Official Pokemon Discussion Thread

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Ifrit XXII said:

That's awesome! Smilie With the 3 Jirachi I've just downloaded (D/Pt/SS), I now own 4 legit Jirachi. Smilie Tis crazy. Now we just need Mew and Celebi. Smilie Though sadly the Celebi isn't given out over Wifi. Smilie

I just got 3 aswell Smilie and I've never owned a legit Jirachi before! Which considering it's one of my favourite Pokémon EVAR is quite sad.

My Pokédex on Platinum now has 491! Smilie

And yeah Mew and Celebi :/ they had a Mew in Japan recently-ish, so we'll probably get it at the end of the year or something.

As for Celebi, we'll get to movie event eventually, and I'll try to go to it. Usually they put Event Pokémon up for WiFi after the store events (it happened with Darkrai and Shaymin, we'll probably get Arceus over WiFi soon too).

So yeah.. just gotta be patient. I'll eventually have a legit EVERYTHING. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

Speak of the devil! Everyone in Europe, America and Australia, go on WiFi right now to download your Jirachi. Smilie

Works with D/P/Pt/HG/SS.

But...I don't have wireless. Smilie

Cheesing it up said:

But...I don't have wireless. Smilie

Go to a friend's house, find a hotspot, something, but you have until July 16th Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

16th? Ahh that's plenty of time! I do also appeared to have lost the game, but I'm (fairly) confident it'll turn up by then!

I found my pedometer yesterday. And I now have my Surfing Pikachu.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I finally got to Kanto on SoulSilver yesterday and now only have 2 more badges to get. Smilie

My team at the moment:

Lv.51 Rhyperior
Lv.50 Typhlosion
Lv.49 Glacien
Lv.49 Dragonair
Lv.48 Noctowl
Lv.50 Lanturn

I also still need to get through Victory Road on Platinum. Cynthia is gonna be a real pain. >.<

( Edited 05.07.2010 19:55 by Ifrit XXII )

Just posting to let you guys know about the latest WiFi Event!

It just went up thismorning. Those with HeartGold and/or SoulSilver can download the Enigma Crystal, an item which will attract the other Lati@s when you take it to Pewter Museum to have it analysed.

I just downloaded mine and caught Latios (since I have HG, Latias was the roamer, and on SS, Latias would be the one the Crystal attracts!)

So yeah, gogogo.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I really hope we get a Celebi event soon. It won't really matter much to me as far as the PokeDex is concerned, but I want to watch the special scene in my SoulSilver. I beat the game already and I need something else to do. Smilie

I suppose I could go back to Platinum for a while and try to get through the Distortion World, pain-in-the-butt that it is...

Oh, and nice to meet all of you! Smilie

I'm hoping for such an event to occur as well. Celebi is one of the few Pokemon I've never owned.

BTW welcome to C3Smilie

I dislike Wifi events, it takes away the fun of going to Toys R' Us and doing it. Granted, I've never actually gone to one of those events, but they always sounded nice.

TheLadyYuki said:
I really hope we get a Celebi event soon. It won't really matter much to me as far as the PokeDex is concerned, but I want to watch the special scene in my SoulSilver. I beat the game already and I need something else to do. Smilie

Agreed, but we should be getting the Movie Celebi eventually, no worries.

Oh, and nice to meet all of you! Smilie

Nice to meet you too! ^^

L said:
I'm hoping for such an event to occur as well. Celebi is one of the few Pokemon I've never owned.

I actually got a tradeback for a legit Celebi just the other week, which means the only Pokémon standing between me and a 100% legitimately finished Pokédex is....


Ultima said:
I dislike Wifi events, it takes away the fun of going to Toys R' Us and doing it. Granted, I've never actually gone to one of those events, but they always sounded nice.

I love WiFi Events because:

- There are thousands of people who can't make it to local events.
- Local events don't even happen in most of Europe.
- They're often very delayed but atleast people can actually get these Pokémon.

I love that they're being done more often Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Of course, the upside is obvious. I'm just trying to say that it cuts down part of the social aspect of what the game used to have.

Ultima said:
Of course, the upside is obvious. I'm just trying to say that it cuts down part of the social aspect of what the game used to have.

Well yeah that's true.

