physics aren't severely worked on it'll suck forever (it's pretty much the only thing stopping S4 from being a great game).
Yeah, maybe they could just rework the physics a little so that Sonic's halting is scrapped and other niggles with it are fixed, like uncurling (big wtf). To be fair, a Generations engine with homing attack and whatever other moves he has could work/look good.
I agree the next episodes' sales might be a cause for concern. Ep1 sold very well, Sega have commented, but it probably sold most of those because of the name alone. Ep2 might not fair so well now that everyone knows how pants it controlled.
I just have this feeling Sega will be too stubbon about it and keep the physics the same, maybe changing very little.
( Edited 19.10.2011 19:40 by Azuardo )
Azuardo said:
I just have this feeling Sega will be too stubbon about it and keep the physics the same, maybe changing very little.
Plus SEGA have commented that they know of the biggest complaint with Sonic 4 - what do you think that is? I highly doubt it's the Homing Attack or music. Idk, if SEGA have acknowledged how crappy it is then not fixing it would be such a dick move.
And if it's not fixed.. I'll just play Generations forever ehehe.
I played the first demo - was *alright* - though Sonic felt a bit clunky and I couldn't "dash jump". Glad to know he's a bit lighter - would you say it's close to the Genesis ones?
Definitely more closer to MD Sonics. Not 100% there, but that clunky, heavy feeling of Sonic from the last demo is gone, thank god.
I'd say it does a better job of matching the MD games than Sonic Advance does.. probably does an even better job of it than Knuckles Chaotix does lol. (I've tried it recently, it's a bit derpy)
The main problem with Generations is the scripts and automation. Roll down a hill gaining more than enough speed to pass through a loop and it doesn't work. You either run or spin dash. Springs too force you in the way the developers want you to use it.
Overall, it's now much better than SOnic 4 and hopefully, Sonic 4 Episode 2 can take it even further to near perfection!
I haven't downloaded this yet, but I will later today!.
Downloading now, will share my thoughts later.
Just played through both modes and the controls are practically perfect for 2D Sonic, I'd say the best of any Sonic game. That spin-dash works great. I'm still struggling to keep up with Sonic though, the backgrounds are so detailed, I loose sight of him. Perhaps they need to put some blur on them, giving it an out of focus look. That way he would stand out more.
Modern Sonic is what I expected really, though it controls better than Colours does.
It's shaping up to be the best Sonic game I've ever played, so I'm definitely going to get this.
I hate this attitude that newer Sonic games have to be 100% like the Mega Drive ones. You know, that'd be so boring, I'd rather play Generations over the Mega Drive ones any day. I've never known a fan-base so stuck in the past and attached to such small details. Just this demo alone is for more exciting and enjoyable.
( Edited 20.10.2011 10:47 by Marzy )
Squidboy said:
Sonic CD Trailer
Give me the Japanese/Megadrive PAL versions anytime over that one (I'm not a huge fan of the game itself, but the JPN/EU soundtrack was cool )
Marzy said:I hate this attitude that newer Sonic games have to be 100% like the Mega Drive ones. You know, that'd be so boring, I'd rather play Generations over the Mega Drive ones any day. I've never known a fan-base so stuck in the past and attached to such small details. Just this demo alone is for more exciting and enjoyable.
I personally am happy with Generations, a few further tweaks in future games and Sega are on to a real winner. Still won't beat the Mega Drive games though.
Kafei2006 said:
Crappy North American soundtrack :/. I hope Europeans won't be stuck with that version again, like Sega did on GameCube.Give me the Japanese/Megadrive PAL versions anytime over that one (I'm not a huge fan of the game itself, but the JPN/EU soundtrack was cool
Ifrit XXII said:
For Generations, the attitudes have been more relaxed. Sonic 4 however deserved all the flak it got. If Sega advertise the game as classic then you can't really blame people for being annoyed when they realise it's anything but right?
Also yay Sonic CD! Why does it say "see where the Sonic 4 saga began"? that's a bit weird. I guess it could be because Metal Sonic will be appearing in Episode 2, marking his only entry into a numbered Sonic title.
As for the soundtracks.. I love both of them - I will never understand why people dislike the North American ones.
Was gonna say what Ifrit said really. I'm always happy for change, but if you start calling something Sonic 4 or Classic Sonic, you expect it to play like it. I think fans had every right to complain about Sonic 4. Still a decent game though. Generations on the other hand, I'm really happy about. It's near enough the same as MD Sonic and deserves the Classic name.
As for Sonic CD mentioning Sonic 4, something to do with the game timeline they're making up as they go along, I think. First Sonic CD trailer a couple of months back showed Modern Sonic from Sonic 4 running along, then hitting a Past signpost and turning into CD Sonic, implying Sonic CD takes place after Sonic 4 Episode I. No idea how they plan to explain things further though.
Weird about the Sonic CD thing, but could be fun to get some more details on its placing in continuity I guess.
And, I did a little comparison of Unleashed/Colours/Generations (so far anyway), nothing amazing just some general observations.
Sonic Generations will be released on November 25 in Europe on 3DS
Squidboy said:
Sonic Generations will be released on November 25 in Europe on 3DS