3DS Discussion Thread

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Squidboy said:
OoT 3D has nice box art


I hope it's more stylish than that. That just looks like a mock up. Smilie

That isn't the official box art, Amazon are using some artwork to represent it for now. If it was real, it'd have an age rating on it and a Nintendo logo.


Don't know if it's been in here yet but it's certainly something worth throwing in here. Certainly a cool feature, even if it doesn't recognize diagonal movement of the circle pad. For me, it would be kinda awkward playing with the d-pad that's placed that low on the 3DS so it's nice to have that option.

I'd really like to play Okamiden like this but knowing me, I'll have plowed through it before my 3DS even arrives one week later. Smilie

I love how you can pre-order games on Amazon that haven't even got box art released yet.


A little reassured about the buttons then, but heard the d-pad and shoulder buttons are a bit on the small side?

I wonder if any other DS games will be helped by that analogue nub thing. I can't recall any, but there's definitely a handful of games that I felt were ruined by some kind of stupid touchscreen control that should really have been mapped to a analogue stick if possible.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Animal crossing, hard on the fingers lol, ended up using the touchscreen if I wasn't lying down.

I'm hoping that the 3DS will replenish my love of Nintendo tbh, I've felt quite let down by them since 2009, other than Other M. I love the DS to pieces, but again, there hasn't been anything that I've wanted to play apart from the Layton titles as I'm not a big RPG fan. I'm hoping to hell that Gambarion do another Jump! title, its about time they do. I will pick up Okamiden as I think the larger, brighter 3DS screens will do it some more justice. And I really want to complete OoT when it hits, I gave up on the Wii version by the time I got into the fishes stomach, so as something I can play on journeys/in bed would be brilliant. I'll need a Metroid as well, the DS has severely lacked any input from the heroine other than the good, but quickly bad Metroid Prime: Hunters. I think a 3D 2.5D (if that makes sense) title would be absolutely epic, as well as perhaps a proper 3D 'Metroid' the whole gamecube control system, L to lock on, A to fire kind of thing.

Echoes221 said:
Animal crossing, hard on the fingers lol, ended up using the touchscreen if I wasn't lying down.

I'm hoping that the 3DS will replenish my love of Nintendo tbh, I've felt quite let down by them since 2009, other than Other M. I love the DS to pieces, but again, there hasn't been anything that I've wanted to play apart from the Layton titles as I'm not a big RPG fan. I'm hoping to hell that Gambarion do another Jump! title, its about time they do. I will pick up Okamiden as I think the larger, brighter 3DS screens will do it some more justice. And I really want to complete OoT when it hits, I gave up on the Wii version by the time I got into the fishes stomach, so as something I can play on journeys/in bed would be brilliant. I'll need a Metroid as well, the DS has severely lacked any input from the heroine other than the good, but quickly bad Metroid Prime: Hunters. I think a 3D 2.5D (if that makes sense) title would be absolutely epic, as well as perhaps a proper 3D 'Metroid' the whole gamecube control system, L to lock on, A to fire kind of thing.

Fully agree mate. The Wii's been a big letdown for me, and I too hope the 3DS revitalises those feelings I used to get from playing Nintendo. I'm sure OOT will sell a bomb and will hopefully mean Majora's Mask 3D, and possibly after that a brand new Zelda. Definitely agree with Metroid too. I'm a fan of all styles of Metroid (side-scrolling, FPS), and really hope we get one of each on 3DS.

I don't think that they should give Majora's Mask a 3D makeover too. While it would certainly deserve it because it's way underrated, I'd much prefer them working on a brand new Zelda for the 3DS right away because we all know that that's bound to drop everyone's jaws. Smilie If they have spare forces after Skyward Sword is finished, I certainly wouldn't say no to Majora's Mask 3D though. Smilie

Oh yes, Animal Crossing was definitely very tiring for me too after a while. Using the Touchscreen wasn't really comfortable for me either, so I just switched from both methods constantly, although I used the normal controls longer than the touchscreen ones.Smilie

If Metroid is the only Nintendo franchise you like, then I'd say it's pretty obvious you're going to be let down.

