Well, the characters page was meant to be updated today.... it wasn't.
Hopefully SEGA notices the flaw and fixes it later.
Also just thought I'd mention that as expected the ridiculous fan community is throwing a total shitstorm about every little detail in the Sonic 4 trailer, including a retarded petition to have Sonic changed back to Classic Sonic.
Some guy within SEGA (who acts as a go between from the fanbase to the devs) put it quite nicely:
The color of Sonic’s eyes may be important, especially to some, but far more important to me is the gameplay itself.
We don’t remember the old games as classics because Sonic’s eyes were black and he happened to be a little chubbier. We remember them because they were good games, first and foremost. That’s the truth for me, at least.
Which has been my stance since forever. I personally love green eyed Sonic, he looks cool, and he has individuality, and he looks more like the kind of superhero that can do ridiculousparkour and stuff.
I love Classic Sonic too, I'd like some kind of halfway point. Like I think Sonic should get a little shorter and chubbier, and his spines a little shorter, and then it'd be the best of both.
So yes, the point is, what if greeneyed Sonic suddenly had an awesome spree of amazing games? Would people change their minds about him?
( Edited 09.02.2010 12:10 by Toon SuperLink )