Project Needlemouse -New 2D Console Sonic

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Jump_button said:
Smilie oh man some of you need hiting over the head sonic need to drop all the shit he pick up from all the 3D games and go back old school in the same way new super mario bros wii have
No you need hitting over the head.

Give me a series that actually evolves and gets better over Mario Bros any day.

Some of the things introduced in the 3D games were great. Going faster by getting more rings, or wall jumping for example. You can't just "forget it all", because noone wants to play "Sonic 1 with different levels", what would be the fun in that? What difference would it make to playing all of the million of fanmade hacks out there?

( Edited 01.02.2010 22:19 by Toon SuperLink )

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...AND CHAO...

But knowing Sonic Team and their hate for amazingly great ideas...LIKE CHAO...they're probably not going to.

But of course, it's a great idea that wouldn't technically include a specific extra character and would throw another reason on the "Why I'm not a mere remake of Sonic 1" pile.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Toon SuperLink said:
Jump_button said:
Smilie oh man some of you need hiting over the head sonic need to drop all the shit he pick up from all the 3D games and go back old school in the same way new super mario bros wii have
No you need hitting over the head.

Give me a series that actually evolves and gets better over Mario Bros any day.

It didn't get better though, did it? Smilie

iam not saying only sonic one iam talking about take it back to hat and re-think it and how to evolve it to be a better game with a clean page

PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
...AND CHAO...


Mason said:
It didn't get better though, did it? Smilie

They weren't all bad though, there were a few good ideas that shouldn't be forgotten, that's what I'm saying.

Jump_button said:
iam not saying only sonic one iam talking about take it back to hat and re-think it and how to evolve it to be a better game with a clean page

They can take newer ideas and make them good too. Or maybe they don't have to, they might already be good.

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Toon SuperLink said:
What difference would it make to playing all of the million of fanmade hacks out there?

Ooo. Ooo. I can feel one of those SL/dart things coming on...Smilie

The difference would hopefully be design. The hacks seem to think it's a case of dropping cookie-cutter patchwork landscape in any old order and voila. It's the elegant design and flow of the original games that set them apart. They didn't translate that to the third dimension. Going faster with more rings and wall-jumping is not evolutionSmilie

A series that 'actually evolves and gets better'>Mario? Seriously? Really? Hang on, let me read that again... is this bait?Smilie After every giant leap Mario has made, I don't think it's cricket to use NSMBWii as an example of stagnation.

A solid 2D home console game in the original mould ('Sonic 1 with different levels', if you like) would be lapped up. Christ, I'm psyched about the Classic Collection on DS.

Edit. Oh, and Jump, excellent work there - stars for you. You should be in charge of the illustration for Needlemouse's retro-style manual.

( Edited 02.02.2010 12:05 by dartmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

dartmonkey said:
The difference would hopefully be design. The hacks seem to think it's a case of dropping cookie-cutter patchwork landscape in any old order and voila. It's the elegant design and flow of the original games that set them apart.

Some fan games do that very well though. Think of it this way, for the past 10 years, fans have been constantly churning out hacks and original games with better design quality than the official games. After all, the fans are passionate about what they do aswell, sometimes it seems like they're probably more passionate than Sonic Team.

Some of those fan hacks could turn out better than Needlemouse, if Needlemouse really wants to go for the "Sonic 1 with different stages" angle.

Going faster with more rings and wall-jumping is not evolutionSmilie

But they are improvements, and forgetting them would be a mistake.

After every giant leap Mario has made, I don't think it's cricket to use NSMBWii as an example of stagnation.

I'm seperating 2D Mario from 3D Mario here. Galaxy is an excellent example of how 3D Mario has evolved in just over 10 years, and NSMBW is an excellent example of how 2D Mario has stayed exactly the same (except the music is generally worse now)

A solid 2D home console game in the original mould ('Sonic 1 with different levels', if you like) would be a lapped up.

I would hate it. I must have played ten billion great fan hacks by now, and if people are making a big deal about Needlemouse because they're somehow experts on what makes great stage design (experts that the fans who make hacks for some reason can't be), then that's just going to annoy me even further.

I'd have been playing variations of Needlemouse for years. The big Sonic game that's going to revive the series, isn't "new" at all.

Here's what I'm hoping for.
If they really have to make it "Sonic 1 with different stages", I want beautiful HD sprites, animations, and new moves, like the peel dash, and walljumping, and stomping, and I want them to all be implemented in a way that flows well with the game.

( Edited 02.02.2010 12:19 by Toon SuperLink )

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Needlemouse Trailer

New Project Needlemouse trailer has been put up. Looks amazing! the HD sprites look incredible.

I want to see them use sonic rolling and spaining as gameplay really sad they they just add more speed and drop all the over thing like rolling and give sonic a walking speed and not walking like a tank

Jump_button said:
I want to see them use sonic rolling and spaining as gameplay really sad they they just add more speed and drop all the over thing like rolling and give sonic a walking speed and not walking like a tank

Name me one game that Sonic doesn't roll/spin in. Please. I beseech you.

