Sherwiinator said:
Shame there's nothing similar to SA 1 and 2 on the dreamcast - sort of level
Do you mean a level that is more like the ones in those games, i.e. the slower, more adventure-/platformer-like stages? I think in City Escape modern you can still move around freely as in the same level in SA2, so maybe it'll be the same for the SA1 stage. But this is only from what I've seen/heard.
But I agree - I loved SA1 and 2 back in the day, and think it's a shame we don't quite have those Adventure games anymore. It's more about boosting along a much more linear path for 3D Sonic.
Any non-PS3/360 owners picking this one up for 3DS? Would be a good place to get into the series if you missed out on the Mega Drive classics and beyond.