Cool enough I suppose. The second piece looks crap.
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Cool enough I suppose. The second piece looks crap.
Wow he looks shit.
I guess my instincts were right not to trust Factor 5 with something like this.
( Edited 09.05.2008 10:14 by SuperLink )Dear Lord.....
This is early concept artwork ffs , it\'s only within the second stage do you see any polish of any sort. These kind of pics take round 5mins at the most
There are various designs ideas for the main character that look better than shown here, none here may even be the final design choice. All this is is some of the work that was presented to Nintendo when they made the pitch, nothing more.
I think the breakable Sword Bow looks wicked, it\'s a great idea seeing as though the string is a beam of light.
( Edited 09.05.2008 10:35 by Linkyshinks )Factor 5 are bean counters. They're primarily interested in making things look pretty and if they get this it'll become an workaday borefest that uses rebuilt Rogue Squadron code. Keep it in-house Iwata, or give it to Namco. Julian Englebert-Humperdink can suck my nuts.
no one know if they got the game yet all this is them trying to get Big N to let them make one lol
ps he look like e be drinking in he year e not be working lol
His name is Julian Eggebrecht (don't know about a suurname suffix, did only want to correct the first part of it).
The artwork is soso - I don't like the comic-looking face, but the idea is great, story sounds wonderful. The purpose of the artwork, too: great wings, good looking weapon and the attitude is great, too.
I even didn't know they want to revive Kid Icarus. Is this confirmed? Are they officially working on Kid Icarus? *would be awsome, since I trust Factor 5 to give us a great and good looking game*
Linkyshinks said:
This is early concept artwork ffs, it's only within the second stage do you see any polish of any sort. These kind of pics take round 5mins at the most
There are various designs ideas for the main character that look better than shown here, none here may even be the final design choice. All this is is some of the work that was presented to Nintendo when they made the pitch, nothing more.
I think the breakable Sword Bow looks wicked, it's a great idea seeing as though the string is a beam of light.
That's what I was thinking too. There just concept art, which in my opinion looks pretty cool.
I'm not keen on the first and second ones, but those two last ones look awesome. I especially like the last one. It has a dark feeling to it.
artmonkey said:
Factor 5 are bean counters. They\'re primarily interested in making things look pretty and if they get this it\'ll become an workaday borefest that uses rebuilt Rogue Squadron code. Keep it in-house Iwata, or give it to Namco. Julian Englebert-Humperdink can suck my nuts.
I disagree totally.
I doubt Nintendo would have given the project to them if there was any danger of that with such a classic Nintendo title. The reason why Factor 5 has it is because their development team are fans of the franchise and Nintendo know that in house they would not be able to envision something that US fans would want. Kid Icarus is practically unknown in Japan, they do not appreciate the 8bit game at all as like it was appreciated in the west. Kid Icarus was practically unkown in Japan before Smash. I think it\'s a perfect tile for Factor 5 because they have a long history in games using flight and very recently with Lair where they would have learned much from creating that engine. They know how to push technology well and I reckon they will with this title on Wii for certain. Nintendo have a great system of working with their outsource development teams, now using the very best communication technology. I doubt very much they will take their role in the development of this game lightly, they have always said they need a new game as big as Zelda and I am confident this will be.
( Edited 09.05.2008 10:49 by Linkyshinks )Jump_button said:
no one know if they got the game yet all this is them trying to get Big N to let them make one lolps he look like e be drinking in he year e not be working lol
Where the hell have you been?, the game has been in development for nearly a year now. They will confirm it's development with a announcement at E3.
Linkyshinks said:Jump_button said:
no one know if they got the game yet all this is them trying to get Big N to let them make one lolps he look like e be drinking in he year e not be working lol
Where the hell have you been?, the game has been in development for nearly a year now. They will confirm it's development with a announcement at E3.
nothing confirm yet if they did get the game then it be some time off from showing anything more then this lot
booooooo. Factor5 whats wrong with you.
"cursed for thousands of years for a crime" He is an angel general, not a convict!
We have a winner!
Edit: I really doubt this will be an air shooter. It might have elements of that, but all the artwork of his bow forming 2 blades tells me that there will be melee/ground work.
Remember that F5 has had Thornando in development for years now. Let\'s hope they have some experience with these kinds of game.
( Edited 09.05.2008 11:44 by Canyarion )I'm calaling bullshit.
That isn't concept art worth smuggeling out of the office.