The Wii has plenty of amazing titles. One just came out last week, Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Marzy said:
If Metroid is the only Nintendo franchise you like, then I'd say it's pretty obvious you're going to be let down.

The Wii has plenty of amazing titles. One just came out last week, Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Its not the only franchise I like Marz, I just feel in general there haven't been enough AAA titles not just from Nintendo, but from 3rd parties as well. No big names, and again, there haven't really been any really enjoyable obscure titles either, not to mention the fact that Super Meat Boy got the kick too. There where probably like 4/5 'big' releases in the past year on the Wii compared to Xbox/PS3, and that's partly due to its lacking graphical capabilities. I still need to get Super Mario Galaxy 2, I'll get epic yarn at some point too, but still, there hasn't been enough to keep me interested. The DS has a much stronger library of titles than that of the Wii and I'm still playing through the back catalogue. NSBWii I thought was absolutely terrible also. To me, none of them have a 'Wow' factor, maybe that's just me and my gaming habits have changed, who knows.

( Edited 07.03.2011 14:53 by Echoes221 )

Oh I don't deny the Wii has its fair share of quality titles. I know it has - Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3... I think my problem is that I want too much. Still had no Star Fox or F-Zero, but to be honest, I'd rather wait for them to come out on the next Nintendo console now, with full online play. If SF64 does well on 3DS, we might get a new SF for that instead, and maybe even F-Zero 3D.

Would it be too much to ask that they can work on a brand new 3DS Zelda as well as doing up a Majora's Mask 3D at the same time? My bet is that they're working on a Zelda 3D game right now. But MM needs more love - I can't see Nintendo not releasing a MM3D if OOT does well (and it will).

Have you checked WiiWare? there's plenty of original titles on there.

And Yet It Moves is a more recent one.

There has been big names on Wii, but the problems is, considering you have a 360, it's automatic you're going to get the superior version (I would to).

I also thought NSMBWii wasn't up to much and thought it was a very dull experience. You could try Donkey Kong Country Returns? it's not as good as the original trilogy, but much better than NSMBWii.

Epic Mickey is another I'd recommend. Despite it's rather negative reviews, I found it more enjoyable than Super Mario Galaxy 2, simply because it felt fresher. If you liked older platformers, like Banjo Kazooie, you might like it.

( Edited 07.03.2011 15:21 by Marzy )

The last title I brought on Wii Ware was the second Lost winds title and Icarian: Kindered Sprits. Those are the kind of titles I like. Other than that, again, there hasn't been anything that's taken my fancy. My mum has my Wii at the moment for the balance board which she is trying out for work, so I haven't played it for a couple of months.

Smash Bros, MP:Corruption and Galaxy where 2007/2008, that's a long time to be fair. There hasn't been a Zelda for ages, and I don't class TP as a Wii Zelda, it was originally made for the Game Cube if that makes sense. So we have practically had to wait for 5/6 years for a 'next gen' Zelda (skyward Sword) which, I doubt will release till the end of the year/early next going on zelda's past release history (other than handhelds ofc), its like HL2 all over again!

I've officially been loving the DS titles, but again, they have slowed and I've only been playing the review copies for this site (Avalon Code, Ivy the Kiwi? where the last two) but I've had my heartstrings tugged by the Phoneix wright/AA titles as well as professor Layton. The two games that have had the most play time from me haven't even been released outside of Japan, namely Jump! Super/Ultimate Stars.

The DS keeps getting nice new fresh revivals with different games and stories, whereas the Wii feels kind of stuck in the mud. NSMB launched on the DS, then we got a Wii version, which was (apart from the 4 player mode) was basically the same game. Same with DKC, pretty much a huge update after many years. Kirby's epic yarn looks to be fairly fresh though so I'll pick that up at some point. That is probably why I loved the original Mario Galaxy so much, the way the worlds worked kept you playing to see the next one and what it would throw at you next in terms of puzzles.

