E3 2006 Video | Nintendo Shows Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Update with E3 2006 Screens!

By Adam Riley 12.05.2006 152

At a special developer event, Nintendo has lifted the lid on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. An entirely new team has been pieced together for this outing, after Shigeru Miyamoto approached Masahiro Sakurai about creating a Wii version. Sakurai-san insisted that the Wii controller NOT be used for the game, therefore gamers can actually use their GameCube controllers once more to battle it out on the big screen. This confirms that the GC controllers can in fact be used for Wii games if so desired.

Single player will have (so far unannounced) changes to it, plus there will be a new online multiplayer option and lots of new characters! Confirmed so far are:

  • Pit from Kid Icarus
  • Samus in her sexy Zero Mission suit
  • Metaknight
  • Wario
  • Snake from Metal Gear Solid (at the specific request of Hideo Kojima!)
  • The game has also been confirmed as being pushed back into 2007.

    Some other details, courtesy of Games Are Fun, include:

  • Nobuo Uematsu, the genius behind Final Fantasy's greatest tunes, will compose the main theme;
  • Opera singer Ken Nishikiori has lent his vocals to the game;
  • All the music in Brawl is performed by a full orchestra;
  • There will be a deluxe chorus with lyrics in Latin(!);
  • The atmosphere of the game will be changed, in a so far unknown way!
  • You can listen to the main theme tune by following this link: http://www.smashbros.com/en/music/index.html

    [Video Update]

    A trailer that'll no doubt be on loop!

    Update: We have yet another media update in the form of 33 brand new images (of both the screenshot and artwork variety.) Click the link below to check them out.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







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    I Want Ridley(Metroid), Viewtiful Joe and Blaziken(PokeMon)
    as playable characters in this Game.

    When i Saw a full 3D PIT against Meta Knoight that made my Day Smilie

    I love all the new characters, even Snake. His introduction is just too funny to say no to.

    And hopefully more characters begin to make their debut, like Diddy, King K. Rool, Pokey, Mac, King DeeDee and Mr. Balloon Fight Man!

    But you know who would be really, really cool?

    Mach Rider. His musical theme was in Melee, so it could be a hint to his long awaited come back, hmm?

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