Ifrit XXII said:SuperLink said:
There's a ����£30 difference between the two. Atleast SEGA didnt charge ����£40 for Sonic 4, which you know Nintendo would have done.
From what i've heard, the average play time for NSMBW is around 10 or more hours(depending on whether or not you go for all coins etc), pretty decent for a full retail release. Sonic 4 Episode 1 is said to take about 1-1 and a half hours to complete with all emeralds. NSMBW has the social side to it through co-op to add more replay value and S4 has the potential through lock-on.When Sonic 4 is 'complete' and all 3 or 4 episodes are out, you're looking at a ���£30/���£40 game for a playtime of a similar length. At the end of the day, you're paying quite a lot for what is a digital release.
If the entirety of Sonic 4 was released onto a disc for full retail, a lot of people would be questioning it's value. In some comparisons to NSMBW, for some people, it may even come out short despite it being obviously bigger than the classics (though they are very short games themeselves).
Also, a silly side note but, from what I've seen, I'd say that S4's stages are more Sonic 1 length than the lengthy S3 stages. Also, 6 zones > 4.
Another note, I'll be getting S4 day 1 on Xbox as I've gotten hold of a points card for next to nothing so I guess Sega win whether I like it or not.
When it all ends, NSMBWii will seem more bang for its buck than Sonic 4. The whole idea of making numerous episodes is almost for the sake of milking the game just because they couldn't get it right in the first place. The fanbase should not have to pay up for this rodents failure.
Speaking of tech, it never mattered to me what tech was like in a game. I welcome 8-bit because it is quite possibly my favorite style of gameplay. Anyone can make an 8-bit fan game true, but it doesn't mean all of them are good. Capcom still proves they can take the Mega Man series and make it really good.
I hope SEGA reconsider dropping the price and make episode 2 a lot harder and visually better. Or they can kindly go screw themselves.
Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!