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I like predetermined protagonists, with names, I hate the feeling that no matter what I do, I can't play as any sort of "canon character", I hate playing as some random nobody that I created, because of some silly illusion that it could be me. It's not./rant

Anyway, Serebii has a pic up... of a silhouette.
And apparantly that's all =_= What a let down.

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Apparantly the big reveal will be on the 21st. Serebii still reckons CoroCoro will have info later this week.

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This first Gen V Pokémon is also the titular character for Phantom Champion Z, the 13th movie. So yeah, for now this Pokémon is called "Z".

( Edited 06.02.2010 23:23 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Huh. Well that's still pretty awesome. ^_^ Tis a shame though...if they'd fully revealed the Pokémon, I'd be flipping out with excitement...but it's just a I'm not...and now it won't be as big a deal when it's fully unveiled. :/ Oh well. The BIG excitement will be when we get the first screenshots, I'm sure. ^_^

And yeah, I know what you mean, I like playing as predefined canon characters too, but I love the illusion of thinking that the character could be's part of the escapism, and I think Pokémon is just the kind of game that would really suit that, being as the character you play as is pretty usually soulless anyway. The best playable Pokémon character has been Wes, methinks.

Pokémon's probably intended to be that way, but at the same time that will never work for me. I hate making my Mii and Avatar look like me aswell, I just want them to look crazy or fantasy like. It's one of the reasons I just can't like games like Oblivion, where your character has no preset appearance, name or personality. Persona is different as the characters do have names from the manga series', and no matter what you do you always wind up as a nice guy anyway.

I just wouldn't feel connected to Pokémon nearly as much if I wasn't playing as a hero or heroine, someone who would become well known in the fan community, someone who could appear in crossover games, anime or manga.
(The fact that you have to create a character instead of using the game characters is one of the reasons I don't have Battle Revolution)

My fave protag is May, probably.

( Edited 06.02.2010 23:46 by Toon SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Being able to create your character was the only thing I liked about PBR. ^_^;

Baaah, can't wait for Corocoro to be released now...WANTS MOAR INFO. ;_; What day do you reckon we'll have stuff from Corocoro? Surprised it hasn't been leaked already, stuff like this is usually leaked pretty early. Smilie

Ikana said:
What day do you reckon we'll have stuff from Corocoro? Surprised it hasn't been leaked already, stuff like this is usually leaked pretty early. Smilie

CoroCoro is Thursday I'm pretty sure.
And it just looks like Nintendo are better at keeping stuff secret than SEGA.

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5th Generation? Let's take it one step at a time here, people. I'm blocking this out until I get HG/SS.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Who knows? Maybe they'll actually unveil a DUN DUN DUUUUN

I'd like a little more interactability with your own Pokes. Maybe it'd make it a bit more personal, you know?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Thanks to the thread at Sonic Stadium I now have reason to believe it could be a Mightyena evolution, a Werewolf evolution.

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What is Mightyena doing amongst all those Gen II/IV Pokémon? I wonder.

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Credit goes to FlameStream for this awesome little sketch.

So yeah I'm in the Mightyena-Evo camp now! I don't know for sure of course, but the evidence is looking kinda uncanny.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

O_o Looking at that, I totally agree. Having Mightyena in that artwork would be really random otherwise...and right in the middle, too...

Still, I also remember everyone thinking that Shellos would be a Lapras pre-evo...though there wasn't really any evidence for that, unlike this. Smilie

( Edited 07.02.2010 13:12 by Ikana )

Here's our beasty:

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Its pre-evo is here too!
So yeah, as you can tell it has nothing to do with Mightyena, just seems to be "this gen's Lucario", and the titular character of the 13th movie.
In any case it looks really cool. Its classification is "Monster Fox Pokémon". At this rate I might end up preferring it to Lucario!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well, at least we know it's not a legie! And it's name starts with a "Z"! It's colors are sort of bland, though.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

It's pretty cool. Better than some of the other new ones we've seen first. I like the pre-evo!

PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
Well, at least we know it's not a legie! And it's name starts with a "Z"! It's colors are sort of bland, though.

Really other than the done to death colour scheme and the slightly odd red facepaint on the evo, I think they look really awesome.

Gen V is off to a great start. I hope this level of design keeps up.

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They both look awesome! Smilie

I hope we get the 5th gen games as fast as we're getting HG/SS.

Any news on when we'll be seeing anything of the new games? These new pokémon seem to just be all about the movie.

Well it can't be too far off considering the games are out this year.

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It looks like a Fire/Dark type, could be Ghost not sure?

It's definitely at least Dark because the pre-evo is considered to be an 'evil fox' Pokémon. I would say Dark/Fire is a reasonable assumption. Houndour's foxy rival!

I see this as more of a polar opposite to Lucario right now, so perhaps Dark and Fire would work there too?

Fire > Steel
Fighting > Dark

They'd be pretty evenly matched! However what I'd like even more is a more unique type combo.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So what, this guy can control dark aura or something?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
So what, this guy can control dark aura or something?

Gotta be fox fires that take souls or something.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Serebii has got both Pokemon down as Dark-only according to the translations from the images.

New pokemanz name is Zoroark, and the pre-evo's name is Zorua. And the title of the new pokemanz movie he is gona be in is "Phantom Champion Zoroark". So im guessing it's a safe bet he is either Ghost Fighting or Dark Fighting.

( Edited 10.02.2010 22:19 by Ike )

Assuming he gets his moniker localised though, what does everyone reckon he'll be called?
It'll probably start with Z, but Zoroark doesn't actually sound too weird for localisedmon. Maybe it'll end up as Zoloark or Zoroalk. xP

Or Zorc ('n' Pals)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Any guesses on what number both will be in the national dex? Smilie

I'm gonna say 554 and 555. Smilie

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