Marzy said:
That's very mature of you... please type what you think of my comment please. An image of a man pulling a stupid face doesn't tell me what you think.
Means i think your a moron and that your comment was full of shit.
That clear enough?
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Marzy said:
That's very mature of you... please type what you think of my comment please. An image of a man pulling a stupid face doesn't tell me what you think.
Means i think your a moron and that your comment was full of shit.
That clear enough?
I haven't got time for people like you.
Yeah ok you keep dreaming about those Mario fanfics making there way into mario games.
Oh Jesus Christ guys, there's no need for that at all, either of you. How can something so trivial elevate to the level of name calling so quickly?
C3 has a strict "no insulting others" policy, you're both being pretty immature about this, especially you Jimmy.
Isn't it great how we all respect each other's opinions on this site rofl lol lmao.
I don't see what's wrong with the way Sonic 4 looks. I think it looks fantastic. I especially like the newly revealed Lost Labyrinth Zone.
Gameplay-wise, the physics and Homing Attack are still far too broken when judging the E3 build so I hope the final version is much better. I don't like all the 'booster, spring, spring spring, booster, zipline, boost, spring,' sections. I want to play the game and now let it play it for me.
I won't even start on the uncurling.
( Edited 25.08.2010 15:41 by Ifrit XXII )
Ifrit XXII said:
I don't see what's wrong with the way Sonic 4 looks. I think it looks fantastic. I especially like the newly revealed Lost Labyrinth Zone.Gameplay-wise, the physics and Homing Attack are still far too broken when judging the E3 build so I hope the final version is much better. I don't like all the 'booster, spring, spring spring, booster, zipline, boost, spring,' sections. I want to play the game and now let it play it for me.
I won't even start on the uncurling.
The HA might be broken but thats why there are alternate routes to take, so it is not just one huge HA fest. Thats the reason the game has a lot of parts of zones falling down so you don't use the HA all the time. I admit it looks broken but it doesn't have to be in use all the time.
True but I don't like how you're forced to use it at certain parts thanks to the uncurling. You roll down a hill and fly off a ramp. You automatically uncurl meaning that you can't kill enemies in the air by bouncing on them like in the classics and must use the Homing Attack to avoid getting hurt.
So sort out the uncurling and then I won't entirely mind the Homing Attack.
( Edited 25.08.2010 21:48 by Ifrit XXII )
Ifrit XXII said:
True but I don't like how you're forced to use it at certain parts thanks to the uncurling. You roll down a hill and fly off a ramp. You automatically uncurl meaning that you can't kill enemies in the air by bouncing on them like in the classics and must use the Homing Attack to avoid getting hurt.So sort out the uncurling and then I won't entirely mind the Homing Attack.
So I hope they change it back. Can't fly into enemies like that xP
I think the uncurling will have an effect on the game. One reason beacuse you are slightly left open for an attack by an enemy for a few seconds and that could screw up your route, but if you do fall down you will just land on the next platform near a loop-de-loop or something else, so it is not all that bad. But still a shitty idea from SEGA.
( Edited 27.08.2010 12:38 by Super Sonic )
I don't know why, I'm just not excited about it at all.
Jimmy2000 said:
Means i think your a moron and that your comment was full of shit.That clear enough?
When is this actually out anyway?
( Edited 27.08.2010 00:10 by shiptoncraig )
shiptoncraig said:
When is this actually out anyway?
I sure hope it's soon, but at the same time I want to be sure it's had the time it deserves.
I want it now, despite engaging in a media blackout of the game . I intend to see how the trial plays at release and then see if I want to buy it afterwards.
My worry is that it'll turn out either to be a glitchy mess or a functionally enable but average game. Of course, this is purely my own speculation.
The uncurling is just shit, end of. I'm not too fussed about the odd running and some strange animation, but this whole "leave sonic open after running up a ramp" is pretty retarded. Seriously fucks up the whole 2D mechanic. What are they thinking?!
SuperLink said:
I'm thinking late Autumn/early Winter right now.I sure hope it's soon, but at the same time I want to be sure it's had the time it deserves.
I think it will be out sometime near Christmas. That would be a great day for Sonic 4. Waking up on Christmas day and then DLing Sonic 4. What could be better than that. But you could be right, there could be a chance for a late Autum/early Winter, but we will just have to wait and see.
The uncurling seems unnecessary tbh, shouldn't have to be forced to use the homing attack when an enemy pops up. As stupid as that is the games shaping up quite nicely, looking forward to it's release.
LKR000 said:
The uncurling seems unnecessary tbh, shouldn't have to be forced to use the homing attack when an enemy pops up. As stupid as that is the games shaping up quite nicely, looking forward to it's release.
