Zapp said:
Have any of you got FARCRY 2... if not.. stop whatever you are doing and go and buy that game, spiggin feckin awsome fun game!Btw I have another question... Do any of you own Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty??? If you do did you complete in less than 5 hours... or was it just my copy!?!? :-? WTF happened to this game... the ones on PS2 were fantastic this one wasn't that great and 5 hours of gameplay is terrible... although I shouldn't complain I got it for free!!
I have both Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty, and i loved both. ToD was better because of the collection of weapons, but as a DLC expansion QfB was well worth the 6 hours i put into it, if on the easy side.