dartmonkey said:
The difference would hopefully be design. The hacks seem to think it's a case of dropping cookie-cutter patchwork landscape in any old order and voila. It's the elegant design and flow of the original games that set them apart.
Some fan games do that very well though. Think of it this way, for the past 10 years, fans have been constantly churning out hacks and original games with better design quality than the
official games. After all, the fans are passionate about what they do aswell, sometimes it seems like they're probably more passionate than Sonic Team.
Some of those fan hacks could turn out better than Needlemouse, if Needlemouse really wants to go for the "Sonic 1 with different stages" angle.
Going faster with more rings and wall-jumping is not evolution
But they are improvements, and forgetting them would be a mistake.
After every giant leap Mario has made, I don't think it's cricket to use NSMBWii as an example of stagnation.
I'm seperating 2D Mario from 3D Mario here. Galaxy is an excellent example of how 3D Mario has evolved in just over 10 years, and NSMBW is an excellent example of how 2D Mario has stayed
exactly the same (except the music is generally worse now)
A solid 2D home console game in the original mould ('Sonic 1 with different levels', if you like) would be a lapped up.
I would hate it. I must have played ten billion great fan hacks by now, and if people are making a big deal about Needlemouse because they're somehow experts on what makes great stage design (experts that the fans who make hacks for some reason can't be), then that's just going to annoy me even further.
I'd have been playing variations of Needlemouse for years. The big Sonic game that's going to revive the series, isn't "new" at all.
Here's what I'm hoping for.
If they really have to make it "Sonic 1 with different stages", I want beautiful HD sprites, animations, and new moves, like the peel dash, and walljumping, and stomping, and I want them to all be implemented in a way that flows well with the game.
( Edited 02.02.2010 12:19 by Toon SuperLink )