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Kanto always was 'tiny' compared to Johto, though. It's nice saying that there are two regions and all, but there was never as much to do in Kanto. As I recall, the majority of my time on the originals was spent in Johto, too.

I'm messing around at the Whirl Islands at the moment, with a much more evolved/higher levelled team.

Nidoking, level 33.
Typhlosion, level 37.
Kangaskhan, level 34.
Vibrava, level 41.
Togekiss, level 37.
Sharpedo, level 35.

Still pondering a removal of Typhlosion in favour of training up a Magby, but it won't be happening for a bit if I do decide to do it.

I've just gotten to Union Cave before Azalea. My team:

Lv 16 Quilava
Lv 8 Rhyhorn
Lv 11 Chinchou
Lv 11 Hoothoot
Lv 9 Dratini
Lv 9 Glaceon

I'm really liking the Pokewalker. It's a nice little addition and I've already gained a number of items and pokemon off it. I hope it becomes a permanent feature of the series and gets expanded to be more useful.

I just caught Suicune so I could get Misty's phone number, with only 20 mins left to spare too ._. phew.

He ate like 35 Ultra Balls T_T

And yeah I just wish they'd fleshed out Kanto more than they did. Add more limitations, add a bit more plot maybe. Johto is tiny as well, so even though Kanto is a glorified bonus area a la the Battle Island, Gen 2 isn't really very big without it.

Platinum's definitely a longer game, hard to believe considering there's only one region.

( Edited 29.03.2010 17:28 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Still, 80 hours is massive for any handheld game as far as I'm concerned. Or game in general. Though 50% of that time is probably in starting/leaving battle animations and stuff >.<

I'm having a real issue with Claire. My party has basically been god mode for the rest of the game, but her Kingdra and Gyarados are just murdering me.

( Edited 30.03.2010 01:00 by knighty )

knighty said:
Still, 80 hours is massive for any handheld game as far as I'm concerned. Or game in general. Though 50% of that time is probably in starting/leaving battle animations and stuff >.<

80 hours is pretty average for a Pokémon these days, if you're taking your time. I usually get to about 80 hours before the credits. However I was really stalling with HG at times, it's definitely shorter than Platinum.

I'm having a real issue with Claire. My party has basically been god mode for the rest of the game, but her Kingdra and Gyarados are just murdering me.

Not god moding, just unbalanced difficulty. The entire game between Bugsy/maybe Whitney and Clair is incredibly easy. I even found Clair pretty easy, but I did have a Lapras with Ice Beam.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Mason, train up a Magby. I had a Lv. 80-odd Magmortar in Pearl (trained from a hatched Magby) and they are so, so good.

I bought SS today, started with Cyndaquil as much as I dislike fire types... broke my heart to leave Totodile there, but I want a Starmie. Currently headed to Union Cave with Quilava, Mareep and Bellsprout. Man I love 2nd gen Smilie

I probably will do once I've done the Elite 4. It's been sitting in my 'Team' box since I caught it, just waiting. Glad to hear I'm not barking up the wrong tree!

So, I obviously got SoulSilver first thing in the morning on launch day. But I've been super busy and not been able to play much, so I only just reached Azalea town. T-T I'm taking my time to play through though, at about 11 hours play time.

As for my party...well, I usually plan ahead, but couldn't decide on six. So, I thought, why just have six? I'm gonna train anything I want to, and keep rotating them to keep them all at similar levels. Will probably make the game take a lot longer as I'll be leveling about 20-30 Pokémon instead of six, but it'll also make gyms easier as I can use multiple Pokémon of an advantageous type. Smilie Anyway, my 'party' so far:

Obviously a bunch of those were traded from my Diamond/Platinum versions, most of them were hatched and traded at Lv1.

( Edited 02.04.2010 18:47 by Ikana )

Yes, I did get Yellow Forest today. I await your offers for my 1000's of Flying and Surfing Pikachus. Smilie

EDIT: Info here!