Also why I loved Madworld, and part of the reason why Platinum games have become one of my favourite (can you call them Indie now?) devs this year. They followed that up with Bayonetta (brilliant) and Vanquish (awesome) with in the same year. They are now developing a Mass Multiplayer Beat-em-up, which tbfh, sounds awesome.

Nintendo keeps failing to deliver on titles, where's Pikmin 3? I loved the original 2 on the GC, Miyamoto said it was in development just under two years ago, do you reckon we'll see it this E3? I really hope so.

No matter how I look at it, Nintendo are really losing steam against the other consoles in terms of releases, it just can't keep up. Its not the controls, I love them to pieces, it helps to keep things fresh and finds new ways to play, but not quite implemented so well as it is on the DS (OK, the DS took a while to get going, but you can see what I mean). The overall power of the Wii is the problem, initially it was fine, but over the past year/two xbox/ps3 have completely steamed ahead. and to me, Nintendo seem to be lagging trying to get its 'casual' market going.

This probably sounds like a right out rant, which it isn't its just my feelings over the last two years. The DS is fine, but the Wii has slowed down massively, and the only AAA titles seem to come from Nintendo themselves, and they aren't frequent enough. We got SMG 2 then.....Nothing until (correct me if I'm wrong I'm probably forgetting a tonne of stuff) DKCR and now Kirby's EY. That's a long period of time with not much input. In that time, probably only one notable Wii launch from third party; Black Ops, which is a bad game on all of the consoles IMO. Whereas the PS60 side has Assassins Creed Brohood, Fallout New Vegas, Black Ops (see above), Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, Vanquish, Halo Reach, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Enslaved, Fable 3, Dead Rising 2 - And those are just the ones I decided to pick up (probably missing loads of Ps3 stuff there) out of all the others. I like to have a little variety to chose from at a given time, and Nintendo just don't seem to be delivering that, only the Indie WiiWare stuff - The BIT TRIP games are brilliant.

I've probably gone on for far too long, so pick me up on anything and everything. I'm still a Nintendo fan to the Core, I just feel slightly let down. On that note, I'm off to order Ghost Trick from shopto.net to get some juice out of my DS before the 25th!


( Edited 07.03.2011 16:03 by Echoes221 )

I don't get why people keep saying NSMB DS and NSMB Wii are the same game. They only use the same art style that's it, the levels are completely different. Also I do agree that the game would be quite boring by yourself but the 4 player mode made it one of the best games of 2009 for me.
Imo Nintendo are doing fine when it comes to games because 2010 was a great year for them. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (third highest rated game ever), Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid: Other M, Endless Ocean 2 (not my type of game but I heard it was good) and Sin and Punishment: Star Successor. That's quite a lot of good games for 1 company. The only reason Wii seems a bit dry compared to the 360 or PS3 is mainly due to the 3rd party support. Last year Wii only got 4 good 3rd party games; Monster Hunter Tri, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Goldeneye and Sonic Colours (I'm not sure if this game qualifies as good though, haven't played it). If you compare this to the number of games released by 3rd parties on 360 and PS3 it seems terrible. So I don't think it's Nintendo's fault that the Wii is losing steam, it's more to do with 3rd parties disliking Nintendo and I doubt it has much to do with the Wii's power because last gen the Gamecube was on equal footing with it's competitors yet 3rd parties still neglected it. Then again PS2 did heavily dominate the market but it doesn't explain why the Xbox didn't get shun.

Marzy said:
That isn't the official box art, Amazon are using some artwork to represent it for now. If it was real, it'd have an age rating on it and a Nintendo logo.

It's probably just a place holder, but these are Amazon's normal mocks for 3DS games, and the one I saw for OoT3D was exactly the same last week.




