EB Games are listing $600 AUD
( Edited 14.12.2011 04:52 by Squidboy )
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EB Games are listing $600 AUD
( Edited 14.12.2011 04:52 by Squidboy )
We won't find out anything until E3, plus things are always more expensive in Australia, a lot more. If we go by what they pay for games ($100) compared to what we do (£40) we end up paying about £240, which isn't a bad price.
WiiU @ CES 2012
Was about to write a news article about that, hopefully they'll show off some games.
Hate to kill the hype, but sadly NoA confirmed that it will only be a 'replay' of the E3 showing and there won't be any new information about anything. It's just for those who missed E3 2011.
Source: Nintendo World Report
( Edited 19.12.2011 18:50 by SirLink )
That's old news, the article is reporting about another posted at the start of December.
The final design may look different to the one seen at E3, Nintendo have told shareholders.
Masashi Morita, Okasan Securities -
"The Nintendo 3DS, released in the first half of last year, faced major difficulties at the expense of cell phone-based social gaming, which boomed by comparison. That started to turn around in the second half with the price cut and subsequent launch of several big-name titles. I'd like to see the 3DS regain its momentum in the holiday rush and use that to make bigger strides in 2012.The Wii U, meanwhile, will probably attempt to establish some new style of gaming, something they'll go into in detail at E3 next year. I imagine Nintendo will try to avoid the mistakes of the 3DS's launch and attempt to trigger a great deal more of a movement from the Wii U's first day in the market."
Nintendo Power Survey:
Panorama view that we didn't see at E3.
One thing I just thought, the Wii U may have a Wario Ware game at launch. My reasoning, well if you take a look at the original E3 Trailer, for around 2.08, it has a shuriken throwing mini-game that says "Excellent" when you hit all the targets.
Stulaw said:Haha, I was saying to Ross on Skype a couple of months ago how that would make a great WarioWare minigame.
One thing I just thought, the Wii U may have a Wario Ware game at launch. My reasoning, well if you take a look at the original E3 Trailer, for around 2.08, it has a shuriken throwing mini-game that says "Excellent" when you hit all the targets.
Mush123 said:
Haha, I was saying to Ross on Skype a couple of months ago how that would make a great WarioWare minigame.
It probably was mentioned and then I forgot about it, I forget quite alot, especially when it comes to ideas.
( Edited 24.01.2012 07:40 by Stulaw )
Footage of Project Cars which is coming to the Wii U.
lol at the Star Trek 2009 music. Looks nice though.
It does look nice and hopefully the Wii U version will look great as well, it's got about a year until it's out.
Plus, a New TMNT game might be coming to the Wii U, it's called Manhatten Crisis. http://wiiugo.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-manhattan-crisis-coming-to-the-wii-u/
IGN are claiming the next XBOX is 20% more powerful than WiiU
If that's all, I'm starting to wonder if the next generation will yield much of an increase over the current generation. It's a decent power bump, but probably only enough to get games finally running smoothly at native 1080p, with perhaps a bit of extra polish thrown on (better AA, better lighting). It'll help 3D games keep a better frame-rate too.
It's an advance I'll take, but probably not enough to really give developers the tools to change much over what they're already doing this generation. Probably the most significant advance is that it'll likely be using Blu-ray Disks, which will give the next XBOX greater parity with the PS4 (and even Wii U) in terms of asset quality and uncompressed audio.
Lol, gotta love reading some of the comments on that IGN article. So much variety! All kinds of fanboys spouting nonsense, PC elitists boasting how their rig is much more powerful, blatant trolls and even a few comments that actually make sense...they have everything!
If this is true, it's about what I expect of the next generation. Power being less important while deciding factors are going to be games, online services, hardware-specific features amongst others. It should be very exciting to watch what Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are going to pull out for the next generation.
Yeah, and there's still people that think that Games Consoles actually use PC Graphics cards, rather than customised chips.
That does mean, from what they think, that the Wii U is about 5x more powerful than the current generation, but they don't seem to be basing that on the GPU, since even the 4850 (which people seem to think the Wii U is based upon) is faster than.
That goes to them thinking that the Wii U will use DirectX, it doesn't, it will use it's own API and Engine build, Microsoft own DirectX (it's the reason why the Xbox has its name).
I highly doubt Microsoft will be releasing the NextBox any time soon, those kinds of rumours always circulate this time of year, and I'm relatively certain both Sony and Microsoft said there would be no new system reveals from them this year.
When the successors arrive they likely will 1up the WiiU
But probably not PC graphics cards- even though games that use the most powerful graphics cards to their fullest potential don't really exist yet.
So in that sense dedicated next-gen console games might outdo PC games for a short while.
Yeah, I just had a look at the ATi radeon 7970 and bloody hell is it a difference, and that's already out. But the only developers I know that would try to take advantage of this are Crytek.
Oh yeah, and if anyone still has doubts about the Wii U's power (not comparing it to the GPU above, that would be silly), I know this is old but.
( Edited 25.01.2012 16:11 by Stulaw )
As some may have guessed, there's more to this console than was shown at E3.
This translation comes from Neogaf; the original coming from spanish gaming site, 3D Juegos.
Yoshinori Ono, Capcom:
What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offer. We have been trying the development kits and some of its new characteristics will improve its possibilities. It isn't something like Kinect or similar accessories, it's something different.
I can't tell you more about it because, if I do, Nintendo will send assassins to finish me! (laughs) But let’s say that Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.
@Stulaw, the benchmarks for the 7970 haven't been particularly brilliant, especially compared to the top tier Nvidia model. They need to follow it up with drivers ASAP.
Wii U does sound interesting, and if rumours are true, then its not likely to be left too far behind in terms of graphical power. First party games are likely to look better than most titles that will hit the other consoles though - Nintendo always have a certain amount of polish.