( Edited 02.04.2010 20:56 by PK, The Mongonator )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Got the Yellow Forest. ^_^ If I search long enough, is it possible to get a Pikachu that knows both Surf AND Fly? And maybe even be greedy and know Volt Tackle too? Smilie

HAY GUISE! I'm gonna need someone to help me bring over my Pichu, Arceus, and Jirachi from my Platinum to my Gold. PM for details! And maybe the lucky duck who helps out can get a Totodile...or maybe a special Pikachu!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Serebii said:
As we know, the new games are said to be revealled in the next issue of CoroCoro, due out on the 15th of this month. However, the first details about the Pokémon Sunday episode airing on April 11th state that they're going to reveal the games in a "shock announcement" in the episode. Normally, we get CoroCoro leaks before or around the 11th so it'll be curious to see which releases the news first. We'll keep you updated the second the news is announced so keep checking back.


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've gotten like 15 of the Lvl 10 Male Nothing Special Pikachu...And not only did I use the PW while at Home Depot today, but also while on my

And it would be hilarious if what they were announcing was something idiotic like "Pokemon Kart".

EDIT: Dedicating this post to Ike, who helped transfer over my event Poke. Thank what to choose...

( Edited 03.04.2010 02:09 by PK, The Mongonator )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I need to configure my web connection to allow DS' before I go back to Uni, want those event Pikachus...

Well I've absolutely beasted the game out the last couple of days, I'm just come through Victory Road and now just finishing training before I trounce the Elite Four.


Typhlosion Lv. 45
Starmie Lv. 45
Leafeon Lv. 45
Ampharos Lv. 45
Nidoking Lv. 45
Hitmontop Lv. 45

I thought Claire was ridiculously easy (Starmie + Ampharos ftw), and Chuck was very difficult. When you have a team of 6 it's difficult to train them all equally and his Poliwrath owns, if it wasn't for Staryu's Natural Cure he would have dicked me.

And I caught Lugia first time Smilie

Robsy said:
Typhlosion Lv. 45
Starmie Lv. 45
Leafeon Lv. 45
Ampharos Lv. 45
Nidoking Lv. 45
Hitmontop Lv. 45

Nice team, you should probably find them quite easy Smilie

I thought Claire was ridiculously easy (Starmie + Ampharos ftw), and Chuck was very difficult. When you have a team of 6 it's difficult to train them all equally and his Poliwrath owns, if it wasn't for Staryu's Natural Cure he would have dicked me.

Yeah training 6 could be a problem for Chuck but I had only trained 3 or 4 well by that point so I found Chuck almost insultingly easy :/ generally I think they're all a bit too easy. Except Bugsy. Boy I hate Bugsy ._.

Right now I'm trying to catch Latias, I spent hours and hours just trying to Paralyze it before it ran away, so in the end I had to get Zapdos to relearn Thunder Wave to be fast enough to attack first xD now to just try and Quick Ball it. Man roamers are frustrating without the Pokétch.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've been working with my less powerful creatures to get everybody relatively up to speed for the Elite 4. None of them have 'proper' movesets yet - i.e., I've not used any TMs or anything and they're all using moves that they just gained through level up/Heart Scales, so they're definitely not as good as they could be yet.

Togekiss, level 47.
Kangaskhan, level 40.
Typhlosion, level 45.
Nidoking, level 41.
Flygon, level 48.
Sharpedo, level 46.

Think I'm just about ready for them!

( Edited 03.04.2010 18:58 by Mason )

I've finally caught all those fucking roamers, Latias was by far the biggest pain in the arse, Raikou and Entei were quite easy to track down and weaken/catch in comparison. I don't know what it was about Latias that made her refuse to ever appear before me >_>

Easier to catch than the roamers of Platinum, but made more annoying because you have to check your map instead of just looking at the Pokétch.

Now the only legie I have remaining in the game to catch is Rayquaza, who I'll try to catch tomorrow night or Monday sometime when I can get my hands on my brother's Groudon.