3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Hm, that really sucks for you Echoes221. I rediscovered my love for the Wii last year(I played MMORPGs 95% of the time before for 4 years) and bought like almost my entire Wii library in that year. I'm going to list all the other titles too but will write that they aren't from 2010. I'm just curious if there are really that few games that appeal to you on Wii. Maybe you even don't know some I listed. Smilie

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle(2010, excellent 3rd party effort, same goes for the first one I bought right after)
Sin and Punishment 2: Successor of the Skies(2010, only bought it recently because it got cheaper, excellent game too)
Red Steel 2(2010, Probably the only game I'll ever like from Ubisoft, it's really fun once you get into it)
Monster Hunter Tri(2010, This game is officially awesome. No question, one of the best 3rd party efforts on the Wii)
Sonic Colours(2010, again an outstanding game)
Donkey Kong Country Returns(2010, excellent Retro platformer with hardcore difficulty level)
Super Mario Galaxy 2(2010, I don't think this one needs any explanation)

I'd have Goldeneye if I had the spare money too but it was the genre I'm least interested in so I had to pass. Epic Mickey sadly didn't fit in there somewhere too.

Now the titles I bought last year from my enormous backlog.

Okami(One of the best games I've ever played, even if it's just an enhanced port)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade(A sidescrolling Slasher/RPG with excellent, more than challenging combat)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii(Contrary to popular belief, it's not the same game as the DS version. All the levels are new, there are new power-ups etc. It's an outstanding game that shows why Mario is still the absolute king in level design and fun)
Little King's Story(A real overlooked gem right there. It's an interesting genre mix of RTS/Action Adventure/Simulation that shines is almost every area)
Metroid Prime Trilogy(Since I wasn't into Metroid during the Prime era(heh), I bought it and what can I say, they're masterful)
Super Mario Galaxy(Don't ask me why I missed that, because I have no idea either)

I'd have bought even more games if it wasn't for the missing money, partly because I also bought the original copies of 4 Zelda titles I didn't own yet for 130 € or so. Smilie

PS: I wrote that whole list because my copy of Pokémon White didn't arrive today either(my luck just hates me Smilie) and I really got nothing to do at all, so don't blame me. Smilie

Well, lets give this a shot shall we and we'll see how versed I am in the world of Wii Smilie

-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle - Completed this, you can actually find my official review for this on this site! Loved it.
-Sin and Punishment 2: Successor of the Skies - I didn't enjoy the original
-Red Steel 2 - Completed it, I also reviewed this game for the site!
-Monster Hunter Tri - Went hands on for C3 several months before it hit. Was a day one purchase from me, haven't completed it yet because I got my xbox a couple of weeks later :O
-Sonic Colours - Not a huge sonic fan, though I have played the Wii version whilst I was babysitting the neighbours kid.
-Donkey Kong Country Returns - I may have to pick this up at some point
-Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Loved the original, alas I haven't gotten round to getting the second one.

-Okami still haven't managed to bag myself a copy
-Muramasa: Day one purchase for me, loved both Kisuke's and Momohime's stories, even if it was a little confusing
-New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Got this for christmas last year, got halfway through and got bored so I sold it.
-Little King's Story - Got this at the Rising Star booth along with Flower sun and rain when I went to the MCM may expo last year. Played a hefty amount of it but have yet to complete it.
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Again, Day one purchase, again I reviewed it for the site, I gave it a perfect 10 score.
-Super Mario Galaxy - See SMG2 post.

That seem pretty fitting then? I've given almost all of those titles a fair shot Smilie I would also recommend Dead Space extraction, Metroid Other M and the Lost Winds series on Download service.

I'm not too bothered about Goldeneye, but I might give Epic Mickey a shot. I've had enough of shooters for a while. (can't wait for Dragon Age 2/Ghost Trick, change of form for a bit)

The problem with that list though Sirlink, nearly all of them where released in 2009 or earlier. Can you see what I mean by my lengthy post now?

