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Just tried to get on the eShop and found that there's another system update available. Ver. 3.0.0-6E.

No idea what it's meant to do though.

Sylpharion said:
Just tried to get on the eShop and found that there's another system update available. Ver. 3.0.0-6E.

No idea what it's meant to do though.

I just downloaded it too. I'm guessing it's preparation for the Letterbox application.

This costs about 20 quid over in Japan.

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( Edited 22.12.2011 10:12 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Nintendo Letter Box is live on eShop

Mighty Switch Force is out and looks awesome. Nintendo have also released a ton of Tetris.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It's great fun and it's certainly a million times better than no messaging, but it could do with some improvements. It mainly needs a better sorting method for messages and replies should be stacked together so you can keep track of a conversation.

At the moment it's just one big mess and it's confusing trying to keep up with who's replied to who. It takes ages to "Send/Receive" messages too.

Other than that, it's great. Nintendo have officially made messaging a fun experience. Smilie

( Edited 22.12.2011 17:10 by Marzy )

I'm not impressed, I thought it would have a lot more options, useful ones as opposed to nonsense ones. It's impossible to visualise individual conversations easily, it seems so cluttered and confusing.

I really am starting to think Nintendo should give up and just let other people create these things, they seem so clueless as to what fans expect these days.

( Edited 22.12.2011 17:29 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I hate that I have to get 15 play coins to unlock the voice recoding option... I'll have to wait two days before I can use the feature, because I've already used up my play coins earlier today on the StreetPass Quest.

It's great to be creative and I love that fact that it is, but it's not a game Nintendo, it's a messaging system! Features like that I shouldn't have to work for, they should be unlocked the same way the other features are.

( Edited 22.12.2011 18:43 by Marzy )

Well, it works and now you can finally communicate with people from your friend list. You can draw and write, add pictures and add voice recordings, so the options are there. Better than nothing, but it could be improved, ;]

Awkward, it needs a delete-batch option.

Phoenixus said:
Awkward, it needs a delete-batch option.

I forgot to mention this. It certainly does, deleting over 52 messages one by one is far too time consuming.

Zelda VC Updated:


Mighty Switch Force Reviews




Mutant Mudds eShop

( Edited 28.12.2011 21:17 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:
RE Revelations demo
I envy you Japan. I hope we get at least one demo this week... I know none have been announced, but it's really unfair leaving out other regions. >.>

( Edited 28.12.2011 19:55 by Azuardo )

Here's a run-down of the RE demo by Siliconera:


19 stabs and two kicks for an ooze kill.

We should get our demo in the new year.

Tekken 3D Prime Edition




This should help with drawings on Nintendo Letterbox

( Edited 28.12.2011 10:18 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:
We should get our demo in the new year.

Is that just general speculation or what?

Out tomorrow in North America:

Bionic Commando (Gameboy)


Nintendo have updated "Super Mario Bros" in Japan (3DS Ambassadors), owners should expect an update here soon.

( Edited 28.12.2011 19:24 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:
No, I asked Capcom's Christian Svensson about this last week, he told me the company was working with Nintendo to get the demo out as soon as possible. Now that it's available in Japan, it will surely be available here soon, within the next couple of days is my guess.

Check the eShop on New Years Day.

Oh right, thanks a lot. Smilie

Just a tip, Bionic Commando is also released on the UK/EU eShop tomorrow as well. Smilie

Also, Link's Awakening DX is the best selling VC title on the eShop in 2011. In both UK and North America.

Source: NintendoLife

( Edited 28.12.2011 19:27 by Mush123 )

Nintendo really got it wrong re-releasing titles like Super Mario Bros on 3DS Virtual Console. It should be one service like PSN so you can download a VC game on Wii and transfer to 3DS, and vice versa.

By the way guys, multiple videos are starting to cause slowdown in threads for a few people. So if possible, if you're going to embed vids, please could you edit any of your previous video posts on the same page so that it's just a URL link instead? A few embedded ones is fine, but a few too many causes problems for those with poorer computers. I'll make a few edits myself now, just to bring it down a bit. Cheers!

( Edited 28.12.2011 19:51 by Azuardo )

Love Plus 3DS...

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Smilie That's hilarious!

Official Nintendo Swapnote Nikki

Image for

( Edited 05.01.2012 11:00 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Help! Does anybody know where I can get the cyber slide pad covers or their equivalent for the 3ds. A UK retailer would b preferred but an online retailer with UK shipping would also b great. My giant hands r in need of some grip

Nikkei Trendy Reports 3DS Lite Development Has started:


Trip World is coming to 3DS VC:

Day one purchase for me...

I sent a Tweet to Sunsoft Games yesterday:

@sunsoftgames BIG Thank you for "Trip World" on 3DS VC!. Can we please have the equally awesome Batman (GB or NES) on the service also?


@sunsoftgames SUNSOFT

@********** Thank you for giving a message! 3DS VC.....now, "Trip World" & "Blaster Master Enemy Below". If decided, we will announce you!

In another message I also asked about bringing "Waku Waku 7" to Wii's Virtual Console in the West, as well as asking them to release "Astra Superstars" and "Galaxy Fight" on current platforms.

The next e-shop update is going to be very interesting...

Resident Evil: Revelations Demo


A RE: Revelations demo for NA and Europe is coming.

In the case of NA, we're awaiting our date confirmation and code approval from NOA (we have a tentative from them, but I'll have to keep you in suspense).

When we have something more concrete to share, you won't be able to miss it on the Capcom-Unity blog.

- Christian Svennson

My guess is Friday 13th in Europe and North America. http://www.residentevil.com/revelations/index.php


( Edited 05.01.2012 17:23 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Got my DL code for Kid Icarus 3D Classics. There's no mention of the Limited Edition 3DS they're giving out..I hope I haven't lost out.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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