E3 2006 Video | Nintendo Shows Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Update with E3 2006 Screens!

By Adam Riley 12.05.2006 152

At a special developer event, Nintendo has lifted the lid on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. An entirely new team has been pieced together for this outing, after Shigeru Miyamoto approached Masahiro Sakurai about creating a Wii version. Sakurai-san insisted that the Wii controller NOT be used for the game, therefore gamers can actually use their GameCube controllers once more to battle it out on the big screen. This confirms that the GC controllers can in fact be used for Wii games if so desired.

Single player will have (so far unannounced) changes to it, plus there will be a new online multiplayer option and lots of new characters! Confirmed so far are:

  • Pit from Kid Icarus
  • Samus in her sexy Zero Mission suit
  • Metaknight
  • Wario
  • Snake from Metal Gear Solid (at the specific request of Hideo Kojima!)
  • The game has also been confirmed as being pushed back into 2007.

    Some other details, courtesy of Games Are Fun, include:

  • Nobuo Uematsu, the genius behind Final Fantasy's greatest tunes, will compose the main theme;
  • Opera singer Ken Nishikiori has lent his vocals to the game;
  • All the music in Brawl is performed by a full orchestra;
  • There will be a deluxe chorus with lyrics in Latin(!);
  • The atmosphere of the game will be changed, in a so far unknown way!
  • You can listen to the main theme tune by following this link: http://www.smashbros.com/en/music/index.html

    [Video Update]

    A trailer that'll no doubt be on loop!

    Update: We have yet another media update in the form of 33 brand new images (of both the screenshot and artwork variety.) Click the link below to check them out.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







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    Sought Thii Poltercow said:
    I think theyll probably bring back all the characters that appeared on SSBM, I mean, considering their limit.... Smilie

    I agree. Why wouldnt they? So many of the characters in SSBM that didnt appeare in SSB have become favourites, thats a good reason to keep them.

    If they don't keep Young Link, I will personally come over to their house, & EAT all of their Marshmellows while they sleep Smilie


    If they put Sonic, Bomberman, Megaman, Viewtiful Joe, Tails, Klonoa + others in there.... it will NEARLY cancel out the frustration of taking Young Link out. SO they CAN'T.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Cell shaded link has to be in there!

    Well, I've guessed that for the adult link they'd use link from Twilight Princess, and I was right, and I also said then that they'd prolly use Wind Waker link as young link then... So mayb I'm right again Smilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    FUCK NO.

    I want REALISTIC Young Link. I'll be SO FUCKING PISSED OFF if they replace Young Link with Cel Shaded Link.. Alternate costume.. ANYTHING, just lemme have Young Link!! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    just lemme have Young Link!!

    Carefull where you go saying that!Smilie

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    after seeing the SSB Brawl trailer i wet myself
    it like love at first sight

    Oh shitz Smilie

    Fine them

    Just put Young Link in the fucking game!!

    Oh wait.. that doesn't sound too clean either.

    Fuck! Nothing sounds clean in this teenage world!! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    XD ... Even I didn't think of that and I'm a crazy perv... Surprised no-one got 'Cell shaded link has to be in there!' though...

    Oh and Viewtiful joe would rock so hard it might actually give me a concussion

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    Oh and Viewtiful joe would rock so hard it might actually give me a concussion

    That sounds dirty Too XD

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I'll be disapointed if they will use NGC controller instead of Wiimote. I feel that if they are going to use the old controller, the game will be the same, just with prettier graphics, more characters and Nintendo wi-fi. This is not enough for me + from the trailer it looks like the old ones'll have the same moves, which in something I can't accept. One of the best things in melee was discovering the new moves but if they are going to rehash the old characters, this wont be possible
    They should make the Wiimote wider (some have been complaing it's too narrow) and add an X and Y button near A (I'm sure many others games would benefit from this as well) . The analog stick would be used for moving around, the A button would be used for jumping, C/Z for shielding, grabbing, throwing items, X and Y for attacks and when you would press B, you would make a shape (an X, a circle...) with the Wiimote and your character would perform a special move.
    This is what I think they should do.

    Revolution is the solution.

    But SSBM was basically perfect. Why ruin it with the remote? The remote is definitely not for games like SSB where lightning fast reactions, and precise moves are needed. I cant believe anyone could be so blind as to not see this.

    Gestures? you fucking crazy? Smilie Smilie

    Sought Thii Poltercow said:
    FUCK NO.I want REALISTIC Young Link. Ill be SO FUCKING PISSED OFF if they replace Young Link with Cel Shaded Link.. Alternate costume.. ANYTHING, just lemme have Young Link!! Smilie

    HELL YEAH!!! FINALLY someone thinking like me! Well...almost. Not exactly, you keep Young Link for yourself.Smilie
    But NO doll-like Link! Its enough that they used TP Link as the adult version. Keep ONE of the SSBM Links PLEASE.

    The director has pretty much confirmed they'll be using the GC controller. Also, just because they're using the same characters, it doesn't mean it'll have the same moves and no new ones - they didn't retain the same moves between the N64 and GC editions, so why would they this time?

    Yes they did, not all of them but a lot of them were kept, that's what worries me the most.

    ( Edited on 14.05.2006 00:25 by Bz0 )

    Revolution is the solution.