Why the hell are they giving Kid Iccarus to someone else? This could have been epic as zelda, but nintendo just pretty much says "take care of my light" work... first star fox now this...
Why they\'re not using his awesome Brawl design and making him look like a western emo Star Wars character is beyond me. FFS. Things don\'t need to be dark to look cool, any of those Pit designs are using the Brawl design but making him look needlessly emo/darker, or too much like an adult. The game is called KID Icarus for a reason, Pit is an adolescent!!
Creating Pit like this will not bode well for Japanese sales, neither does Factor 5. I know it never did so well in Japan anyway, but his Brawl look is amazingly popular now. By doing this they instantly take away any popularity potential.
Angst is the total polar opposite of good. He looks like fucking Anakin Skywalker with wings!
I don\'t care if it\'s concept art, if they had any brains they\'d use his popular Brawl look, no redesign needed, that was already done.
EDIT: Oh, and the story of Pit as a fallen angel is total Bullshit. I hope it\'s not real. It\'s the total opposite of the way Pit is usually imagined. Why does everything have to be all dark and angsty these days!? >.<
( Edited 09.05.2008 12:52 by SuperLink )In-house Nintendo could make this gold. Why not get Zelda Team at the helm of this and tell Julian Eggybread and his band of bump-mapping number-crunchers to bog off and make Lair 2. What are Retro doing right now?
I can think of a half dozen developers I'd trust with this over Factor 5. They'll be so worried about squeezing all the juice from the Wii that they'll forget to put the game in there.
SuperLink said:
Why they\'re not using his awesome Brawl design and making him look like a western emo Star Wars character is beyond me. FFS. Things don\'t need to be dark to look cool, any of those Pit designs are using the Brawl design but making him look needlessly emo/darker, or too much like an adult. The game is called KID Icarus for a reason, Pit is an adolescent!!Creating Pit like this will not bode well for Japanese sales, neither does Factor 5. I know it never did so well in Japan anyway, but his Brawl look is amazingly popular now. By doing this they instantly take away any popularity potential.
Angst is the total polar opposite of good. He looks like fucking Anakin Skywalker with wings!
I don\'t care if it\'s concept art, if they had any brains they\'d use his popular Brawl look, no redesign needed, that was already done.
EDIT: Oh, and the story of Pit as a fallen angel is total Bullshit. I hope it\'s not real. It\'s the total opposite of the way Pit is usually imagined. Why does everything have to be all dark and angsty these days!? >.<
Thank you Superlink!! Finally someone who understands me!
( Edited 09.05.2008 13:18 by IxisNaugus )artmonkey said:
In-house Nintendo could make this gold. Why not get Zelda Team at the helm of this and tell Julian Eggybread and his band of bump-mapping number-crunchers to bog off and make Lair 2. What are Retro doing right now?
So Pit will never get back to heaven, ever. It's Factor 5's fault for making him a fallen bloody angstel angel.
Companies who could make this incredible:
Square (maybe?)
Namco (They don't seem to like Nintendo much anymore)
If only Silicon Knights were still around.
I doubt Nintendo will let F5 turn Kid Icarus into a dark game where he's an fallen angel. We don't want another bastard Prince of Persia!
I don't know...they all look a bit dodgy. Especially that last one. That is just wrong.
Kids, kids, read the title. See that word, it says "RUMOUR", which, when it comes to 'concept art', is a fancy internet word for "deluded scribblings of a ridiculous fanboy".
If this is to be believed, there has been some changes since - and in any case, early development ideas are exactly that: ideas. They'll probably end up going for something different in any case.
I don't get the need to complain and go on like they've ruined the franchise, the final product (if it exists) hasn't even been officially revealed yet.
Dr_R said:
Kids, kids, read the title. See that word, it says \"RUMOUR\", which, when it comes to \'concept art\', is a fancy internet word for \"deluded scribblings of a ridiculous fanboy\".
jb said:
If this is to be believed, there has been some changes since - and in any case, early development ideas are exactly that: ideas. They\'ll probably end up going for something different in any case.
I don\'t get the need to complain and go on like they\'ve ruined the franchise, the final product (if it exists) hasn\'t even been officially revealed yet.Save\'s me having to do it when the game \"Kid Icarus: Pit\'s Gangster Adventures in Hell\" (Fan translated to \"Adult Satan: Lucifer\'s Epic Adventure\") is revealed at E3 in a few months.
Hmm, not too bad concept art. Would like to see a slightly darker Nintendo Franchise.