Games like Street Fighter 3 Online may come to 3DS and Vita:
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Games like Street Fighter 3 Online may come to 3DS and Vita:
Faust D. Strooijer said:Squidboy said:
Downloading my ten GBA games in Sleep Mode nowThis, but 9 of them. Fuck Mario VS Konkey Dong.
I still have all 10 of the NES games downloaded, not like I play all 10, but they were free, so whatever.
I just put all 10 on sleep mode download, how long does it take for them to actually download using sleep mode?
The only ones I won't be downloading are Yoshi's Island and Super Circuit. I've played enough of them already on my GBA and I'm not a big fan of either of them.
Glad to see them perfectly emulated . I suppose maybe it's not completely emulated and perhaps some assembly commands used in GBA games for the ARM7 CPU of the GBA are still used in the ARM11 powering the 3DS, so perhaps only a portion of the code is emulated, hence the fluid emulation on this not so powerful hardware. I know the GBA isn't an easy to emulate hardware (requires a decent PC at the very least to emulate it without any stutter).
Spekin' of this, I wonder if they're not running in DS mode . That'd explain why the option to go back to the home menu ressembles the one in DSiWare games and when playing DS games. That's annoying too because you can't suspend gameplay and use the built-in web browser if you're ever stuck. EDIT : And holding down select and start upon starting up one of these games launches it in its original resolution, just like DS software.
Downloaded all the games personally. It doesn't hurt to have them on your SD Card, and I like all of them so...
Mush123 said:
I just put all 10 on sleep mode download, how long does it take for them to actually download using sleep mode?
@ Mush: Because I'm just not even close to being a fan of that type of gameplay, and it kinda frustrates me to not have a 'proper' Donkey Kong instead .
Also, I don't have any of the NES games on my 3DS. They're too retro, not enough there to grab me by the balls. Plus, the few games that interested me I've already played as much as I'd want to, anyhow.
Decided to chuck Mario Kart as well. Already have Mario Kart 7 for one, but I jumped into a race, and Jesus Christ - wonky physics/controls. I could not turn a corner for my life. And I used to play this game for hours a day, weeks on end, without really playing anything else. Freaked the shit out of me. The whole losing coins as you bump into one another thing didn't sit right with me either, despite the coins themselves being quite easily obtainable. Meh.
Already completed Warioland 4 on cartridge, still own the cartridge, but it's nice to just have it there with the rest of it. Same with Metroid Fusion and Kirby, actually. And F-Zero, sort of.
Zelda Minish Cap I've started so many times, but never completed. It's about time I get to it!
The rest're all new to me I believe,,,
Also, Kafei, wat.
hence the fluid emulation on this not so powerful hardware. I know the GBA isn't an easy to emulate hardware (requires a decent PC at the very least to emulate it without any stutter).
3DS is not so powerful? Maybe not compared to today's powerhouse laptops and such, but it's quite the contender. DEFINITELY enough to properly emulate GBA games seeing as I've been emulating GBA games flawlessly on my desktops @ home for the better part of a decade. And processors (and the emulators themselves alike) have become much more efficient these days, too. Dafuq? o.o
( Edited 16.12.2011 11:25 by Faust D. Strooijer )
It's the CPU that emulates games, not the GPU. The 3DS has a pretty decent GPU indeed, hence the great graphics, but not a powerhouse of a CPU. The GP2X Wiz (which I own) has a much better CPU for example, and it's incapable of perfectly emulating the GBA at full FPS.
Even an old 3.2 ghz Pentium 4 PC (still much better than the 3DS) has trouble emulating the GBA, whether you use Visual Boy Advance or the less demanding No$GBA. Heck, even the Wii has loads of trouble emulating the GBA XD, and this has a better CPU too. It's playable yes, it runs "almost" flawlessly, sure, but that's far from perfect.
Also I doubt GBA emulation was already perfect, even on the best hardware available, ten years ago XD.
Anyway, there's no wonder Nintendo manages to emulate their own stuff perfectly, considering they were the makers after all, and they have access to information that hackers who make unofficial emulators don't have access to.
( Edited 16.12.2011 11:35 by Kafei2006 )
Kafei2006 said:
Took less than ten minutes for me. I put all of them to download in sleep mode and ten minutes later they were all there for me to play ^^.
Yeah, took me about 5-10 minutes.
Faust D. Strooijer said:
@ Mush: Because I'm just not even close to being a fan of that type of gameplay, and it kinda frustrates me to not have a 'proper' Donkey Kong instead.
I used to play GBA games on my PC all the time many years back. There was no problems at all, they ran fine.
Good for you guys then. My laptop which can emulate perfectly any N64 or PS1 games still has problems emulating GBA flawlessly though. That much is a fact. That's why I said that it must be tougher to emulate than even more powerful hardware. Even my old Celeron 500Mhz deskto PC under Windows 98 could emulate PS1 fine, but it couldn't run a GBA games at more than 5FPS.
