Official Wii U Discussion Thread

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We have a 5.1 system (we got it for Christmas) and it uses HDMI.

Seeing as though this is destined to arrive on WiiU, I'll pop this here:


Linkyshinks said:
Seeing as though this is destined to arrive on WiiU, I'll pop this here:


FUCK YEAH, TOKI TORI! I loved the first one on WiiWare. Never played the GBC original though.

( Edited 11.03.2012 03:58 by Azuardo )

( Edited 01.04.2012 15:23 by Linkyshinks )

Our member of the week

What an ass, this guy... spitting on Majesco. They distribute games for Wayforward and Shin'en, who make games that are like 10 times more fun to play than your so called AAA FPS games Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Never watch those, can easily guess the interesting content, or lack thereof.

I haven't watched one of those in ages, and I'm not going to start now.

The following information comes from a NintendoEnthusiast interview with a supposed industry insider...

NE: There has been so many different versions of the story when it comes to dev kits. Some developers have seemed very eager and excited. Other have came off as disappointed. What are we to believe?

I: As everyone is aware, there have been different models of the dev kits floating around. Many of the discrepancies between developers about the power of the dev kits are apparently because Nintendo has only given the newer, more beefy version of it to the really big publishers while the smaller developers were left with the so-called outdated model. [Editor's note: I assume this is because Nintendo has been taking their feedback into account when tweaking the system specs and therefore have been constantly updating them with the newer models to see if they were happy. Whereas, smaller developers haven't been part of this dialogue - they only have the dev kits to actually start the development rolling on their new games.]

But, now that GDC is over, it seems from the chatter in the industry that the big “hairy and heavy” dev kit has started to become the new standard of Wii U currently in possession by most developers and hopefully we’ll start to get a real taste of what this system is capable of post-GDC.

NE: Okay, let’s get to the big question: Unreal Engine 4. Is it a yes or no on the Wii U hardware?

I: Wii U already can run something akin to Unreal Engine 3.9 but I find this whole topic much less noteworthy than many are making it out be. While details on feature requirements for the new engine are nearly zero, comments from Epic suggest that there should be no reason why the Unreal Engine 4 won’t be able to scale “down” to work on the Wii U. Just remember that that it’s not power that is the main factor for an engine, rather, it’s the features offered by the hardware and the age of the hardware. For example, in theory, if there were to be an Unreal Engine 4 right now, it possibly could be scaled down in terms of power to work on the PS3 and 360 because they support the features that are considered standard across the industry. However, in reality, when the Unreal Engine 4 is released we probably won’t see much Unreal Engine 4 on them because those systems are aging. The modern hardware going into Wii U could be new enough to support the Unreal Engine 4 at least on a scaled down level in terms of power.

See, this is specifically the issue that was encountered with the Wii, which Nintendo wants to avoid. The problem wasn’t so much that the hardware was weak, rather, it was that the hardware didn’t follow industry standards at the time and therefore impossible for developers to easily port the newest engines to the Wii. The Wii U solves this and more. More than a year ago, the Wii U dev kits were already souped up Xbox 360′s in some ways. So, developers were basically just “dragging and dropping” their PC and 360 code onto the early Wii U hardware last year, even before any new software and projects had begun development. This is how games like Darksiders 2 were up and running on Wii U hardware for E3 2011 after only a matter of weeks in development, though Nintendo finally decided not to show the “instant” port those developers had completed.

Linkyshinks is back! Smilie

Echoes221 said:
Mr James2t3 said:
Simes said:
I just read the specs and still no optical port? why Nintendo? Why can't you fully enter the 21st century? The PS2 had an optical port for audio, 6 channel PCM is good for some but not the correct solution for surround sound for me.

I will wait and see the games before i get on board again. Disappoint.

Actually it's you living in the past, most modern surround sound systems have HDMI connections these days Smilie

But I share your pain, my decoder only optical connections they could still add an optical port to the AV cable kind of like how the 360 does it, hopfully anyway.

HDMI doesn't allow you to connect to common external sources for audio is what he meant. Having an optical audio out allows you to use 5.1 and 7.1 systems. Therefore, my 5.1 headset is useless with the system. Optical Audio out is standard on most newer devices, and every new PC motherboard. To omit it seems like a huge oversight.

True they should include it for backwards compatability (maybe include it in the AV out cable like the 360 does it?) but I think as we march into the future more equipment will use HDMI as it's audio source, as it has a higher bandwidth and allows for better quality lossless audio formats.

There never seems to be a middle ground with Nintendo.Smilie

( Edited 12.03.2012 23:10 by Mr James2t3 )

Epic Game Mark Rein:

"I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people. I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller.

Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That's what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great." - Epic's Mark Rein

Rein also went on to discuss Nintendo as a brand, his time spent with demos and his prediction of success.

"It's a great brand that a lot of parents really trust and they're probably ready to buy their kids an HD Wii that does that much more than just being an HD Wii. I'd love it if they'd done it last year, but I'm excited for them to do it this year. I'd be shocked if it doesn't do well.

Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller? I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we've yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they're going to shock us."

Finally, when Rein was asked about Epic making a game for Wii U, he simply wouldn't confirm anything.

"If I had 10 development teams I'd make a game for every single platform and make that the special game for that platform. If you're the special game on that platform you do really, really well. Gears was one of the special ones on Xbox 360. Infinity Blade is a special game on the iPhone and iPad. Shadow Complex was a special game on Xbox Live Arcade. But we don't have 10 development teams"

On Unreal 4:

WiiU has no chance of running this, the best it can hope for is an adapted version of UE3 which allows some similar effects.


The following information comes from Epic Games' Mark Rein...

