3DS Discussion Thread

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Lrrr said:
Shopto have confirmed they can fulfil all 3DS preorders. Huzzah!


Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

You lesbians will probably get it a day early too. I'm jealous. >_<

L said:
You lesbians will probably get it a day early too. I'm jealous. >_<

Well, I'm getting it on the 28th at the earliest so yeah, be glad that you get it on launch day. Smilie

I'm still trying to decide which titles to pick up at launch if any. Does anyone know if steel diver has more substance than dodge mines and missiles and the occasional minigame? I'm thinking pilot wings for sure.

GVG have done a top ten that may help you decide.


I'm going with Super Street Fighter IV 3D


( Edited 08.03.2011 18:23 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Man I seriously want Dead or Alive Dimensions. I'm annoyed it's not making launch Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I was hoping for Starfox.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

17 days.


Lylat wars is the perfect candidate for a 3D remake, plenty of stuff coming into and out of the screen. I agree it's a shame it's not a launch title though. I'm quite thrilled at the prospect of having ocarina of time and links awakening on the same console. And it's portable! The toilet will never be boring again...

If you like LOST and videogames, or really just videogames Check out my Blog

Crapping in 3D eh?

One can dream!

If you like LOST and videogames, or really just videogames Check out my Blog

This thing looks pretty damn useful, it doesn't even seem to be adding too much bulk and if it really does add that much battery life, I think it's a no brainer:


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( Edited 09.03.2011 02:26 by Soundworks )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

That's pretty awesome, double the battery life and just a small increase in size. I can see this selling well.

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Acquire, makers of the "Tenchu" series, are making a 3DS game, but it's clearly not Tenchu, Sony's handheld appears to be getting that...

In Other News...

Dead or Alive Dimensions will get downloadable costumes.

One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP 3DS


Recent Reviews


Diver Steel (Nintendo) - 7 / 7 / 8 / 8 = 30/40

3D Splinter Cell (Ubisoft) - 7 / 7 / 8 / 8 = 30/40

Game Informer:

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition - 9 / 10

( Edited 09.03.2011 10:45 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Kid Icarus (Full Demo)

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

So, anyone else starting to sell off their old DS games before they lose all value?

I'm trimming my library by roughly half, while retaining certain ones that I can see myself wanting in the years to come. (like Chrono Trigger, the Phoenix Wrights, and first party titles).

I like keeping my games, to add to my huge video game collection. I've still got my NES games. XD

I enjoy all the DS games I have, so I will hang onto them.

That Kotaku link doesn't get me anywhere, it just sends me to a list of various articles (the new kotaku blows)


It works for me.

I'm keeping my DS games, mainly because I only keep the good ones. I've built up a library of about 17 stellar titles, the latest edition being Ghost Trick to top it of as my DS' final phoenix lament.

I don't really have anything I consider junk either, but there are a few titles which I know I won't go back to. For instance, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon is a solid 8/10 game, but I don't need it. Likewise with Club House Games. Its an excellent little collection, but I don't play it, and I feel that Nintendo will likely offer another such compilation as a downloadable title from their DSware store.

So I'm slowly bringing it down to about 15-20 games which I know I'll miss or want to play again.

I generally keep most of my games unless I'm really bored of them. Don't plan on selling any of my ds games though.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I never sell any of my games either. I go back to a lot of my old games if I don't have any new ones to play and generally I like to keep them all in my collection, although I'm still thinking about what to do with that shitty Spyro game on Wii I have. I might go AVGN on it and just destroy it with something because that's what it deserves the most. Smilie

By the way, is anyone else feeling a bit weird with the 3DS just two weeks away? It felt so far for such a long time and now it's suddenly so close. Smilie

( Edited 10.03.2011 07:10 by SirLink )

I played the 3DS thoroughly this morning at a Nintendo event in West London. I played everything, Kid Icarus Uprising, Resident Evil:Mercs 3D, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, OoT3D, Street Fighter IV 3D, Monkey Ball 3D, Steel Diver, AR Games, Ridge Racer 3D, Pilotwings, and all the rest.

3D quality varies from game to game, I was really impressed by DoA's 3D effect, I found it improved gameplay, just like it did in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. I played a match of Barcelona Vs Arsenal, my Xavi played a sweet through-ball to Messi, and I beat the sexy Nintendo hostess one nil in the process. The 3D really does aid the game, everything just feels a lot better now, For instance, it's noweasier to judge the strength of pass.

Kid Icarus was awesome, zipping around the screen shooting stuff felt very good. The flight controls are great, and the 3D effect makes everything look so cute!. Even 2D stuff looks cool, the 3D effect seems to make anything 2D look quirky. The art design in this game is some of the best Nintendo has produced in my opinion, It has great vivid colours and character design of the highest standard. The ground based fighting stuff is tricky to control at first, but you do get used to it, once you've got your evade and melee move nailed.

RE Mercs 3D was awesome too, the graphics worked really well in 3D, it added more tension and a sense of urgency to the gamplay. The enemy count was crazy at times, I felt compelled to laugh at one point. Player control with the Circle Pad feels great. It felt clean and precise. It all sounded pretty awesome too, I really liked the sounds of the melee attacks as they cruched in with venom. It's looking like a must have.

Ocarina was beautiful in 3D, and the new features all worked seamlessly together (-the touch pad menu's, the new sound, and new control methods for items. I particularly liked using the sling-shot using motion control, it's so cool and there's no lag at all, unlike Steel Diver's intentionally laggy periscope controls, which are also cool but not as good as Ocarina 3D's. .A Japanese dude was playing next to me, we both looked at each other and agreed that a new Zelda on handheld had to happen soon., After playing Ocarina 3D, I really want Wind Waker 2 now. I think a Wind Waker game on 3DS would look beautiful..

As far as the 3D effect, it works for me, but I noticed some games fail to utilize it as well as others.

I found that I prefer just below the highest 3D setting, this will naturally differ from person to person depending on the quality of your eyesight.

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( Edited 10.03.2011 20:30 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I know how you feel SirLink, 2 weeks is still too long though. >_<

So roughly how big is everyone's DS collection? I wanna see if anyone can beat me. Smilie

That's awesome Squidboy, so did you experience any headaches afterwards?

( Edited 10.03.2011 15:48 by L )

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