3DS Discussion Thread

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Just a quick question does anybody know if you can transfer a save file that's stored on a game card such as fire emblem, and copy it to an sd card in the 3ds? Planning on getting the fire emblem 3ds xl but already have the game so if I get it I'll have 2 and I wanna sell my physical copy.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
Just a quick question does anybody know if you can transfer a save file that's stored on a game card such as fire emblem, and copy it to an sd card in the 3ds? Planning on getting the fire emblem 3ds xl but already have the game so if I get it I'll have 2 and I wanna sell my physical copy.

Yup. Look under Applications in the eShop and you'll find a 3DS Transfer tool to download. It lets you move Cartridge data over to a digital copy, though you'll have to have both at once to do it.

Phoenom said:
LKR000 said:
Just a quick question does anybody know if you can transfer a save file that's stored on a game card such as fire emblem, and copy it to an sd card in the 3ds? Planning on getting the fire emblem 3ds xl but already have the game so if I get it I'll have 2 and I wanna sell my physical copy.

Yup. Look under Applications in the eShop and you'll find a 3DS Transfer tool to download. It lets you move Cartridge data over to a digital copy, though you'll have to have both at once to do it.

So I download the transfer tool onto my 3ds xl and use it when Fire Emblem is in the xl? Sounds simple enough, cheers! I had no idea they released that tool Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Yup, that;s the ticket. Not sure how long the process takes or anything, haven't had to use it yet. Smilie

Soul Hackers is being brought to Europe by NIS America in Autumn. 


My wallet is gonna hate my 3DS this year. Smilie

Some NES VC games are coming out this week, we've played em all before but it's nice to see the 3DS VC finally getting more than one release per month lol.


Image for

Crazy to see Luigi's Mansion 2 is still up there! Really didn't expect it to last. Seems like Fire Emblem didn't last which is a shame.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Guys i have 250 Club Nintendo (Europe) points here that are expiring on the 20/05/2013, it is for New Super Mario Bros (Wii) , i would be grateful if someone could give me a trade as i had already registered this game (when i previously had it and then re-bought it).

Would be epically grateful if we could trade codes for a game i haven't got! pleeeease!!

Flynnie said:
Guys i have 250 Club Nintendo (Europe) points here that are expiring on the 20/05/2013, it is for New Super Mario Bros (Wii) , i would be grateful if someone could give me a trade as i had already registered this game (when i previously had it and then re-bought it).

Would be epically grateful if we could trade codes for a game i haven't got! pleeeease!!

I have a Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition code I could trade if you don't already have it? Feel free to drop me a PM if you're interested.

( Edited 03.05.2013 15:37 by Sylpharion )

Sylpharion said:
Flynnie said:
Guys i have 250 Club Nintendo (Europe) points here that are expiring on the 20/05/2013, it is for New Super Mario Bros (Wii) , i would be grateful if someone could give me a trade as i had already registered this game (when i previously had it and then re-bought it).

Would be epically grateful if we could trade codes for a game i haven't got! pleeeease!!

I have a Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition code I could trade if you don't already have it? Feel free to drop me a PM if you're interested.

Unfortunately thats one i've already got! Thanks though. If you have any others i would be very grateful!

A thought.

I know there's an argument that VC isn't a simple ROM dump.. but that doesn't explain how Nintendo successfully released 10 NES games and 10 GBA games almost all at once, digitally, on the 3DS in a very short notice.

It's saddening to know that Nintendo is perfectly capable of running some of the GBA's most demanding games completely fine and quickly, digitally on the 3DS, and yet we still don't have confirmation that they'll ever be available digitally. It's ridiculous.

I just wish there was an easier way to show demand for it. 3DS Miiverse can't come soon enough.

( Edited 07.05.2013 14:45 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Of course there are no issues with emulatation, what kind of hardware/software company would Nintendo be if they had problems running their own software off their own hardware! (albeit generations apart), their real reason is they either don't see the demand for it, or perhaps its part of a games version of a moratorium.

I am not sure i'd pick up many other Nintendo games that they'd put on the VC anyway, surely you must own everything that you would have wanted to play by now that is in Nintendo's back-catalogue.

Has anybody downloaded and played the Project X Zone demo yet? I played through it once just now and even though I had almost no clue what the hell I was doing, it was pretty damn fun. XD I definitely see a lot of juicy mechanics to learn in the full game, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Ace Attorney 5: Capcom's plea!

Am I worried? I don't think so. If fans really love the series and want to play the game in English, we're expecting them to be there. If they're not, well, that tells us something too. I'm betting on you guys.
...by bringing AA5 to the West (which is a sizable commitment between localization, PD and marketing), I would say, Capcom is also showing a lot of faith in you.

Capcom may not be "worried", but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to rally some support! I know some people have lost interest in this series in recent years but this entry is shaping up to be bloody brilliant, and if you like visual novels (like 999 or VLR or even Layton) then I think you owe it to yourself to try the series out!

I really hope AA5 is a success, it deserves to be.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yo guys, Shane's old 3DS went bust so he wanted me to tell ya'll his new friend code.
If you had him added before, you'd better add him again! Smilie

2638-0275-6627 - Phoenom

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The 3DS was the best selling system in both Japan and the US (third straight month) in July!

Not sure about Europe/UK, but I'm sure it's doing just as well there.

Forgive me if this has already been asked but I have a 3DS XL and i have noticed that there are annoying vertical marks on my top screen, it seems to have imprinted itself from the ridge of the bottom screen. 

Has anyone else had this issue and ways to stop this happening? I have put a microfibre cloth between the clamshell but i feel like this is an annoying fix. 

I like to try and keep my consoles (and everything else) in as pristine condition as possible and having this happen to my 3DS has upset me Smilie

Its not noticeable when switched on so its not effecting gameplay....but its just pissing me off.. Smilie

( Edited 18.09.2013 23:34 by Flynnie )

Our member of the week

Been having that on my original 3DS for quite some time now. I haven't found a way to get rid of those prints yet unfortunately :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's a design flaw of the original 3DS that's supposed to be fixed with the 3DS XL but some people still seem to get it. I've had my 3DS XL for a while now and I've never seen any marks and if I look inside when it's closed I can clearly see that nothing is touching the top screen. Very odd.

I only noticed it when i started using it on my commute. Maybe because the pressure in my bag has pushed down the top screen. I've heard its quite a common problem though Smilie

Miiverse is here!

Flynnie said:
I only noticed it when i started using it on my commute. Maybe because the pressure in my bag has pushed down the top screen. I've heard its quite a common problem though Smilie

I have the tiniest of marks (less than 1cm) on my top screen, but it's horizontally. I never knew anybody even had the problem with the XL I thought that was fixed.

Anybody tried Miiverse yet

Our member of the week

Yeah and the game I was most looking forward to post pics of, on Miiverse, was Pokémon and you can't! What's the point if I can't brag about my cool team of PKMNs by showing screenshots XD ?

That being said I can understand why. Their servers would be flooded much too fast with screenshots, as it's the most popular game ever on the system.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

How do you take screenshots ive seen them in the Zelda thread no idea how to do it myself though

Our member of the week

I have yet to post any but I suppose it's the same as for Wii U Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

"A Link Between Worlds" won GameSpot's Game-of-the-Year award!

Fully deserved, R* might disagree though.

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