Anyone notice Project P-100?
Edit: Just after you posted it Calum
( Edited 05.06.2012 19:03 by Stulaw )
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Anyone notice Project P-100?
Edit: Just after you posted it Calum
( Edited 05.06.2012 19:03 by Stulaw )
Another WiiU mini-game game announced. Game & Wario
Why does Nintendo think everyone loves mini games so much?
that's probably just a more in depth control demo.
Erm, are they saving some Wii U game announcements for their third conference? Because if that's it, I am so unconvinced about Nintendo's intent to tap back into their core (loyal) gamers. Where was the killer game? That Super Mario Bros U is a joke of a launch title. Absolutely nothing there for me. The few third party games already knocking about on 360/PS3 (Mass Effect 3, Arkham City) seem pretty pointless too.
Reggie claims there's seven unannounced first party titles still to be revealed yet.
The killer title is Pikmin 3. :3
( Edited 05.06.2012 19:48 by Marzy )
Hawk said:
Why does Nintendo think everyone loves mini games so much?
And personally I couldn't ask for a better launch title than Pikmin 3.
I wonder if Nintendo is still working on the wii u and some games, the press conference seemed really quick, not like before.
Ok guys for people disappointed at what was shown can I just remind you of what the whole point of E3 is?
E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo - it's a showcase, it's not dedicated for gamers, it's dedicated for world press, showcasing new technology, new innovative and unique methods of gaming and doing new shit with machines.
Teaching dogs new tricks, that's E3's purpose.
Nintendo's conference was slow at points, bur they had an hour an a half to:
- Prove they were making games
- Prove they had good third party support for once
- Show off how the new hardware works
- Showcase how it can make different family experiences (like with Nintendo Land and WiiFitU)
Dudes those games don't appeal to me either, they don't appeal to a lot of gamers out there.
But are the press impressed? Yes, is the marketing for this thing gonna have tons of investors, sharers and supporters in the industry? Yes. It shows that the system is something third parties WANT to get on board with, the WiiU has power, it has convenience.
Nintendo can't possibly please everyone, they have to think about themselves as a business too and E3 is THE business opportunity. Some gamers were impressed, some were not, but the games are there and they're on the way, just because they weren't shown at the press conference (i.e. the conference intended for press) doesn't mean they're not there.
Calm your panties Nintendo needs support to get anywhere at all or people will just complain about that lack of that.
The industry is a lot more complicated than most people think, there's a lot more to running a successful gaming business than showing good anticipated games, especially in this increasingly crowded and competitive industry where everyone is trying to find a leg up in a stormy ocean.
On that note, Microsoft's also wasn't that bad press-wise.
The games will come guys Nintendo know and have acknowledged that, just be patient.
Nintendo NEED to make Endless Ocean 3. 1 and 2 were pretty, but one on Wii U will be perfect.
I think you're making excuses for them. The other point of this show is to convince potential customers. It wouldn't have hurt their show one bit to give their audience what they really want. As I said a few posts ago -- this thing comes out in 6 months. Excitement for this system has been nonexistent.
This was their shot. Their big chance. Their moment in the spotlight to tell us why we all need to buy a Wii U. I doubt they changed the mind of a single skeptic with that show. Unless said skeptic was hoping the Wii U would give him more "Let's Dance". In which case, that guy is probably making his pre-order tonight.
I said this in the chat: I really hate to be so down on Nintendo. I really do. I expected them to come out guns blazing today. Star Fox here, 3D Mario there, Animal Crossing over there. Fire Emblem. Heck, maybe even a new Battalion Wars game. Something from Retro. F-Zero. Maybe a crazy new Miyamoto IP to push the WiiU Pad concept. BAMM. The full force of Nintendo's genius behind their new system. And sure, throw in the Wii U Fit crap to so that the mainstream press has something to write about.
That was what needed to happen to really get people to want this thing. E3 is supposed to give you clarity on the coming year and sense of excitement. Not more confusion on Nintendo's direction and disappointment with their offering.