Man Marzy, that was awesome Smilie

( Edited 02.02.2010 12:47 by Toon SuperLink )

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Smilie the last two but then I just find 06 unplayable

and i know they dont use it as gameplay if they did all speed and jumping oh yeah faster boost boost yeah that fun

they ever really use it at all any more Homing attack make everything to easy they miss out on so much gameplay just to make the game faster

Jump_button said:
Smilie the last two but then I just find 06 unplayable

It is. Also the spin was in all those games. It was even in Black Knight on some level.

and i know they dont use it as gameplay if they did all speed and jumping oh yeah faster boost boost yeah that fun

The boost isn't bad, it's different. Besides, most people loved Sonic Rush and the Unleashed day stages, they just lacked in the platforming department.
If Boost is ever going to be a mainstay they need to tone it down a little, or make it more like it was in the Advance series.

And the Homing Attack was created because it's harder to hit enemies on a 3D plain when you're zipping around, you'd have to stop still and aim your jump carefully if not for the Homing Attack. Needless to say the Homing Attack is almost completely useless in the 2D games, and noone ever uses it.

( Edited 02.02.2010 13:41 by Toon SuperLink )

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Well... stuff happened. I'm impressed and also disappointed. Here's what happened:

First of all we got a couple of concept arts for what we can only assume to be the newest Green Hill Zone type stage

And the US SEGA Homepage now has a small snippet of Needlemouse music:

It's MIDI. Yaaay? Well the composition is nice, but I really hate the whole MegaMan 9 thing. I prey that's not the case here, but I'm still disappointed that it's not high quality or orchestrated :/

Apparantly a few nice things will pop up on Thursday, including the real game title.

( Edited 02.02.2010 20:55 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Loving that art, the tree really does look amazing >.>
Hope to hear and see some better looking stuff soon.

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OK SOOOOOoooo...

Not that anyone cares, but Needlemouse is being officially revealed at 12AM in some American timezone which isn't a British timezone. The reveal is going to be on GameSpot apparantly.

People who are planning on being up around 8AM GMT may want to stick around there incase anything interesting/uninteresting happens.
/subtle annoyance

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Toon SuperLink nothing good come out od sonic for a long time this need to be a new start for him i know you are in love with sonic as he is but

he been dead to me for the pass two games

I like what i hear I dont recall any music for the last 3 big or any of the sides games I know to hear some orchestrated music, but that dont mean its good or bad maybe not your taste

Jump_button said:
Toon SuperLink nothing good come out od sonic for a long time this need to be a new start for him

Sonic Rush games and Unleashed (half of it) were widely considered to be good.

A new start doesn't have to mean MegaMan 9.

( Edited 03.02.2010 22:41 by Toon SuperLink )

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Unleashed level design was just so bad its a joke it like 50% the game they just gone ok we dont need to add anything there. unless the press the right button when they want you to if you try and think for yourself the game fuck up

Platforming parts where just so badly done sonic is not all about speed

Jump_button said:
Unleashed level design was just so bad its a joke it like 50% the game they just gone ok we dont need to add anything there. unless the press the right button when they want you to if you try and think for yourself the game fuck up

Platforming parts where just so badly done sonic is not all about speed

Did you even try to like the game for what it was?
Mario isn't all about spraying water, but when that came along and played perfectly well, noone complained.

Guess what, the daytime stages for Sonic Unleashed played perfectly well, you just have to stop being so uptight about what you think Sonic is and isn't, because believe it or not it's just one game.

If FLUDD was going to stick around forever, then even I would complain, but Sonic plays differently (but still well) for ONE game and everyone starts whining about how shit it is, when it's a very decent offering on its own merits.

( Edited 03.02.2010 23:06 by Toon SuperLink )

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Smilie its not just been one game the last sonic game I enjoyed was sonic adventure

ill be happy if they go back to sonic adventure and fix it up add some good level design of old sonic style and cut all the shit story out as seen in must of the last lot

some real badguy that are not just a button press and some real platforming with gameplay

and give sonic a walking speed

Jump_button said:
Smilie its not just been one game the last sonic game I enjoyed was sonic adventure

Yes it has? Name one other 3D game that was "ALL ABOUT SPEED LOLOL" in the same way Unleashed was? Every 3D Sonic up until then was a platformer, some were shit, but they were still platformers.

cut all the shit story out as seen in must of the last lot

Did you completely forget that Sonic Adventure had one of the deepest stories in Sonic history?

some real badguy that are not just a button press

I'd love to see this "button press badguy" you speak of.

and give sonic a walking speed

If you want walking speed, Sonic Rivals pretty much runs on it.

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sonic adventure story was ok but now they just cut and paste it with new names

I did enjoy sonic adventure but them sonic adventure 2 come out and that when sonic started to go down this hill he on

would you really tell some one to buy Unleashed? really?

Jump_button said:
sonic adventure story was ok but now they just cut and paste it with new names

That's true, but you call the story crap when the one 3D game you like had possibly the strongest story of the lot. Story isn't a bad thing.

I did enjoy sonic adventure but them sonic adventure 2 come out and that when sonic started to go down this hill he on

A lot of people loved SA2

would you really tell some one to buy Unleashed? really?

Not full priced. Also I wouldn't recommend putting anyone through the Werehog
HOWEVER, if you somehow have a lot of daytime stages unlocked, play them, and if you don't go up to it with your mind full of what you think Sonic should be like, you could actually really enjoy it.

Just like the reviewers, and almost the whole fanbase did.

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Honestly, the only Daytime stage I truly loved in Sonic Unleashed was Eggmanland. Other than that, I really only enjoyed the side-view parts of the Daytime stages. Most everything else was try and die over and over again with a few extra paths and some speed.

Werehog took too long and had combat for babies.

( Edited 03.02.2010 23:49 by PK, Mongoose Hermit )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

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