- has seen the Wii U version up-and-running
- will not be a straight port
- will make "fantastic use of the touch controller"

The following information comes from a supposed inside source...

- between ten to eleven Nintendo published retail games to be shown for Wii U at E3
- third party games to be shown as well
- around 70 Wii U games are currently in development from a variety of publishers
- Nintendo will be publishing/releasing four Wii U games of their own before the end of 2012
- considering pricing Wii U lower than they want to
- big wave of 3DS and Wii U software this holiday season
- Nintendo has at least three new franchises in development for the Wii U, coming from various studios

Countdown until E3.

I'm actually very excited for the interface innovations possible with the Wii U controller. I was just thinking the other day while playing Mass Effect how cumbersome it is to switch weapons, change settings, navigate menus etc with analogue sticks. Having a tablet right in your hands can really change things in a positive way.

Yeah, I don't know why but some people don't think that it's a good feature, but then again there's so many people on the internet that are ironically opposed to change.

I was thinking of it working in Fallout, it's the perfect pip boy. But then I reckon any RPG could benefit from the extra screen, as can Resident Evil, with the change of weapons and item display being in real time (like Revelations).

Not only that, RTS' have got to come to the Wii U, it would be so easy to make a game like WarCraft/StarCraft to use the tablet. It really does add a whole realm of possibilities while just being a "Standard" controller with extra features.

I also don't get the complaints about the comfortability from people that haven't even touched the thing, I mean, if you can be comfortable with a PSVita or an iPad, why the heck can't anyone be comfortable with something the size of a Wii U controller.

Nintendo Wii U eShop Titles In Development

Level 5

* Professor Layton Chronicles (Level 5)


* Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD-Complete (Activision) (Launch)
* Goldeneye 007: Reloaded (Acitivsion) (Launch)
* World of Warcraft (Activsion) (Launch)


* Resident Evil: The Mercenaries Bio Ops (Capcom)
* Okamiden HD (Capcom) (Launch)

Electronic Arts (EA)

* Boom Blox Wii U (EA)
* NFL Blitz Touchdown (EA)
* Burnout: Rush Hour (EA) (Launch)
* Shank 2 (EA) (Launch)
* Crysis (EA) (Launch)

Gaijan Games

* Bit Trip Runner 2 (Gaijan Games) (Launch)

Namco Bandai

* Tank! Tank! Tank! (Namco Bandai)
* Meteos (Namco Bandai)
* Pac-Man Battle Royal (Namco Bandai) (Launch)


* Dragon Nest (Nexon)


* Big Brain University (Nintendo) (Launch)
* Super Mario Strikers Unlimited (Nintendo) (Launch)
* Fluidity: Toxic (Nintendo) (Launch)


* Protocol (Sabarasa) (Launch)


* Rodea the Sky Soldier (SEGA)
* Renegade Ops 2 (SEGA)
* Phantasy Star Online 2 (SEGA) (Launch)
* Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 (SEGA) (Launch)

Spicy Horse

* Big Head Bash (Spicy Horse) (Launch)

Square Enix

* Demon's Score (Square Enix/Epic)
* Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Wii U (Square Enix)

Telltale Games

* The Walking Dead (Telltale Games) (Launch)


* UbiArt Presents: Sketchtarium
* Red Steel 2: Locked a Reloaded (Ubisoft)
* I Am Alive (Ubisoft) (Launch)


* Counter-Strike: Global

( Edited 20.03.2012 10:11 by Linkyshinks )

WoW on WiiU would literally kill off the competition, if it were true.

News appears to be incoming tomorrow when an embargo lifts. Nintendo Gamer will have an issue out tomorrow also.

Can't say I'm impressed by what he said. I still don't think the controller will be enough, I think there will need to be a range of unique features. I can easily see Sony and Microsoft releasing tablet controllers for the next consoles.

I just hope they are not concentrating on getting current gen HD games running on their platform and are aware that they need to at the very least be able to run next gen games.

Even if they end up as the PS2 (with the weakest system of that gen) but being possible to get most ports running on it.

These videos have become a guilty pleasure, I just find them amusing now..



Gearbox's Brian Martell has stated that the Wii U has more RAM than the PS3/360 and that it has a "really great processor". He also mentions that the Wii U version Aliens: Colonial Marines will probably be the best looking version.

Brian Martell
Things like the Wii U are becoming very sexy with what you can do with the controller, especially with what you're able to do with the motion tracker or whatever the sub gameplay you'd get to see on there. I think the machine itself will have one of the best looking versions of the game because they've got more RAM [and] they're late in the cycle so they've got this really great processor.

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine

( Edited 04.04.2012 20:33 by Mush123 )

The following analysis and commentary comes from David Gibson at Macquarie Capital Securities (Japan) Limited...

- has downgraded Nintendo stock to "underperform"
- "increasingly problematic structural problems for the company."
- target price of �10,000
- "if Nintendo went iOS/Android with games we think the stock could be worth �20,000+, but in our view that's not going to happen."
- "competitive position of the WiiU has deteriorated"
- advises avoiding Nintendo stock until E3.

Gibson outlined three potentially big problems for Nintendo:

- Wii U GPU is less powerful than Xbox360/PS3 according to developers
- iPad with its retina display shows where Apple is taking its 4 screen infrastructure, leaving Wii U less connected and less relevant
- Wii U will have 1-year window to gain installed base before PS4 (Orbis) and then Xbox Durango launch in late 2013. At that point, the core gamer that Nintendo is after for the first time will have no interest in Wii U. We understand that Activision has no plans to support Wii U, which means the biggest selling title of Call of Duty will be missing; Konami is also planning minimal support.

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