Echoes221 said:
Well, lets give this a shot shall we and we'll see how versed I am in the world of Wii Smilie

-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle - Completed this, you can actually find my official review for this on this site! Loved it.
-Sin and Punishment 2: Successor of the Skies - I didn't enjoy the original
-Red Steel 2 - Completed it, I also reviewed this game for the site!
-Monster Hunter Tri - Went hands on for C3 several months before it hit. Was a day one purchase from me, haven't completed it yet because I got my xbox a couple of weeks later :O
-Sonic Colours - Not a huge sonic fan, though I have played the Wii version whilst I was babysitting the neighbours kid.
-Donkey Kong Country Returns - I may have to pick this up at some point
-Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Loved the original, alas I haven't gotten round to getting the second one.

-Okami still haven't managed to bag myself a copy
-Muramasa: Day one purchase for me, loved both Kisuke's and Momohime's stories, even if it was a little confusing
-New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Got this for christmas last year, got halfway through and got bored so I sold it.
-Little King's Story - Got this at the Rising Star booth along with Flower sun and rain when I went to the MCM may expo last year. Played a hefty amount of it but have yet to complete it.
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Again, Day one purchase, again I reviewed it for the site, I gave it a perfect 10 score.
-Super Mario Galaxy - See SMG2 post.

That seem pretty fitting then? I've given almost all of those titles a fair shot Smilie I would also recommend Dead Space extraction, Metroid Other M and the Lost Winds series on Download service.

I'm not too bothered about Goldeneye, but I might give Epic Mickey a shot. I've had enough of shooters for a while. (can't wait for Dragon Age 2/Ghost Trick, change of form for a bit)

The problem with that list though Sirlink, nearly all of them where released in 2009 or earlier. Can you see what I mean by my lengthy post now?

I have Metroid: Other M(didn't include it because I bought it a week ago and you mentioned it anyway)lying on top of my Wii collection right now but I will wait after my Pokémon fever has cooled down to start it. Smilie I haven't bothered with buying anything online on my Wii because I found it to be pretty annoying, so I automatically miss out on every great Wiiware game out there which is a shame, I know.^^

Well, maybe we're just different in that regard, so I may not exactly see where you're coming from. I bought 7/11(missing Epic Mickey, Goldeneye, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and Metroid: Other M due to monetary reasons) great Wii titles last year that were also released the same year. That's enough to get me over a whole year in terms of home console games, maybe due to the fact I really enjoy completing every game with 100% and not just complete the mainstory and throw it away. I know some people who do that, which I find, is wasted money. I also do a Zelda-marathon every year which takes a considerable amount of time too, with a few random games that I replay completely thrown in during the year too.

Maybe you can tell from what I write here on C3, that I greatly enjoy a ton of different games, given that they're well designed and fun. Maybe I'm just easy to be impressed in terms of games though, who knows. Smilie

PS: This has gotten way off-topic. Smilie

yeah, I'll put it back on topic in a moment.

I, Like you love the majority of games, I just feel like I complete them too quickly, on the hardest difficulty too. There are only some games that I will go for the 100% completion, others I just go for the experience.

Can't wait for the 3DS though, have it pre-ordered and really looking forward to the titles that it brings, as well as seeing the platform develop over time.

I'm actually really looking forward to 3DS. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a console launch.

It's a shame we won't be getting Steel Diver in the UK at launch 'cause I liked the look of that one.

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In standard mode DS games aren't perfectly upscaled due to the difference in pixels between the two consoles, which means there is some blurring. However, for the few people who will be bothered by this, you can hold down start and select upon boot up and the game will display in the DS's original resolution, which is far sharper.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I wasn't too interested in Kid Icarus before but the gameplay actually looks pretty fun.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Shopto have confirmed they can fulfil all 3DS preorders. Huzzah!

Lrrr said:
Shopto have confirmed they can fulfil all 3DS preorders. Huzzah!

Ditto Smilie

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