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A well needed bump.
I'm honestly confused as to what this game will be.
And concerned.
Some scans for Black & White 2:
Pokemon: Black and White 2 has two new protagonists: a guy with a visor and blue jacket and a girl with brown Sailor Moon style hair. There’s a smug looking new rival too. The magazine also introduced Akuroma who is a researcher dressed in a lab coat. New gym leaders include Shizui who is water type and Homika who is poison type (note: names will probably change when Pokemon: Black and White 2 comes out overseas).Pokemon: Black and White 2 takes place two years after the previous game and begins in Hiougi City. Players will be able to register 300 Pokemon in their Pokedex some of which will be brand new. We also have some details about the two Kyurems. Black Kyurem has Freeze Volt and White Kyurem has Cold Flare.
SirLink said:
Some scans for Black & White 2:Pokemon: Black and White 2 has two new protagonists: a guy with a visor and blue jacket and a girl with brown Sailor Moon style hair. There’s a smug looking new rival too. The magazine also introduced Akuroma who is a researcher dressed in a lab coat. New gym leaders include Shizui who is water type and Homika who is poison type (note: names will probably change when Pokemon: Black and White 2 comes out overseas).Pokemon: Black and White 2 takes place two years after the previous game and begins in Hiougi City. Players will be able to register 300 Pokemon in their Pokedex some of which will be brand new. We also have some details about the two Kyurems. Black Kyurem has Freeze Volt and White Kyurem has Cold Flare.
Source: Siliconera
That is immensely awesome! Any leaked screenshots of the new Pokemon?
Edit: Removed the pictures.
( Edited 26.04.2012 10:09 by TheSheriff )
Though it largely just makes me depressed the real Pokémon anime isn't actually good like this is.
PS. Gimme a few weeks and I'll make a proper BW2 thread or something.
EDIT: Added a working link.
( Edited 16.05.2012 13:48 by SuperLink )
*Phoenom sends out Voltbeat!*
*Voltbeat uses Helping Hand!*
*Thread is Bumped!*
Just wanted somewhere to post my thoughts on Pokemon White. Not exactly spoilers per se, but big wall of text;
This thread should really be more active around this exciting time! Gotta wonder where all of C3's Pokémon fans have gone off to
So if it's a let down, I will probably let hell loose and be pretty pissed off. Advance warning.
I'm looking forward to it though There are rumours that it'll be a Pokémon game on 3DS, or maybe even WiiU! Maybe it's a new Pokémon like a new Eeveelution.
Begin speculah, C3!
Hmm, 10 minutes? Would that really be enough time to properly show off the next generation on 3DS? I'd say Ruby/Sapphire remakes on DS are a little more likely at this point.
Still, if it is new gen, I hope they go with the Pokedex 3D models. Sprites are and will always be awesome but those models would be incredible in a mainline Pokemon game.
Phoenom said:
Hmm, 10 minutes? Would that really be enough time to properly show off the next generation on 3DS? I'd say Ruby/Sapphire remakes on DS are a little more likely at this point.Still, if it is new gen, I hope they go with the Pokedex 3D models. Sprites are and will always be awesome but those models would be incredible in a mainline Pokemon game.
Either way there will be a new Pokémon or forme revealed, it actually sounds like the Eevee thing could be kinda likely! I love Eeveelutions so I'd be happy with that.
List of wants if it is Gen6:
Edit: Can't forget this one. Available day one on eShop. The ramifications of a downloaded fully-fledged 3DS Pokemon game that makes full use of Streetpass and Spotpass? Good god.
And Nintendo? We (and by that I mean I) badly need another one of these;
I love Eeveelutions as well, heck Espeon is my favourite Pokémon, but I really don't think they'd hype it up like this or even announce solely that. Would make more sense if it was a Gen 6 announcement and then they'd reveal a new Eeveelution or two on top of that.
I think Gen 3 remakes would be plausible. HG/SS came out in 2009 and B/W in 2010 in Japan, so it's possible for that to repeat with R/S this year and Gen 6 in 2014. The only problem is that if it will use the B/W engine, then it'll likely be on the DS when the 3DS really, really needs an exclusive main series Pokémon game. They might have the Gen 6 engine done already but it would steal Gen 6's thunder if the remakes had the new engine first, so then it only makes sense for them to be made afterwards.
All things considered, my guess is Gen 6 announcement for the 3DS unless this is all just to troll us.
( Edited 07.01.2013 18:55 by SirLink )
Just seen this;
The announcement is, more or less, a love letter to the franchise. It's being called Pokemon Rainbow, a 3DS game that encompasses the settings and Pokemon from generations 1-4: Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, and Diamond and Pearl. You can take my word for it that the graphics are done up very nicely. The perspective is similar to what you'd expect from Pokemon games, but the camera is much more dynamic. The graphical style is characterized by very clean, dark lines. Almost cartoonish, but not quite. Battles look radically different, and move away from the use of pixel art. Though it seems that the interface is still made of pixels. The battle that it shown is between a totally new trainer and a wild Weedle. The trainer uses a Pikachu.I'm not privy to any story details, as I only know what will be announced tomorrow. The story is concurrent with Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 in terms of timeline. There are over 20 new Pokemon, and two will be revealed tomorrow. One is an evolution of an older Pokemon Eevee, called Draconeon. The other is a totally new Pokemon, called Verbill. It looks like a rodent, much like the Pokemon Patrat, but has a sort of pirate theme going on.
A Wii U app will be launched along with the game, which will be announced tomorrow. However, all that will be said is that the app will be addressed "at a later date". The logo for the app features a globe with Pikachu, Munna, Treeko, Cyndaquil, and Piplup popping out from various countries.
Now that would be interesting. Not great, but interesting.
Oh man, I know I couldn't resist buying that. Sounds interesting but a bit too detailed for my taste.
I saw that too, it sounds far too good to be true and now my hopes are beyond reasonable, thank you rumour mongerers for ruining my life.
EDIT: Oh and it's a GameFreak game so it won't be Trading Card Game.
( Edited 07.01.2013 19:29 by SuperLink )
Seems apt for this to pop up on my feed;
Not long now.
Right so no trading card game what a shame but I also wonder what this game is about?
Pokemon Red Version all the way!
I don't know I really liked it but I prefer SS and B a lot more because they are more, let us say intuitive.
jctaber86 said:Ditto!
Pokemon Red Version all the way!