But you don't have to use the HA if you don't want to. That is only if you want to go to a higher area of the Zone. You can still carry on if you want when you fall down and land. So it is not that big a deal. Even in some of the interviews with SEGA's reps, they have said that the player can use the Homing Attack if they want to, so if you are going up a ramp and uncurl its no biggie.
Megadanxzero said:SuperLink said:He he... That's almost mudkip...
Super Sonic said:LKR000 said:
The uncurling seems unnecessary tbh, shouldn't have to be forced to use the homing attack when an enemy pops up. As stupid as that is the games shaping up quite nicely, looking forward to it's release.But you don't have to use the HA if you don't want to. That is only if you want to go to a higher area of the Zone. You can still carry on if you want when you fall down and land. So it is not that big a deal. Even in some of the interviews with SEGA's reps, they have said that the player can use the Homing Attack if they want to, so if you are going up a ramp and uncurl its no biggie.
But the main point here is that some of the posters here don't want to have to want to most of the time =/
There's nothing stopping them from letting Sonic curl into a HA in mid-air.
I honestly have no idea where the uncurling decision came from.
SuperLink said:
There's nothing stopping them from letting Sonic curl into a HA in mid-air.I honestly have no idea where the uncurling decision came from.
Maybe SEGA wanted a change of gameplay. Or it might have just been one of those builds on the full game. It might not be in the full version.
Just been playing Sonic Advance 1 and 2 by DIMPS. They seem pretty much exactly like the classics. Sonic 4 looks like they started with Sonic Rush physics with the uncurling and lack of momentum based movement (though in Sonic Rush, when you uncurl, you can still land on and kill enemies). For a game that is supposed to feel classic, I wonder why they used Rush as a base instead of Advance. They've already proven they can make a classic-ish game.
Super Sonic said:
But you don't have to use the HA if you don't want to. That is only if you want to go to a higher area of the Zone. You can still carry on if you want when you fall down and land. So it is not that big a deal. Even in some of the interviews with SEGA's reps, they have said that the player can use the Homing Attack if they want to, so if you are going up a ramp and uncurl its no biggie.
Also, they throw Sonic towards enemies in Sonic 4 leaving you no choice but to use the HA. Just look at the videos and you'll see springs that launch Sonic into the path of several enemies that you need to kill with the HA to get past because there's no other way to kill them or get around them.
As I said, I don't mind the HA but when the levels (mainly Splash Hill) look like they've been designed around it, then I have a problem with it. This whole "you can play without the HA" that the Sonic reps keep saying simply isn't true. You can try to play without it but will feel punished for doing so.
I don't want to sound like I'm just complaining all the time but I simply want this to be as good as it could/should be. Also it's not a case of hating change, just that the changes aren't very good at all. The uncurling is taking away Sonic's pinball skills which he's had since Sonic 1. The HA means red reticules on every single object popping up.
I'm just grateful the game got leaked when it did. They may not have delayed it otherwise meaning mine carts and 100,000 point challenges taking up entire acts. They haven't announced all the changes yet so here's hoping the uncurling is gone.
( Edited 27.08.2010 15:16 by Ifrit XXII )
I think it the uncurling was removed there would be no problem with being thrown into enemies. It doesn't help their case.
I honestly think the HA is a good thing now. Remember in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, there were places that Knuckles could get to really easily but Sonic couldn't?
Well here we are with Sonic 4. When more characters are made playable (assuming they are), the HA will be amazing for giving Sonic more individuality and play incentive.
Playing S3&K again as Knuckles made me really appreciate how amazingly thought out the stages were with the alternate paths and all.
Looking good.
TheStratMan said:Looking good.
This looks like a huge improvement on the previous build of the game. And it looks like it is playable. Hope this continues to improve.
Uncurling to remain. (Go to about 3:20 on the video)
This video shows what is likely the final build and uncurling is still there. They couldn't make the physics momentum-based like the classics because they had already built the game around the Rush physics. That I can understand though why they started with Rush physics in the first place I'll never understand.
The uncurling though? No excuse except to force the Homing Attack on the player. I don't mind the HA and think it has potential past Sega's line of enemies for no real reason method. It just seems like Sonic is now much more inferior. Imagine if Mario could no longer stomp on enemies and had to use the fire flower attack at all times in Mario World 2.
From where I'm concerned, Sonic 4 is looking to be the most disappointing sequel I've played. Not that the game will be bad, only it won't be anywhere near as good as it should be with a title like that. Though I should not be too surprised seeing as Sega have said that Sonic 4 is a a test for future download titles so the effort put into the game will have been minimal.
Never did I think a 3D Sonic (Colours) would look more (in this case much more) appealing that a 2D Sonic, especially Sonic 4.
( Edited 19.09.2010 10:33 by Ifrit XXII )