Aside from Rayquaza I'm not sure what I have left to do other than battle, catch and train. I'm gonna be fighting every Gym Leader tomorrow hopefully, and then I'll spend the rest of my living days customizing the Safari Zone.

Lv 64 Gardevoir
Lv 59 Ampharos (Artery)
Lv 58 Tyranitar (DEODUDE)
Lv 52 Lapras (LEPPER)
Lv 50 Typhlosion
Lv 41 Pidgeot (SNIDGE)

PS. Poochyena swarm today :3
PPS. It's Sunday, so everyone (with the GB Sounds) put on your Radio and NOSTALGIA AWAY!
There's a bunch of 8-Bit music you can only hear with this radio program, like the Rocket battle music or the credits and stuffffff.

( Edited 03.04.2010 23:52 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

OH YEAH, time to inform the masses.

Just beat Slowpoke Well and this is my current team:
Lv. 12 Gastly
Lv. 12 Bellsprout
Lv. 13 Togepi
Lv. 15 Totodile(FANG)
Lv. 13 Dialga <-----HEY HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??

And a tip for all you exercise junkies: If you really really want the rare Poke in the Walker, you have to go on MULTIPLE strolls. This means putting in a Poke, and taking one back. Putting one with a Type Advantage over the rarer ones will give you special bonus. And sometimes you might even get a free Poke for leaving your Walker without a Poke in it.

And my Gastly enjoys poking me...I'm serious...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I've been hatching Eevee eggs for ages now, finally got my female after like... 2 boxes full of males. She's got the perfect nature and everything, and eventually evolved to Espeon. <3
Also my zubat (yes... I gave in to the pressure of them appearing 83756834687 times in caves) and it evolved into a Crobat the level after it was already evolved into a Golbat. I luuuf it. Smilie It's probably my favourite now, and keeps picking up Green Scales for my fashion case (I so love green)!

Right now my team is a little messed up with the hatching and leveling up lowbies.

Feraligatr Lv. 39
Crobat Lv. 35
Umbreon Lv. 39
Luxio Lv. 24
Espeon Lv. 21
Scyther Lv. 33

Also working on a Metang and Haunter, though they take turns in the walker.

Btw, does anyone else have their mum call like once every minute with newbought stuff for your money? A friend of mine rarely have her mum call while mine can't lay off shopping! Smilie

Sheena said:
Btw, does anyone else have their mum call like once every minute with newbought stuff for your money? A friend of mine rarely have her mum call while mine can't lay off shopping! Smilie

Hahah, she goes through phases, she hasn't bought me anything for ages but towards the beginning she did it way too much.

It's good though, because she gets you really rare stuff like Silk Scarf, Moon Stone and Choice Band sometimes ^^

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's good though, because she gets you really rare stuff like Silk Scarf, Moon Stone and Choice Band sometimes ^^

True, got Silk Scarf and Moon Stone and a shit load of repels and potions. I think she tried to tell me something, like KEEP CLEAR OFF THE ZUBATS but oh no, I didn't see it in time. Curses. Curse you Zubat... Curse you... Mom... *fades away*

Got SoulSilver from Amazon, so far I've got 3 badges and my mon are;

Lv25 Quilava (SPLOSION)
Lv18 Wooper
Lv18 Hoothoot
Lv20 Sudowoodo
Lv14 Mareep
Lv9 Bellsprout.

I really shouldn't have gave Joey my number, he's rung me about 10 times already. Finding it really easy so far though, I've got 21 Pokemon on my dex, and cught a few on my Pokewalker, which is pretty cool Smilie.

man in platinum, I got 6 level 100's without ar or any hacks!!!! I am scared!

So, Pokemon Black and White. I can see the racial jokes already. XD However I was right in predicting the names before they were revealed.Smilie
Maybe we'll get new light type pokemon?

Remakes will be Pokemon Caucasian White and Pokemon Negro Black.

Anyway, I hope they introduce the long requested for light type. I can think of a few existing pokemon that could be the light type.

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