Reggie Hints at First Party Kid Icarus [news]

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In other news, Reggie wipes his ass with dollar bills generated by prints of absolutely unfounded respawns of kid icarus rumors.

For the rest of his life.

On other words

"We are not going to use our brains to create more hardcore IPs, we are continue doing casual things"

Thanks to Shiggy that Reggi is only a puppet, a marionett of nintendo in the USA. This guy dont care about the core fans, he only care about make easy money

This is news? He gave Kid Icarus as an example, are we going to jump everytime he mentions Icarus now? I\'ve given better news tips that never get published.....fuck sake.
What about the intended Wii Price drop to 199.99 on the 27th of September or did you not think that news worthy?

( Edited 20.09.2009 14:11 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

I think its one area of his career which makes shigs not the outright winner for best game designer of all time. He may claim he can do a first person shooter or other more mature game but thats just talk. It todays sturated FPS market can his game design extend into a market to make something fresh. It would expose some of his weaknesses. Can he tell a non cliched story? Probably can but the proof is always in the pudding.

More than likely those are just the only Nintendo franchises he could think of without a script.

The Big N has never been big on making "grown-up" titles. That is what they have traditionally put off on to their 2nd party devs. Like Disney in relation to Touchstone Pictures. Although daddy is paying for the hooker he is not getting into hot water because jr. is the one getting his rocks off.

Angst Icarus confirmed to be tween rather than the previously speculated M game.


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I dont want M rated games, I just want good games.
Rating has absolutely nothing to do with that.

I hate the way Nintendo is pestered in this way.

Also, Id rather new IP over Iracus. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I dont want M rated games, I just want good games.
Rating has absolutely nothing to do with that.

Unfortunately a good percentage of gamers don't feel that way and it's a shame. I remember when The Conduit was given a Teen rating. Lots of people were complaining that it wasn't M, yet if the exact same game had simply been given an M, they would have been praising it as the best game ever.

Some people just focus too much on the ratings.

Ah the M debate:

Well my view is Like with movies, certain games benefit from more gore as it helps develop a befitting tone and feel appropiate for that game. Like with film, certain devs water down the maturity in pursuit of the pound or dollar. This problem in my opinion is more damaging to film then to games.

Why I sometimes roll my eyes when devs do this to games is I know instantly they are trying to target a wider audience and with that (especially this gen with the wii) other areas get compromised such as: options, depth, difficulty. That didnt apply to the conduit but other games have lost out.

Wow... that\'s pretty sad that people are so desperate to see this game that THIS constitutes news. I mean, come on. And with all the buttloads of money made off their familiar IPS, why exactly CAN\'T Nintendo \"push the edge\" a little? I mean, am I missing something here? Is there a serious tradeoff between making another game like Eternal Darkness and making another Mario game? His response is made even less valid by the conspicuous absence of \"mature\" games that Nintendo DID publish like Fatal Frame 4 and Disaster in the US.

( Edited 20.09.2009 23:55 by gatotsu911 )

I don't see why we have to strangle Regis for that. He is right, after all. Nintendo makes great games, it has no experience with gore and it may leave that to others. That's great, Nintendo makes good Teen games, rated-12 and some 16ers. No problem for me. I like them and buy them.
A new Zelda, anyone?

And hey: We are jumping around every time Icarus is mentioned - that's great! So Nintendo may give us one soon or at least know that we await their games like crazy. I jump like that every time a Zelda is coming, other when Mario is back. That's because these games are great, despite all being sequels. Nintendo makes good games. Period. Regis doesn't have to be a puppet for this, he only has to manage these games coming out and being nicely done.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

meeto_0, game designers don't tell stories Smilie

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