Okay, I might be going off topic right, but I kinda had to share this. I'm sure most of you have seen the full list of pokemon at Serebii.
I said all that stuff about pokemon being in a time loop, yet when I saw the pokemon, I was like "What am I even talking about?" Even if pokemon is stuck in a time loop, I saw the pokemon themselves and it didn't really bother me. It's like I know what I care about, and that would have to be the pokemon rather than the terrain or story or that kind of stuff. Doesn't matter anymore. I could end up playing Black and White and end up saying the same stuff again, but maybe not
Anyway, the pokemon themselves.. Some of them are a little ridiculous and a little too creative and seem more like characters than wild animals.. Things you'd see in digimon. I am referring to that one pokemon that wears a gi and evolves with one [#538-539, Nageki and Dageki]. What kind of pokemon wears a gi.. And evolves with one..? Is that a human? Then there's these other pokemon pictured with contruction material and pillars.. [#532-534, Dokurra, Dotekkotsu, and Roopushin].. How did a pokemon get a big steel thingy? If we were to go into the wild, would we find of group of that pokemon with all that stuff? These things seem more like characters you'd find in a movie than wild pokemon.. Last one I'll nitpick at is #641, Torunerosu. It looks like Raijin. But I guess it's not serious. Just weird to me. Pokemon that look they should be unique and end up having backstories, meaning they shouldn't be in the wild.
Other than that, I liked a lot of them, even going so far as to make a list. Only thing that I would nitpick at are the legendaries. I find them so insignificant as far how I play that I can't think of a purpose for them. Feels like they're just there to meet a quota of wmd pokemon. I'm also kinda disappointed at the "apex predator" pokemon this time around. It's a pure dragon type. Was just expecting more, or something different like what happened with Larvitar and Gible. Every legendary trio after Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres don't stand out as much to me.
All that aside, one pokemon that really stood out to me, that felt like it was just created perfectly, was:
A pokemon with three heads has been done before. But this thing is something special.
I was looking for this generation's Magikrap and Gyarados. You know, the trash pokemon that evolves into gold, but I couldn't find it. I don't know what it was in GSC and DPP, but in RSE it was Milotic. I guess it skips a generation, or it's just not obvious to me.