E3 2006 Video | Nintendo Shows Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Update with E3 2006 Screens!

By Adam Riley 12.05.2006 152

At a special developer event, Nintendo has lifted the lid on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. An entirely new team has been pieced together for this outing, after Shigeru Miyamoto approached Masahiro Sakurai about creating a Wii version. Sakurai-san insisted that the Wii controller NOT be used for the game, therefore gamers can actually use their GameCube controllers once more to battle it out on the big screen. This confirms that the GC controllers can in fact be used for Wii games if so desired.

Single player will have (so far unannounced) changes to it, plus there will be a new online multiplayer option and lots of new characters! Confirmed so far are:

  • Pit from Kid Icarus
  • Samus in her sexy Zero Mission suit
  • Metaknight
  • Wario
  • Snake from Metal Gear Solid (at the specific request of Hideo Kojima!)
  • The game has also been confirmed as being pushed back into 2007.

    Some other details, courtesy of Games Are Fun, include:

  • Nobuo Uematsu, the genius behind Final Fantasy's greatest tunes, will compose the main theme;
  • Opera singer Ken Nishikiori has lent his vocals to the game;
  • All the music in Brawl is performed by a full orchestra;
  • There will be a deluxe chorus with lyrics in Latin(!);
  • The atmosphere of the game will be changed, in a so far unknown way!
  • You can listen to the main theme tune by following this link: http://www.smashbros.com/en/music/index.html

    [Video Update]

    A trailer that'll no doubt be on loop!

    Update: We have yet another media update in the form of 33 brand new images (of both the screenshot and artwork variety.) Click the link below to check them out.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







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    Im so pissed off right now, i cant even see the video on C3 as it wont come up so i go onto you tube and try from there, try at least 6 different versions from you tube and none work, and then i read through all your comments saying how orgasmic it is. Im so close to punching in my moniter.

    -Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

    Sounds to me like you need to reinstall Flash player or Quicktime - I forget which one YouTube uses. I think it's the latter, I'd advise using Quicktime Alternative rather than QT.


    Samus without her suit, kinda...! I want to play it! Yay for not using Dark Samus as a new character, but "upgrading" Samus!Smilie


    And I KNEW Wario was gonna join(didnt we all?). Just wish that Waluigi would too.
    And about Link... *sigh* Well... Atleast he has the same eyes, not too TP-Linkish eyes or worse: SoulCalibur2-eyes!
    And Yay for Snake! Never played a game, was thinking of it before but was to lazy to try.
    Pit is okay, childhood-character.
    That knight is cool. I know that my cousin will join me in the dance of joy.Smilie

    Ah, well I reckon they'll add that character's section eventually anyway! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    That Snake bit made me laugh. Great video. Looks absolutely fantastic.

    And the feel of the game from watching that video did seem a bit different. Seemed a bit more grown up. Darker background, serious music.

    Cannot wait for this.

    King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography


    This world is so sexist, it's positive discrimination! When have you EVER heard anyone talk about 'boy power'? Smilie

    lol.... Mario, Link, Pikachu & Kirby are all boys... infact, Samus is the ONLY female on the entire video... unless you count Wario! (squeeeeel!!)

    SO NAH.

    I can't wait to find out who else is in it, & how they look! Smilie Do you reckon that Zelda's new look will spoil Twilight Princess for some?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    lol.... Mario, Link, Pikachu & Kirby are all boys... infact, Samus is the ONLY female on the entire video

    How do you know that Pikachu and Kirby aren't actually female? Smilie

    fenno2001 said:
    This world is so sexist, its positive discrimination! When have you EVER heard anyone talk about boy power? Smilie

    Well... Okay, YAY FOR BOY POWER, cuz without them it wouldnt be fun to flirt and date.Smilie

    Samus rules! She is the best character but now we shouldnt get into who is better (Samus) and who is worse (uhm...Pichu?). I wonder who gave them the idea of using that Kight? Is he that popular?

    EDIT: Hey... Whats up with that Nintendog, by the way? Is there gonna be a dog in it too? But they didnt say anything about it.Smilie

    ( Edited on 11.05.2006 19:51 by Sheena )

    Guest 11.05.2006#60

    This is just unbelievable! This is blowing everything out of the water this E3. You have Microsoft Corporation backing up Nintendo, you have an exclusive Konami character that has had more of a home on a competitor's console and not to mention at the request of the character's creator! This is just outstanding!

    The nintendog is a wepon, it blocks your view.

    Blade2t3 said:
    The nintendog is a wepon, it blocks your view.

    Aww, how cute! Smilie Shame its not a German Shepherd or Siberian Husky instead.

    OMG!!! this will so rock and snake is in it that is so cool. all I can say is bring on wii's release

    fenno2001 said:
    How do you know that Pikachu and Kirby arent actually female? Smilie
    Well Pikachu IS a girl (If it's the same one as in the series) and Kirby is definately a guy... Anyway, WOOOO SSBB!!!111

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    fenno2001 said:How do you know that Pikachu and Kirby arent actually female? Smilie
    Well Pikachu IS a girl (If its the same one as in the series) and Kirby is definately a guy... Anyway, WOOOO SSBB!!!111

    I thought Pikachu is a bloke (awaits Pokemon trivia) and KIrby is definitely a guy. Can't you just feel the testosterone raging around the character Smilie

    Exactly. it takes true man to wear pink, let alone BE pink! Smilie

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Jigglypuff is a he. They say so in the series, what I remember anyway.

    Pikachu is a she? I think they said he to him/her/that too. And Kirby sounds like a girl but Im pretty sure he must be a he.

    "SSBB"...Sounds funny.Smilie

    "SSBB"...Sounds funny.

    Yeah, I just used it in another thread and it feels...odd. Feels like an internet acronym (like lol, pmsl etc etc)

    is it just me or tdoes the beginning level look somewhat like from the Odama with the pinballs firing at the castle. Smilie

    Just listened to the music. Whoamg awesome...me likes it Smilie

    Obviously, movie = amazing *drool drool* etc etc repeat as necessary <_<

    I've downloaded the theme music as well, keep listening to it. *Sad*


    I love the idea of having a live orchestra record all the music in the game (of that variety I assume not everything), adds an excellent level of quality to the music and fits the game perfectly. It's so epic yet the gameplay is simple and fun, somehow they just blend so well! Smilie

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    What does pmsl mean?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    PMSL means "pissing my self laughing"

    *ahem* Anywhoooooo.

    Pikachu is a boy, not a girl, a boy, they call him a boy more times on the TV show than than people even thoght they heard him called a girl!!

    they say that on the first episode, Ash says "leave her alone" But he really says "Leave IT alone!"

    God, GET IT RIGHT SmilieSmilieSmilie (angry fanboy nerd!! ARRGH!!)

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Official site opens!

    Super Smash Brothers.. Dojo?

    *cough* check first page >_>

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