Sonic Generations: Officially Announced

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They fixed the uncurling in the 3DS version!!! Smilie

Sonic also seems to have some momentum now too. Smilie

US release - November 1st
UK release - November 4th

Don't think I ever planned to pick this one up day one really, but Uncharted 3 is November 4th. That's some stiff competition.

Will likely wait for a price drop for Sonic Generations.

They just had to didn't they? As if I wasn't already spending enough money as it is in November, I'm so tempted by this.

Celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary with the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition

Celebrations continue in Europe for Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th anniversary with an impressive collector’s edition for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation3 versions of the upcoming Sonic Generations game.

The Sonic Generations Collectors Edition combines limited edition collectables based on the upcoming game, as well as assets handpicked by Sonic Team to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, which provide the ultimate celebration of Sonic for fans new and old.

Included in the collector’s edition is a collectable figurine featuring both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, an exclusive, individually numbered commemorative “Gold Ring”, and a “20 Years of Sonic Art” book, containing never before seen sketches and images from the past 20 years. Also contained in the Collector’s Edition are the ‘20th Anniversary Sonic Soundtrack’ featuring a selection of tracks handpicked by Sonic Team, and the ‘History of Sonic: Birth of an Icon’ documentary, an exclusive collection of interviews and footage charting Sonic’s life from inception through to becoming one of the most iconic characters in videogame history. Limited edition lenticular packaging and bonus additional downloadable content for the game are the final components that make up this unique collector’s edition for Sonic Generations.

Sonic Generations will be available in November 2011 on Xbox 360, and PlayStation3. The game will also be released on the Nintendo 3DS system.

Note: This collector’s edition will only be available in Europe.

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( Edited 08.09.2011 02:11 by Azuardo )

£85.52 on Amazon UK

Damn. So, so want it, but it's an awful lot of money considering Skyward Sword and Uncharted are out in November too :L

Damn, wish I had a well paid job right now, I wish I had a job false stop.

The Sonic fan within me is saying "Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!" but the sensible money self sees that I don't have the money, the sensible money self wins each time. Not even sure if I'll get the Zelda bundle if that's limited edition.

Hmm, I'm hoping other sites will list it for a bit less, but I don't know if it'll go much lower than £80, which is still a lot.

Yeah, I'll probably just get the normal version when I get a PS3, I think I'll definitely get one for Christmas, just got to decide how much time I'm willing to spend on it because of Uni, and Sonic's a good short game to play from time to time.

£80!? Bloody hell. I was going to get this, but no ruddy chance at that price.

Will get the regular editions on PS3 and 3DS after Christmas methinks.

( Edited 09.09.2011 03:38 by Phoenixus )

Not sure whether to buy the 3DS version over the 360 version. The 3DS version seems to be shaping up nicely by the looks of it. Things certainly seemed to have changed since the C3 preview. Smilie

New rival confirmed for Sonic Gen.

New 3DS trailer


Looks Great.

( Edited 13.09.2011 17:01 by Stulaw )

Sexy home version screens.

lol at the first screen. Sonic's a wanker?

( Edited 14.09.2011 01:46 by Azuardo )

Got shivers watching this. Loving the music.


That music gives me goosebumps.

Fuck it, PS3 and 3DS versions now.

New console level screens.

It is


Jeeesus this game looks gorgeous ;_; and actually the 3DS version isn't shaping up too badly at all. It looks like a solid offering from both options and I can't bloody wait Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The stages in this version look like a good choice, but I wonder if the story about the handheld stages will be true. Oh, well the game on a whole looks better than all the older builds. Can't wait for both. I need my Sonic fix.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Oh yeah am I the only one worried that the Modern Mushroom Hill music doesn't sound remixed at all?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, weird that. They probably just forgot to use it in the trailer, every modern level should have a remix,



Hehe, saw that last night. The more I see, the more I excite.

Anyone picking this up day 1? I'm highly tempted, but it's out the same day as Uncharted 3, and the same month as Skyward Sword, so it wouldn't get played much, I reckon. I might just wait for a little while.

I'd say there's a very good chance I'll get the 3DS version on release day, provided I can find it for £25 or so online somewhere. The PS3 version will be obtained in the January sales.

I remember when Unleashed came out it hit £20 quite quickly, so I hope this one does too (not due to low sales though).

Jan sales sounds like a good idea. I was really tempted by the limited edition bundle for a while though, even if it is over £80. Wonder if that will drop a bit by then... If it went down to like £50 I think I'd jump on it, but can't see it really. £20 for the PS3 version would be damn good.

Will be buying both versions (collector's edition included) on launch, it's easily one of my most anticipated games atm.

I'm absolutely loving all the little nods and references and it's great to know how hard they've been working on capturing the classic feel too. If only we could forget about Sonic 4 and just have this instead lol.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'll try and grab it before the buzz surrounding the game dies down. Hopeful that shopto, gamestation or somewhere similar will have the 360 version for around 25. You'd be surprised how often one of them will be selling at that sort of price not too long after launch.

( Edited 22.09.2011 14:48 by Soundworks )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Hey guys you know what's hilarious this game still has so many naysayers omg that's funny are they blind.
Honestly it's looking pretty immense and when all this quality stuff hits us there will still be people complaining baww.

( Edited 28.09.2011 15:00 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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