Sonic Generations: Officially Announced

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Sherwiinator said:

Shame there's nothing similar to SA 1 and 2 on the dreamcast - sort of level

Do you mean a level that is more like the ones in those games, i.e. the slower, more adventure-/platformer-like stages? I think in City Escape modern you can still move around freely as in the same level in SA2, so maybe it'll be the same for the SA1 stage. But this is only from what I've seen/heard.

But I agree - I loved SA1 and 2 back in the day, and think it's a shame we don't quite have those Adventure games anymore. It's more about boosting along a much more linear path for 3D Sonic.

Any non-PS3/360 owners picking this one up for 3DS? Would be a good place to get into the series if you missed out on the Mega Drive classics and beyond.

I think I'll get the 3DS version if it turns out to be decent, which I'm sure it will. I would've liked them to have some 3D sonic levels as well though, City Escape is one of my favourite levels from SA2, and even if I played it now I'd get an A grade with a nigh-on perfect score.

Mmm, it just crossed my mind... wouldn't both the classic and modern versions of levels be pretty similar to each other? I know modern Sonic has some more 3D-ish parts but other than that? They'd have to mix it up quite a bit to save them having both versions of the same level being too much the same. Unless each version is redone into a new level. I dunno; haven't looked into it.

Bigger front cover:

So that confirms it's 3D compatible.

In Japan, the console version will be known as White Space-Time, and the 3DS version as Blue Adventure.

Azuardo said:

Any non-PS3/360 owners picking this one up for 3DS? Would be a good place to get into the series if you missed out on the Mega Drive classics and beyond.

I'm one of those who haven't played the Mega Drive classics (yet) and I'm not really convinced so far. That's probably because there hasn't been a proper trailer for the 3DS version yet. Will probably wait for reviews considering that my wallet will be very sad at the end of this year anyway. Smilie

I want the 3DS version but hands-on reports say that it plays as bad as SOnic 4 with zero momentum during classic Sonic levels (with uncurling too!). If they can fix that horrible flaw then I'll get the game. Smilie

Yeah I've noticed that! Don't quite get why they're listening to fans to get the physics right in the console versions, but doing whatever the hell they like in the 3DS one.

From what I've read the 3DS version is fine weirdly enough. That's according to this guy

Sonic Generations demo going up tomorrow, according to the EU PlayStation blog.

Likely on Xbox Live as well.

It'll only be the first act of Green Hill with classic Sonic, and the demo will apparently expire after so long.

But hey, better than nothing. Wonder if this is being used for some feedback?

Demo is now up on both PSN and XBL. Downloading atm.

Edit - Impressions:

Generally seems good, but on the PS3 version at least the screen is too choppy/blurry once you're running, so it's hard to see what's coming up or anything around you. It's obviously not exactly like the Mega Drive physics, but it's still remarkably close, which I'll settle for. It'll be a good game in the end, I'm sure. One or two bugs, so I guess they're using this demo for feedback as well.

Happy birthday Sonic!

( Edited 23.06.2011 13:29 by Azuardo )

Nope, the physics are still too shitty. Smilie Far from the train wreck of Sonic 4 but still too far from the classics. Rolling seems tacked on as half the time, Sonic uncurls and starts running. He also still seems too heavy and comes to a halt too quickly.

After fan games have been able to easily recreate the physics from scratch, one wonders why a profession company (even worse, the actual creators) are so crap at getting it right.

I actually now think I'll enjoy the 'modern' sections of generations more now when it's released. Smilie

The jumping seems a Not as smooth as I'd like.

At times, it seems like Sonic is just floating on the slopes. At least he can't go up them from a standing start though.

Guess I haven't played the Mega Drive games in so long. Sonic does feel heavy though. All I can say is that it's better than the nightmare that was Sonic 4, so I'll settle for this, even if it's not 100% classic. Don't know if I'll be buying it day 1 though.

Here's the apparent official level list for the HD versions taken from data in the demo:

Terrible selection.

( Edited 23.06.2011 21:00 by Ifrit XXII )

Personally love the stage selection, though I would have preferred Kingdom Valley for a Sonic '06 stage, Adabat or Holoska for Unleashed and maybe Sky Deck for Sonic Adventure eh.

I'm feeling pretty good about the demo too! Miles better than Sonic 4 and still in early beta stages? Sounds good to me.

