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Seems like Face Raiders is a good reason to get a 3DS.
FaceRaiders looks awesome.
On the other hand, I'm pretty disappointed that my GAME store still doesn't have a 3DS in to test out.
Mush123 said:
FaceRaiders looks awesome.
On the other hand, I'm pretty disappointed that my GAME store still doesn't have a 3DS in to test out.
If you live in London - March 10th Westfield Shopping Centre, alternatively:
( Edited 28.02.2011 20:56 by Squidboy )
I was in my local GameStation today and I saw an Aqua Blue 3DS, sitting behind the counter. It looks a lot better in the flesh.
FaceRaider sounds a little like the name of a porn film.
It does look like great fun.
Squidboy said:
If you love in London - March 10th Westfield Shopping Centre, alternatively:
Sadly I don't. I can wait, I guess.
( Edited 28.02.2011 14:46 by Mush123 )
Mush123 said:
Sadly I don't. I can wait, I guess.
So my friend bought a 3DS on launch day.
I had a go with the augmented reality, the "shooting faces that fly around your room" game. It was great fun while it lasted but I could see that mini game becoming boring fairly fast. I was really impressed with thee technology though and hope they make a fuller game using the technology.
Then I played the street fighter game. The 3D works really well, I found that at max it strained my eyes a bit but I set the dial to about 70% and everything was awesome. Unfortunately me trying to play SF properly ended up in me losing, and I found bashing a rapidly was the best strategy....
L said:Mush123 said:
Sadly I don't. I can wait, I guess.
No you can't wait. You need one now!
Mush123 said:
Yep, so many sleepless nights, rocking in my bed, waiting for that one special moment to experience the awesomeness of the 3DS. I need help.
L said:Mush123 said:
Yep, so many sleepless nights, rocking in my bed, waiting for that one special moment to experience the awesomeness of the 3DS. I need help.
Even if it doesn't seem like it, lesbians too do get their wings someday.
Hmm. Do I buy a 3DS in the US, accepting the fact it'll be region-locked and then just import games when I get back to the UK in June? It would probably only be for a year or two, then I'd get the upgrade. Or maybe someone will have cracked the region-lock.
Simon_ said:
So my friend bought a 3DS on launch day.
I had a go with the augmented reality, the "shooting faces that fly around your room" game. It was great fun while it lasted but I could see that mini game becoming boring fairly fast. I was really impressed with thee technology though and hope they make a fuller game using the technology.Then I played the street fighter game. The 3D works really well, I found that at max it strained my eyes a bit but I set the dial to about 70% and everything was awesome. Unfortunately me trying to play SF properly ended up in me losing, and I found bashing a rapidly was the best strategy....
Was there any English voice work Zack?. And how did the Circle-Pad feel when throwing a Hadoken?
Errmmmm.... that's interesting, especially the effects it has on his trousers, like the platform spin.
This video is pretty cool as well, the bigger the AR Card the larger the image:
Nintendo has given the 3DS its very first firmware update. The update takes the system to version 1.1.0-1J and includes the following:
General system stability update
Update to SpotPass: expansion of data retrieval for things like the notice list
Bug fix for Network functionality: the system had previously been unable to receive data from some hot spots and Nintendo Zones.
Addition of Music Live 3D Video: Adds Super Mario Bros. theme featuring Koji Kondo on piano.
I've finally tried the 3DS! Yay!
Here's what I think of it...
First I'll say what's good.
In short, I love it! The graphics are great, the thumbstick works really well to control things and the augmented reality was fun and worked brilliantly. It felt like a good quality piece of technology, well made and good looking. Street Fighter IV and Oot were the stand out games for me and they didn't dissapoint.
Now the bad.
Eye strain! I didn't have as much time with it as I wanted, but after only ten minutes (I should point out I had the 3D at maximum) I felt a little dizzy and my eyes hurt. Also, I found the 3D in some of the games (Super Street Fighter IV for example) looked like layers of flat images, which is fine, but I ended up prefering them in 2D. There were exceptions though. Steel Divers rolling waves looked awesome and Ocarina of Time looked great in 3D.
Another thing that I didn't like about using the 3D was that I had to move the 3DS around and adjust my position to view it properly, then once I had, I had to hold that position fairly rigidly otherwise I get double images. This could become pretty tiring in itself after a while, never mind the eye strain. I had hoped finding that "sweet spot" would be a little more forgiving than it seemed to be.
Another little niggle. A shiny screen! I was in a bright place and I could still see the images pretty clearly, but the screen reflected everything, which was a bit distracting. Is it too much to ask for it to be a non reflective surface.
I must point out
Most of my gripes are with the 3D and I haven't had much time with it yet. I may be able to find a level of 3D that doesn't cause me eye strain and staying in the "sweet spot" may also be easier than I antisipate. Overall my impressions of the 3DS where positive and I still can't wait to get my hands on my very own on release in the UK.
( Edited 04.03.2011 22:48 by Trepe )
Does anyone else feel like they may end up leaving the 3D effect off for the sake battery life, eye strain and a general "I'm not so overwhelmed by this" type feeling?
I mean, I know the 3D will be very impressive. But after a certain point of time, I think I'll just stop caring. Example: I would much rather play the majority of my Wii games with a pad now.
Soundworks said:
Does anyone else feel like they may end up leaving the 3D effect off for the sake battery life, eye strain and a general "I'm not so overwhelmed by this" type feeling?I mean, I know the 3D will be very impressive. But after a certain point of time, I think I'll just stop caring. Example: I would much rather play the majority of my Wii games with a pad now.
I feel the same.
Brain Ashcraft wrote a great article about is experiences with the 3D effect, you can find it here. After reading it, I'm not so convinced about it at all, though I was never really interested in the first place. It was just something extra to me and if it worked well, I would have maybe used it.
Also, excellent post Trepe, thanks for your summary of your experience.
( Edited 04.03.2011 21:42 by Marzy )
I guess it affects people in different ways, but when I tried it while playing Pilotwings, the 3D made the whole thing better and didn't strain my eyes at all (and I have a squint).
I won't be getting it at launch still, I don't think I'll have enough money until the summer.