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Cubed3 Username | PSN ID
Azuardo: Azuardo
crackedthesky: crackedthesky
Ifrit XXII: WP-start
LKR000: LKR000
Lrrr: SmokingGnuMkII
Marzy: Marzy_
Phoenom: Darkspine_S
SirLink: SirLinkofTime
Stulaw: Stulaw90
SuperLink: SuperLink9
This OP is a work in progress, and I may add more relevant info at a later date - Azuardo
Mage's original post:
Looking through the forums till page 9 i couldn't find a general thread for talking about PS3 game and PSN updates, instead i found scattered topics about the latest. So here we go a topic for the whole platform.
So anyways has anyone got The Last Guy off PSN yet?
( Edited 21.01.2015 09:35 by Azuardo )