Loads of games have deferred lighting, though?
No they don't, that's the thing. In fact the only other game on the top of my head that I know uses it is Tabula Rasa (not including what Simez mentioned).
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Loads of games have deferred lighting, though?
No they don't, that's the thing. In fact the only other game on the top of my head that I know uses it is Tabula Rasa (not including what Simez mentioned).
Well the 'lazy developers' argument simply doesn't ring true when you read up on the situation. It's a lazy argument, in my opinion. As for UE3, I agree with you. However, I think you've misunderstood Artmonkey. He's essentially saying that, yes, they do mostly look the same, but that's not necessarily a limitation of the engine. There have been a few UE games that don't look like Gears, believe it or not.
Yeah everybody thought Mirror's Edge was running on DICE's Frostbite engine at first, UE3 is flexible and that's the kind of thing I want to see.
I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was singling out the 360. I could replace the Gears with Unreal Tournament 3 if you want because the characters are designed the same way. I think what happened with UE3 was that Gears was the best looking thing when it released that most (not all) of Epic's clients wanted to achieve that graphical fidelity in their games.
I hate Quincux I wish more PS3 games used MSAA.
@ Knighty
GTA4 also has deferred rendering. But I think Tabula Rasa was the first game to implement it.
Personally, I don't find Quincux 'bad' as such. It's just a bit jarring once you've played the 360 version. If you never did, then you probably wouldn't notice. I think it accounts for the 'warmer' look of PS3 games, on the plus side. But yeah, it is a bit blurry in comparison.
sorry to break up the thread but Cross Edge is released in America on the 26th, no delays this far
wish i lived overseas
co-op fun lol not try players vs yet and the game look so fucking good
any one but me here in the beta as well?
I asked about this on another forum but I'm still not sure about what it involved etc..
As you all probably know, FFVII is finally on the US PSN, but does anyone know:
- How to get US PSN games on an EU PSP?
- or how long FFVII will take to be released on EU PSN?
'Cos I really want it. T-T
According to The Sixth Axis, who tend to be quite accurate as to what goes on the store, it should be there today.
And I for one hope they are right. Although updates do usually happen before now.
Also, new PS3 store design?? Nice
EDIT: Fucking Yes. Linky SE confirmed it apparently
( Edited 04.06.2009 18:23 by Lrrr )
Go get it bitches!!!
1326 MB.
When switch discs appears, you need to press the home button and select switch discs.
25% downloaded already. Awesums
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:08 by Lrrr )
shop updated but i cant see it? :-x psn monkey press the button
3rd item in latest on the PS3. Might need to close it and open it up again to see it.
And its on the PC store for PSP
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:12 by Lrrr )
Lrrr said:
And its on the PC store for PSP
Do I need a PS3 to see it?
Drat, now I have a reason to regret selling my PSP.
Edit: 8 Quid?! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:24 by Phoenixus )
its a program for the PC called media go, downloaded from the PS site. But it should be on the PSP store as well...
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:22 by Lrrr )
its on PS3 shop now too!!!! i see it psp shop will be coming soon
XD omg ff7 on the go ff8 next and then FF9 my fav
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:21 by Jump_button )
Lrrr said:
its a program for the PC called media go, downloaded from the PS site. But it should be on the PSP store as well...
Jump_button said:
XD omg ff7 on the go ff8 next and then FF9 my fav
its been on the PS3 store for the last 15 minutes...I\'m nearly done now.
And accoring to the blog, it should be on bothe the PC and PSP stores about now. Haven\'t checked PSP, but definitely on the PC.
Also, SL...no Solo card either?
( Edited 04.06.2009 19:28 by Lrrr )
SuperLink said:Lrrr said:
its a program for the PC called media go, downloaded from the PS site. But it should be on the PSP store as well...
It's on the PSP store. I don't have a credit card or anything so I've already hit a deadend...Jump_button said:
XD omg ff7 on the go ff8 next and then FF9 my fav
How long you reckon that'll take?
well i think they will want them out this year it be silly for them not to boost psone game on psn with psp Go coming with big games like ff games MGS 1 coming soon too
I want ff9 now XD
Lrrr said:
Also, SL...no Solo card either?
If you have any debit card, you could try it
Lrrr said:
Go get it bitches!!!
1326 MB.When switch discs appears, you need to press the home button and select switch discs.
25% downloaded already. Awesums