But in the age of the internet, Pokémon would either lose it's "meet new people" aspect, or be slated and criticised for being "behind the times"

So it's a bit of a lose-lose situation in that way.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm a bit worried we won't get the Mew giveaway. Japan got it before the enigma crystal. I'm hoping that we do get it seeing as how Japan got the Mew event twice. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
I'm a bit worried we won't get the Mew giveaway. Japan got it before the enigma crystal. I'm hoping that we do get it seeing as how Japan got the Mew event twice. Smilie

With any luck maybe we'll get it next? Smilie

Although it's about time we get the Arceus WiFi Event for Platinum too.
Plus it could just be another Pokéwalker course. ^^;

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Okay, I might be going off topic right, but I kinda had to share this. I'm sure most of you have seen the full list of pokemon at Serebii.

I said all that stuff about pokemon being in a time loop, yet when I saw the pokemon, I was like "What am I even talking about?" Even if pokemon is stuck in a time loop, I saw the pokemon themselves and it didn't really bother me. It's like I know what I care about, and that would have to be the pokemon rather than the terrain or story or that kind of stuff. Doesn't matter anymore. I could end up playing Black and White and end up saying the same stuff again, but maybe notSmilie

Anyway, the pokemon themselves.. Some of them are a little ridiculous and a little too creative and seem more like characters than wild animals.. Things you'd see in digimon. I am referring to that one pokemon that wears a gi and evolves with one [#538-539, Nageki and Dageki]. What kind of pokemon wears a gi.. And evolves with one..? Is that a human? Then there's these other pokemon pictured with contruction material and pillars.. [#532-534, Dokurra, Dotekkotsu, and Roopushin].. How did a pokemon get a big steel thingy? If we were to go into the wild, would we find of group of that pokemon with all that stuff? These things seem more like characters you'd find in a movie than wild pokemon.. Last one I'll nitpick at is #641, Torunerosu. It looks like Raijin. But I guess it's not serious. Just weird to me. Pokemon that look they should be unique and end up having backstories, meaning they shouldn't be in the wild.

Other than that, I liked a lot of them, even going so far as to make a list. Only thing that I would nitpick at are the legendaries. I find them so insignificant as far how I play that I can't think of a purpose for them. Feels like they're just there to meet a quota of wmd pokemon. I'm also kinda disappointed at the "apex predator" pokemon this time around. It's a pure dragon type. Was just expecting more, or something different like what happened with Larvitar and Gible. Every legendary trio after Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres don't stand out as much to me.

All that aside, one pokemon that really stood out to me, that felt like it was just created perfectly, was:

A pokemon with three heads has been done before. But this thing is something special.

I was looking for this generation's Magikrap and Gyarados. You know, the trash pokemon that evolves into gold, but I couldn't find it. I don't know what it was in GSC and DPP, but in RSE it was Milotic. I guess it skips a generation, or it's just not obvious to me.

hey lets battle! check ur pm

I'm fine with ridiculous Pokemon (they have over 500 Pokemon now, do you expect them to all be 'normal'?), but the gi one... is strange. Smilie

Heh, Meloetta's obscure, but I love it for the sheer fact it's shiny 'voice' form almost resembles Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid. Black body and light blueish-green hair. Coincidence? Meh, likely, but I honestly think it was on purpose.

Sorry guiyz, but we do have an Official Black and White Thread, for dicussion on the 5th Gen games.

Discussion in here is for Pokémon in general.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

hey im lookin for a good battle i have soul silver my fc is 1849 5300 5704

Why Nintendo ... and you care about the best stables GTS now see is level 9, and in this really gets me mad, it is almost impossible to get anything GTS...I like yours style and that's really amazing!But do you know any other charming fashion one?Actually I have a Cartier Bangle and I think it's good!So hope you can give me some advise about it!

Gold, Gold, Gold

Wild spambot has appeared.


I love D&P pokemon and also love WiFi Events for pokemon as because lot of people can't make it to local events. yeah They often get delayed but atleast people can actually get these Pokémon.

constança (guest) 16.03.2012#699

coco verdeSmilie

Speaking of pokemon, I've never played the original generation (only gold and platinum). I loved gold sooooo much, platinum was ok I guess. But yea, finally I decided to get red at a local store. Can't wait to play it!

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