I got three positives out of that conference. Pikmin 3, a game we've been expecting for years now, is shaping up nicely. That Lego game looks fun. And at least 3rd parties are willing to put ports on the thing. They didn't even do that on the Wii.
The games will come guys Nintendo know and have acknowledged that, just be patient.
I honestly wonder if they are. Launch is right around the corner and the only thing that seems ready is Nintendopark.
New Wario Ware game called Game & Wario. I guess it'll highlight the console's capabilities, but I'm not too interested in it.
Lets be honest here. The conference was shit after the first 5 minutes. It has the largest viewing demographic around the world and it's meant to be showcasing games. This is no longer a press event, not when the viewers easily outstrip the press. I felt that all of them were disappointing apart from Ubisoft. And that isn't a good thing. At least Sony understand their target audience somewhat. Nintendo just seem really confused.
But E3 isn't over yet, it's just beginning.
The press watches the conferences, the gamers know where to find the stuff THEY want when it comes, Nintendo will reveal more before E3 ends and they'll probably have their own conferences much closer to release time too.
Like I said before, E3 is the one big chance for investors and the press, which is very important for getting word out and marketing on board etc. The core audience can easily find what they want and I'm confident they'll show it to us soon, especially after saying they would.
Yeah maybe I am making excuses, but that's also just how things are. Each company focused on their strong points, Nintendo did show games, even if it wasn't much.
Nintendo Land didn't 'convince' me either, but the controller has, and they'll doubtlessly show more over the coming weeks/months as they even said repeatedly in the conference itself.
What are newspapers gonna say? "NINTENDO ANNOUNCE NEW F-ZERO"? Nope, they're more likely to catch investors and interest by reporting stuff like "WiiU does some stuff nothing else does yet"
I'm just like "eh" at all this negativity because.
- The negativity is the reason no one recognises how good the Wii's library is
- It's impossible to impress every single demographic and niche you have in a time where the industry is changing
- It's a lot easier and less of a headache to be optimistic.
( Edited 05.06.2012 21:03 by SuperLink )
I think you're overstating the short-term impact of E3 and under appreciating the fact that it demonstrates Nintendo's plans for the next year or so.
What gamers want to know is that good games (especially 1st party games) are going to come to the Wii U, and on that count E3 seems like a bit of a failure. It's important not because of E3 itself, but because people need to know that the games are there when the console launches. Traditionally E3 has been the big fanfare for new releases, so people are understandably worried that the games they want just aren't going to be released any time soon.
When people buy a console at launch they want both good launch games and an assurance that of future good games. E3 doesn't appear to have assured many people of either of these, and, like Jacob said, the launch is only 6 months away.
( Edited 05.06.2012 21:15 by Cheesing it up )
E3 is also the gateway between gaming and the mainstream market.
I understand that gamers are worried and if the 3DS show has nothing new I'll also be worried (and bored)
But there are other ways to reveal games that will get gamers' attention, this is pretty much the biggest way to get media attention because E3 has gained such a name and a stigma for itself that no other gaming expo holds that kind of impact.
But yep like I said if the 3DS show has no reveals I'll be pretty damn disappointed overall.
E3 has gained such a name and a stigma for itself
If you have doubts about buying a Wii U, then Nintendo didn't do their job right.
Echoes221 said:
If you have doubts about buying a Wii U, then Nintendo didn't do their job right.
It worked for a lot of people, not for everyone. They'll show more games to convince others later.
If they lost the casual audience, that would be the real loss on their part, no?
Nintendo can't appeal to every demographic in the space of an hour and a half, that's impossible.
Well, they could try to appeal to at least some demographics. The only people they might have pleased with that show don't even watch it in the first place. You say it worked for a lot of people...I really don't think it did. Unless the only thing they cared about was Pikmin 3.
If they lost the casual audience, that would be the real loss on their part, no?
They might have already lost them to iOS anyway...
( Edited 05.06.2012 21:37 by Jacob4000 )
Jacob4000 said:
Well, they could try to appeal to at least some demographics. The only people they might have pleased with that show don't even watch it in the first place. You say it worked for a lot of people...I really don't think it did. Unless the only thing they cared about was Pikmin 3.