I mean think about it, why would they release only a Classic stage for the demo and have it released over only 20 days? Sounds to me like they want feedback.

I don't think the physics are that far off, just be thankful that Dimps isn't developing it. I'm pretty worried about the 3DS version, I think physics much closer to Sonic 4 can be expected.

But mostly I'm really looking forward to it, it's shaping up great. Tons of stuff has been leaked. (spoilers?)

SEGA just can't seem to avoid leaks. Sigh.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No Ice Cap, no Sonic CD stage. Bit disappointing but I did like Speed Highway as a level in SA1. I imagine at some point it will change from the night time highway to the dawn city area that was present in the actual level. I pretty much stopped playing Sonic after SA2 so don't really have an opinion on the later stages.

Ifrit, you should totally email Sega and give them your feedback ;D

( Edited 23.06.2011 21:29 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
No Ice Cap, no Sonic CD stage. Bit disappointing but I id like Speed Highway as a level in SA1. I imagine at some point it will change from the night time highway to the dawn city area that was present in the actual level. I pretty much stopped playing Sonic after SA2 so don't really have an opinion on the later stages.

I prefer Sky Sanctuary to Ice Cap personally so I love that choice. It was the stage I wanted most tbh! It'll look absolutely gorgeous in HD holy crap. A bit lame at no Sonic CD stage but you never know, maybe the 3DS version will have one.

Crisis City is pretty cool looking but it's mostly awesome because of the music. Planet Wisp is just gorgeous.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's very pointless to talk to Sega. Iizuka and his team call the shots and they're anti-Sonic so yeah, feedback is pointless. Just look at Sonic 4, the game got leaked resulting in a delay that barely fixed anything that was obviously rubbish. Smilie

I could rant all day about the poor choices made about classic Sonic but I shant bore you. Smilie

Am trying to chat with Aaron or Ken of Sega. Ken gave me a code to get Sonic 4 episode 1 for free and I told him I still felt ripped off. Smilie

My main problem with the level list is the lack of variety. No ice or lava level? It's just a mix of green hill type levels and city levels with sky sanctuary an exception.

( Edited 23.06.2011 21:29 by Ifrit XXII )

XD! True about Sonic 4 though. Would they have really drastically changed Sonic 4 in that time to what Generations is now though?

Surely they will tweak things with this. It can't just have been thrown up simply because it's Sonic's birthday...

My main problem with the level list is the lack of variety. No ice or lava level? It's just a mix of green hill type levels and city levels with sky sanctuary an exception.

Agreed. This was a problem with DK Returns! No snow, no water. There really should be a variety in an anniversary game like this.

One obvious thing I noticed you can't do in Generations is get a boost by jumping down 3/4 of your way through a loop. I tested for that straight away. Things just seem slightly bigger, the loops included.

One thing I can say I am really looking forward to though are the remixes for Chemical Plant and Speed Highway.

( Edited 23.06.2011 23:25 by Azuardo )

So, Sega have released this official artwork, confirming that Metal Sonic will be in Generations:

Image for

I'm really happy about this, but I think he looks too stubby. Even classic Sonic himself I think looks a little too short compared to his original sprites. Metal Sonic in Sonic CD was taller than Sonic. Hopefully that will be the case in this game.

I don't think there's a Sonic CD stage still though. Apparently Metal Sonic will be a boss in Chemical Plant Zone. Apparently.


3DS box art.
Classic and Modern Tails renders (for 3DS version?).
Chemical Plant and Stardust Speedway revealed.
Looks like Stardust Speedway could be a boss stage to fight Metal Sonic.


Image for
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Chemical Plant footage!


( Edited 06.08.2011 23:46 by Azuardo )

Looking pretty sweet now. Modern Sonic sections look gorge. Draw distance is damn good.


Mushroom Hill for 3DS

( Edited 17.08.2011 03:37 by Azuardo )

New stage announced for the 3DS version. Mushroom Hill Zone. It does look impressive, but there have only been a few screens released, so I will have to give better judgement when there are gameplay videos of it.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999


Azuardo said:
Mushroom Hill for 3DS


Bit difficult to get a good impression, but some off screen footage:


If I do get Sonic Generations on 3DS, I certainly won't be playing Classic Sonic with the slider, judging from that. But then again, he didn't look too good at it.

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