    Bz0 said:
    One of the best things in melee was discovering the new moves
    You mean All 1 of them for each character? How exactly could they change the moves anyway? Mario doesn't have anything else to thown instead of a fireball, anything else to hit with instead of the cape and well... Just generally anything else... The moves they have now are perfect, and shouldn't be changed. I usually hate it when devs make sequals exactly the same, just prettier, but this is one game that I just can't imagine any other way. Almost any new additions would ruin it

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Yeah it's perfect all they need to do is add maby some new wepons, new charachters, new arenas and obvously Solid Snake!Smilie

    Bz0 said:
    Yes they did, not all of them but a lot of them were kept, thats what worries me the most.

    ...But if you totally wipe their moves and make up all new ones in their places, surely they might as well just make up new characters and omit the old ones entirely? Then it'd cease to be Smash Brothers...they'll include new ones, no worries, but they're not going to just erase everything they've already done in the series.

    Dude!! The old moves were PERFECT, so why add new ones? Obviously they would change the old ones that people thought were crappy, or that they never used, if they had a better idea for them, but they were perfect! Wanna change the moves for Mario? Fuck no, keep Mario's moves, but change Luigi & DR. Mario instead!! If the character has clones then let the CLONE be the one with changed moves, at least that way, people won't be even MORE upset because Nintendo CUT their fave moves from the game, & I think that's a much bigger crime than having t5he same moves, which I would certainly like.

    New characters (limit of 100 overall)
    New stages
    New 1 player modes
    New multiplayer modes
    Online enabled
    the chance of playing over LAN or WiFi with 6 or 8 players (if they can do it)
    Download free content automatically
    sexy graphics

    Gezz, that more could you want?! If you want new moves, then check out the NEW CHARACTERS! Smilie they'll have them, & chances are, there will be MORE secret characters this time around, than there were EVERY character on SSBM, so there were 25 characters overall in SSBM, well I say there could be MORE than 25+ SECRET characters! The possibilities are ENDLESS.

    Also, with the Wiimote, I was SO releaved to hear that I could play this (a lightning fast fighting game) with the GC controller, obviously Wii is so everyone can join in, & people DO with SSBM, so why not now? Just because it's on the GC controller... Also, even though they said they want Wii to be simple, does it mean ALL games would be easy & simple to play? Of course not! As some playrs really like their games to be complex, so there you have it! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I think the Wiimote could be used very well in this game. I mean it could use the nunchuk but i think that if it used solely th ewiimote it would rock.

    Heres what im thinking. You guide your character with the pointer, quite simple theres a centre point and in relation to where ur pointing the wiimote ur character will move left of right, a small flick up wards will make your character jump, simple. To attack it would be really easy, press A. Now heres where it gets slightly more complex and harder to explain. Say you wanted to perfom an up smash, what you would do is hold down the A button and flick the wiimote pointer upwards, the longer the A button is held before the movement the stronger the smash will be. I think for this game there should be a third stage of smashing, similar to the growth from one instant smash in the original to the charged smash in SSBM. The same applies for any smash, If you want to smash forward hold A and flick the pointer in the direction. B can be used in a similar fashion.

    This is easy to use, the skill comes in with the weaker hits like those in SSBM, where it wasnt a smash it was an attack in a direction, so if ur running to the right and u tap A ull perfom an attack to the right. So where it was moving the analog stick before gently it is now moving the pointer gently. Oh and rolling can be achieved by rotating the wiimote in the desired direction. Blocking i havent thought about Smilie

    But yeh thats my idea. Sorry if its long winded, it was just hard to try and convey my idea properly in writing.


    ( Edited on 14.05.2006 10:32 by Prometheus )

    I don't really think it sounds easy... I think it would be wuite easy to mistake the smashes for anothner move, it might be something that is hard to understand, it won't be as precise, can you imagine, using those techniques with the Wiimote on a game as fast paced as SSBM? Your reactions would have to be even faster, as you would have to move you hand, & all the different levels of attacks (A)(>-A)(>+A)(Something even bigger) with the Wiimote? It would be so hard to do it right every time... meanwhile, the GC pad is precise, it can tell what buttons you press, what combinations, when... etc without getting it confused with another move.

    I mean, it's basuically confirmed, to use the GC controller, or maybe the Classic Shell, but who's to say they won't add an alternate control mode? An experimental control mode, people will test it out on SSBB, & then if it proves popualr enough, I reckon they might make another game based on this new control mode.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I can understand what your saying. It mite get a bit hectic at times, but that is part of the fun Smilie I wouldnt mind using the GC control to play, but it would be nice to have the choice.Smilie

    True, they may end up putting in 2 control modes, as I said, & if the Wiimote control mode proves successful, then they could base a game on it Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I hope the developers manage to get 4 player wifi going. If the worst comes to worst they could at leaste have a four player tournament. Where a group of four player have a tournament. Two players play eachother, then the first group to finish then specs the other game, maybe even add some sort of interaction in the game, ala nintendog shown in the video :p then the 2 winners play for first and second, and the losers for tird and fourth. Can a journalist for this site write down any suggestions mentioned and try and ask the Devs of the game if they have thought about these points. Because i feel there are loads of good ideas generated from these sorts of communities.

    Link + Wario = total pwnage

    A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

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