They might have already lost them to iOS anyway...
There's more to demography than just hardcore/casual, Nintendo showed different types of games in their conference. Pikmin 3 appeals to dedicates, Mario appeals to allsorts, Scribblenauts to creative, 3rd party support for fans of other systems, Nintendo Land for showcasing the console's capabilities (though I admit it could have been shown much better)
They managed to cover a decent amount of ground.
PLUS keep in mind that it was an hour and a half for a single system which isn't yet finished, normally when revealing a new system Nintendo would dedicate at least half the show to their OTHER already strong system.
But 3DS presence was extremely limited.
If the 3DS had been shown with new titles 'n' all, impressions of Nintendo's conference would probably be higher, but instead they chose to give the WiiU a focus and give it industry presence.
Also I'll say again that being optimistic about this is much easier and more fun than assuming everything's gone balls up when last year's was so great and we already know there's Smash and Zelda on the way.
If you approach the conference with skepticism it's going to be hard for Nintendo to wipe your particular skepticism away when they also have to appeal to dozens of other tastes.
If you look forward to it you'll see that you have things to look forward to, this is just the beginning. This was just an hour and a half.
Did Anyone Notice that Starry Night (Van Gough) is in the background on the Boo level in NSMBU?
Canyarion said:
Nintendo NEED to make Endless Ocean 3. 1 and 2 were pretty, but one on Wii U will be perfect.![]()
Agreed, it could be perfected on WiiU.
That's Van Gogh
There's more to demography than just hardcore/casual, Nintendo showed different types of games in their conference. Pikmin 3 appeals to dedicates, Mario appeals to allsorts, Scribblenauts to creative, 3rd party support for fans of other systems, Nintendo Land for showcasing the console's capabilities (though I admit it could have been shown much better)They managed to cover a decent amount of ground.
That's part of the problem right there. Nintendo hasn't been focused on what we want for a long time. They're too busy spreading themselves thin between a million different groups they think they need to appeal to.
I'd hoped that'd be different with the Wii U. I felt that was kind of going to be the point of this conference. That Nintendo was going to prove that their system was going to have the games we want.
This poor showing doesn't mean the Wii U is going to flop or suck, true. There's a point where you can overestimate the importance of these things. But this didn't do anything to reassure me that things will be different this time around.
It all really comes back to what Echoes said, honestly:
If you have doubts about buying a Wii U, then Nintendo didn't do their job right.
I actually have more doubts now than I did before the conference started.
I'll take a break from complaining about it for a while though. I don't want to ruin it for those of you who really enjoyed it -- that's not the point of all this. I've said my thoughts and I'll try to keep a lid it on.
Oh yeah and adding to my previous point;
WiiU has been trending on Twitter a LOT, Reggie gifs and meme related images are all over the place on social network sites and forums.
Tumblr is absolutely full of people bumming the shit out of the WiiU, impressed with the controller, the 3rd party support, extremely excited for Pikmin.
I just.. don't get that negative vibe there at all, the praise for Nintendo's conference has been almost overwhelmingly positive in other parts of the internet, perhaps even more positive than it deserves.
So what's my point?
The point is that Nintendo obviously did manage to sell the WiiU
to shitloads of people.
Demographics that aren't necessarily every user of this site.
And I was impressed by some of the stuff they showed, am I not included in that? They've already shown more stuff too, the WiiU is sold on me.
It doesn't need to be sold on everyone of different tastes to be a success, it already is a success and they'll grab other tastes when they have time.
Geez negativity leaves a bad taste in my mouth- it's much easier to just see everything as cool
That's part of the problem right there. Nintendo hasn't been focused on what we want for a long time. They're too busy spreading themselves thin between a million different groups they think they need to appeal to.
Also what I said about the WiiU already being sold to shitloads of people is a decent response to what Echoes said too.
For a lot of people, what they've seen over the last week has bubbled interest and killed doubt.
( Edited 05.06.2012 22:10 by SuperLink )
Showfloor Pikmin 3