| Kid Icarus: Uprising (Hands-On) By Guest | 3 | 18 | jesusraz 13.08.2011, 18:18 (view) |
 | Masahiro Sakurai Intends to Take Kid Icarus: Uprising Online [news] By SirLink | 7 | 33 | Guest 30.07.2011, 22:07 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus: Uprising Coming to Europe Early 2012? [news] By SirLink | 3 | 28 | Red XIII 11.07.2011, 04:46 (view) |
 | E311 Media | Kid Icarus Gets Multiplayer - E3 Trailer [news] By RudyC3 | 1 | 20 | RudyC3 09.06.2011, 09:50 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus: Uprising Site Launches By Guest | 1 | 16 | Guest 22.05.2011, 01:29 (view) |
 | Unconfirmed Dates: Zelda, StarFox, Kid Icarus 3DS By SirLink | 10 | 77 | Vorash Kadan 06.04.2011, 10:47 (view) |
 | Mario, Zelda, Kid Icarus 3DS Due After E3 By JoshSL | 15 | 70 | crackedthesky 27.01.2011, 05:37 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS Footage, Stage Show [news] By SirLink | 5 | 62 | Moogi 09.01.2011, 23:19 (view) |
 | Zelda and Kid Icarus for Nintendo World [news] By Darkflame | 3 | 23 | Darkflame 29.12.2010, 10:09 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus Not Relying on 3D By Super Sonic | 5 | 18 | jb 07.10.2010, 01:51 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus Uprising New 3DS Screens [news] By Stulaw | 4 | 34 | Guest 30.09.2010, 13:40 (view) |
 | Kid Icarus: Uprising May Have Online Features By Squidboy | 1 | 28 | Squidboy 02.08.2010, 18:37 (view) |
 | Sakurai Explains 3DS Kid Icarus Origins By Keven | 11 | 17 | Raff 21.07.2010, 00:22 (view) |
 | Sakurai Considering Online Kid Icarus 3DS [news] By Glenjamin | 9 | 29 | RudyC3 14.07.2010, 03:56 (view) |
 | E310 | Kid Icarus Uprising Announced For 3DS By vivisapprentice | 8 | 30 | Mush 20.06.2010, 16:24 (view) |
 | Metroid Creator Wants Kid Icarus for Wii By welshwuff | 10 | 23 | Laurelin 13.03.2010, 23:31 (view) |
 | Reggie Hints at First Party Kid Icarus [news] By erv | 12 | 20 | maeda 24.09.2009, 02:21 (view) |
 | Rumour: Kid Icarus Planned for 2008? By Andrezao | 13 | 10 | GameFanatic 20.06.2009, 07:54 (view) |
 | Rumour: Factor 5s Kid Icarus Early Artwork [news] By JoshSL | 47 | 25 | JoshSL 11.05.2008, 21:04 (view) |
 | Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Kid Icarus Underworld Theme [news] By Mandown | 10 | 31 | mooojc 09.08.2007, 14:19 (view) |
 | Nintendo News | January Virtual Wii: Kid Icarus, Ice Climber, Fire Emblem and more... [news] By Takeo | 23 | 29 | Kangaroo_Kid 03.01.2007, 13:34 (view) |
 | Nintendo Rumour | Kid Icarus At Leipzig Games Convention? [news] By Negatio | 21 | 38 | Megadanxzero 24.08.2006, 19:00 (view) |
 | hmm... KID ICARUS for DS By Zapp | 11 | 17 | mooojc 24.09.2005, 00:06 (view) |
 | kid icarus revolution? By ploiper | 17 | 35 | Thief101 22.06.2005, 23:06 (view) |