E3 2006 Video | Nintendo Shows Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Update with E3 2006 Screens!

By Adam Riley 12.05.2006 152

At a special developer event, Nintendo has lifted the lid on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. An entirely new team has been pieced together for this outing, after Shigeru Miyamoto approached Masahiro Sakurai about creating a Wii version. Sakurai-san insisted that the Wii controller NOT be used for the game, therefore gamers can actually use their GameCube controllers once more to battle it out on the big screen. This confirms that the GC controllers can in fact be used for Wii games if so desired.

Single player will have (so far unannounced) changes to it, plus there will be a new online multiplayer option and lots of new characters! Confirmed so far are:

  • Pit from Kid Icarus
  • Samus in her sexy Zero Mission suit
  • Metaknight
  • Wario
  • Snake from Metal Gear Solid (at the specific request of Hideo Kojima!)
  • The game has also been confirmed as being pushed back into 2007.

    Some other details, courtesy of Games Are Fun, include:

  • Nobuo Uematsu, the genius behind Final Fantasy's greatest tunes, will compose the main theme;
  • Opera singer Ken Nishikiori has lent his vocals to the game;
  • All the music in Brawl is performed by a full orchestra;
  • There will be a deluxe chorus with lyrics in Latin(!);
  • The atmosphere of the game will be changed, in a so far unknown way!
  • You can listen to the main theme tune by following this link: http://www.smashbros.com/en/music/index.html

    [Video Update]

    A trailer that'll no doubt be on loop!

    Update: We have yet another media update in the form of 33 brand new images (of both the screenshot and artwork variety.) Click the link below to check them out.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







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    wikipedia does not lie
    4th paragraph:

    It is implied that Ash's Pikachu is male, but it is rarely addressed with a gendered pronoun.

    So there you have it. Ash's Pikachu, at least, is *probably* a boy.

    ( Edited on 11.05.2006 21:29 by fenno2001 )

    OT: Ive seen pics of the man who created Wikipedia!! *Stupid dance of proudness* And remember... IM SWEDISH.

    spydarlee said:
    I've downloaded the theme music as well, keep listening to it. *Sad* SmilieI love the idea of having a live orchestra record all the music in the game (of that variety I assume not everything), adds an excellent level of quality to the music and fits the game perfectly. It's so epic yet the gameplay is simple and fun, somehow they just blend so well! Smilie

    Well Karn, it's composed by Nobuo Uematsu of Final Fantasy fame, so you might guess I've done the exact same thing. Question is, has Nintendo simply hired Uematsu from his own company Smilebit, or is Square Enix going to be partly involved? (imagines FF characters in SSBB...*drools* FFVII's Vincent would be SO cool in it!).

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    so i'm guessing koji kondo won't be doing the music for this version? Smilie

    i loved his music in the second one especially the fountain of dreams!

    Uematsu-san has only been confirmed for the main theme at the moment, so don't worry too much Smilie We'll have classic Konda-san work as well, all orchestrated.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I loved the music in Final Destination, the second one, dont know if it really IS the second one, but its not the one heared most of the time while playing that stage. And also the music in the stage where Kraid is raging about, one of Samus stages.

    ^Brinstar Depths. Legend level.

    Looking OK-ish atm...graphic wise it looks pretty shitty then for what I expected though.. and (imo) including Snake is a bad idea. And two Samus'? Just seems dumb to me. Having Power suit Samus vs Zero Mission Samus is stupid. They could have made it one of her costumes...

    Talking of costumes, that had better not be Wario's final costume. I hate the Wario ware one, much prefer his usual one...

    Bit otherwise, wonderful...



    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Robii, the graphics aren't pretty shitty, they look a LOT better than the previous SSB(that one already looked good), a LOT more detailed and smooooooooth. Just compare them side to side and you'll see. You do have a lot you don't like about this game...

    And dude, change your sig, it's really fucking childish...

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    To settle a gender debate, Ash's Pikachu is a boy (referred to as such/implied in the Japanese anim

    So childish Rob.. so childish.

    Talking of costumes, that had better not be Wario's final costume. I hate the Wario ware one, much prefer his usual one...

    Whaa! Why? the normal one is just a diffrent colour scheme of marios? which is really unoriginal the wario ware one gives him charachterSmilie!

    Agreed. That should be Wario's permenant suit, in my opinion. You look at that, then the dungarees, and it's like comparing the N64 to the Wii!

    Image for

    Comparison Shot.

    I think it's the arenas that are more kickass though....they look fantastic.

    I agree. I personally never like Wario but with his new costume at least he stands out better than just being one of four (or six) different versions of the Mario model.

    Now here's some idea I'm dreaming:
    1. When Snake is put to sleep, Zs will be floating above his head. One of his weapons, however, is that sleeping dart gun he has.

    2. Part of the fun was seeing Kirby "transform" into other characters (Snake Kirby) but I'd like to see more than simply putting a red cap on him for Mario. I'd like a little more detail, like, perhaps, putting Mario's mustache on Kirby as well.

    I'll post more later...

    haa haaa, im so gonna use wario when i first play this game.

    who thinks Marche from FFT Advance will come along?
    or Mach Rider?
    or MagiKoopa?

    lol or maybe go super obscure and put in the original characters in super mario bros. 2 before they changed them to mario characters?

    oo just thought of this one too, like a kremlin from donkey kong country or like Pipsy from Diddy Kong Racing, hahaha! how fun.

    what if they added
    CHRONO from Chrono Trigger??

    hee. Smilie

    I'm wondering very much about that split-second with Kirby in a chef's hat with Mario over a boiling (or fizzing, crackling?) pot..! Is there going to be like, joint-special attacks? I'm just itching to see how it's gonna work!

    ( Edited on 12.05.2006 08:14 by PetitePeche )

    Diamond : JEPIE/3351 0528 8440

    /portfolio//Wobba Boba!/
    (Let's get a pokemon tournament started!)

    Looking OK-ish atm...graphic wise it looks pretty shitty then for what I expected though.. and (imo) including Snake is a bad idea. And two Samus'? Just seems dumb to me. Having Power suit Samus vs Zero Mission Samus is stupid. They could have made it one of her costumes...

    Are you watching the trailer in the news post? If so try searching out the HD version over at GameTrailers, does the game much more justice!

    If you still think it looks shitty after that, well you're wrong. Smilie

    As for Samus I think they will either be completely different (looks like a lighstabre thing going on for the new Sexy outfit as opposed to just guns) OR there will just be the one new one.

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    Yeah, seriously, why is that such a big problem, anyway?
    They had Dr. Mario and Mario, and they had Link and Young Link.
    They each had their own unique aspects to them despite their similarities.

    I'm not worried very much at all about graphics (I actually think the amazing new details in texture is a lovely little bonus), but more about movement.
    What I mean is that melee was good having different speeds in characters, and what i hope doesn't happen is that everything is speeded up a little more in movement. It takes away the art of the movements themselves, and just becomes a superfast i-think-i-hit-you sorta thing.

    They did a wonderful job with melee, in the respect that the characters were more leveled than the first one, lol.
    Thing is, for lower tier characters people would have to be very skilled to be able to be even with someone such as Peach or Shiek.
    I'm hoping that characters will be easier to play at an even level with others in this new game!

    Diamond : JEPIE/3351 0528 8440

    /portfolio//Wobba Boba!/
    (Let's get a pokemon tournament started!)

    I think that Zero Suit Samus will be similar to how Shiek is used in SSBM, a transformation, maybe she'll transform after doing that massive cannon attack, as it may really blow her back with the recoil.

    Wario looks great, whatever costume he's wearing, his original costume will probably be an alternate costume usable in the game, so...

    Would it be wierd, if Cloud randomly popped up in the final game? It would be like.. the gaming event of the century!! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Update: New screens and artwork added, check the link in the original article or click:


    Some are from the video but some are completely new! Smilie

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    Lol it's so odd seeing snake in there, looks like you linked to Twin Snakes artwork by mistake. Just so oddSmilie

    Great character to include though, loads of MGS in-jokes they could use.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    I think that Zero Suit Samus will be similar to how Shiek is used in SSBM, a transformation, maybe she'll transform after doing that massive cannon attack, as it may really blow her back with the recoil.

    Sought thii Poltercow, you fucking taper! I said that to you on messenger, and now you're acting as if it's your own! I want creds!Smilie

    I could quote the conversation from messenger, but dunnow if that's allowed... Would be cool if I'm right though, cuz I was also right about the Link model from the new Legend of Zelda being used here...

    ( Edited on 12.05.2006 18:24 by Cubed3Newbie )

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Will be so cool to have MGS inspired levels!

    Nice update Spy!

    what if they added CHRONO from Chrono Trigger??

    YES YES YES Please! Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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