Played a bit of WarioWare, it's awesome as ever, and I'm on chapter 2 on Fire Emblem, I've never played the games before and I have to say I think I might enjoy it.
I've never had problems emulating GBA games using the VBA, used to do it in school with pentium III processors, running at something like 50-60fps for most games, my current computer runs it too fast sometimes.
( Edited 16.12.2011 14:44 by Stulaw )
I got a right nostalgia buzz from playing Yoshi's Island, it's been 16 years since I last played that game.^^
On the other hand I still don't like Super Circuit. =P
Metroid Fusion. That is all I need.
Kafei2006 said:
It's the CPU that emulates games, not the GPU. The 3DS has a pretty decent GPU indeed, hence the great graphics, but not a powerhouse of a CPU. The GP2X Wiz (which I own) has a much better CPU for example, and it's incapable of perfectly emulating the GBA at full FPS.Even an old 3.2 ghz Pentium 4 PC (still much better than the 3DS) has trouble emulating the GBA, whether you use Visual Boy Advance or the less demanding No$GBA. Heck, even the Wii has loads of trouble emulating the GBA XD, and this has a better CPU too. It's playable yes, it runs "almost" flawlessly, sure, but that's far from perfect.
Also I doubt GBA emulation was already perfect, even on the best hardware available, ten years ago XD.
Anyway, there's no wonder Nintendo manages to emulate their own stuff perfectly, considering they were the makers after all, and they have access to information that hackers who make unofficial emulators don't have access to.
I know it's the CPU and not the GPU that emulates, but the 3DS is more than capable of handling that still. As you can see by the rest of the replies, you're about the only one having issues with emulating it on any hardware. Also, I used to run into the problem of the FPS needing capping myself. I could easily push the FPS past a 100, lol.
Maybe you were doing it wrong somehow? xD
EDIT: By not having a proper Donkey Kong instead I meant just something like Donkey Kong country, something proper adventurous. I like DK in karts, I like DK in adventures, I like DK in brawlers, but I don't like him in puzzle-y confrontations. I want to be him and swing all around the jungle, brah. Even Jungle Climber I would've preferred to Mario Vs. DK, I think. Never played that one, at least.
( Edited 16.12.2011 21:04 by Faust D. Strooijer )
Raid Mode Playthrough
( Edited 17.12.2011 05:04 by Squidboy )
I find the 3DS console very sexy. It makes my oil wet!
I'll be getting two codes for Kid Icarus, I have an account I register all my brother's stuff too as well. First person to PM me, who has a 3DS and isn't already getting a code can have my spare one.
My brother isn't interested in all this shit, he doesn't even use his 3DS that much at all. He's had it since 2nd Dec, lol.
EDIT: Kid Icarus is another one of those games that I haven't really played all that much. It'll be nice to experience a bit more of it.
( Edited 19.12.2011 13:32 by Mush123 )
If it was a game I liked, I'd have PM'd straight away, but someone else can have this who'd actually like it.
It's very nice of you Mush to give it away.
( Edited 19.12.2011 13:39 by Marzy )
Mmmh, I think the code would work only on the 3DS linked to the Club Nintendo account from which you got said code. But I might be wrong. I should be getting a code as well since I will have definitely registered two games by then, so someone else can have it (provided that it DOES work).
( Edited 19.12.2011 13:51 by Kafei2006 )
Kafei2006 said:Considering it's a code you can redeem via. the eShop, I'm pretty sure anyone can use it. Though I may be wrong! Still, anyone can PM me and we can see if it works when I get the code on January 5th.
Mmmh, I think the code would work only on the 3DS linked to the Club Nintendo account from which you got said code. But I might be wrong. I should be getting a code as well since I will have definitely registered two games by then, so someone else can have it (provided that it DOES work).
Oh and btw, the Club Nintendo account I use to register my brother's games isn't linked to anything and Nintendo still said they'd send me a code!
EDIT: The code now has a rightful owner. Congrats SirLink, you will get your code on Jan 5th.
( Edited 19.12.2011 14:03 by Mush123 )
Fair enough. I wasn't sure either .
SpotPass Diary
Tetris is out on 3DS VC sometime soon, it's out next week in Japan (28th).
Guild 01 Trailer
New TWEWY in the works, or perhaps a simple re-licensing?
The Nintendo Letter Box/SpotPass Diary, should be available later tonight.
*Nintendo points will be included with Tekken Prime Edition, Nintendo are distributing the game.
Image folder here:
( Edited 21.12.2011 21:08 by Squidboy )
Nintendo points come with every 3DS game in Europe unless you're referring to America as well in your post about Nintendo publishing Tekken?