Okay so while squatting at Sprite's place (thanks you guys!) I played Brawl for the first time and got my ass promptly handed to me by an eleven year old playing Lucario WHILE I WAS PLAYING AS DONKEY KONG THIS MAKES NO SENSE WTF
Other points:
- Captain Olimar. Double ewe tea eff? I'm sure he's supposed to be pretty good in some way but I don't know how. What is down + b supposed to accomplish? Why don't the Pikmin stick? Why is he the same model as Pichu? Can Linkyshinks provide me with some info on how to be killer with the dozy fellow? I will make him my champion!
- Sonic having different color armbands. Awesome, it's like having Ginger Sonic, Baby Sonic, Emo Sonic, Cancer Awareness Sonic and of course they're all Sporty Sonic because he wears armbands. So basically you get beat up by identical looking spin dashing little ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssss
- No Tails costume
- Some of the Final Smashes are blink and you'll miss it. Others are destined for constant fail such as the Starfox ones that are clearly designed for anything but Final Destination or any other flat, contained arena. NOT.
- Lots of nice moves and guff from Pit BUT HE CAN'T KNOCK ANYTHING OUT
- Taunts are amusing though
- What IS the difference between Lucas and Ness?
Overall I felt that this game doesn't like me and that I will continually suck at multiplayer because I play useless characters like Donkey Kong and Olimar and I ruined single player for myself by watching it all on youtube a while back.
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat