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Gaming Discussion15426114368Old David Wise, or New David Wise?
By fantanoice - 24.11.2023, (view)
Off Topic416291899C3's missing members
By Flynnie - 01.03.2025, (view)
Article Comments17218157333Nintendo Announces Nintendo Switch 2 Console
By mikem52 - 18.01.2025, (view)
Announcements134623815C3 Stars League Week Ending 03/04/16
By c3bot - 03.04.2016, (view)

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By The Wandering Sword
27.01.2025, 20:17 (view)
C3's missing members
By Anordara
01.03.2025, 00:14 (view)

Member of the Week - RudyC3

Congratulations to RudyC3 who is our member of the week,
receiving the most Cubed3 Stars for great posts and comments.

RudyC3's Profile

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A Big Happy Birthday to:*MrAgent* (16), 141701740 (94), aagame (54), abbabailbonds (36), acer-man (49), Adesva (17), affeptkar (17), agame (43), airmax2011 (44), Alex1111 (34), andrea806 (14), AndyAnderson (17), AndyColemants (17), AndyScott (17), AnimalCrossingFriend (34), arcatsaness (16), Assara big movie (16), astronaut63 (61), ATRODSERT (16), Badger (34), barajha002 (48), BarryH (94), bboyivann (17), belindaicy (36), BemCleali (16), bla bla bla (94), blammammy (16), Blawilmamouff (17), Britneylover (17), Buffy the Fanboy Slayer (17), bulba (44), cargermany (16), cdawg23 (34), cectugreofe (16), Ceejay (28), Cheesing It Up (94), Chirogymna (39), Cixtiesia (16), clogiliorhoom (16), Cooneemupt (16), copysan1210 (44), crazyescimo (42), Crimity (74), Cynalis (16), dale303 (94), danielharris (40), DanielPrimed (8), darionmartin (49), darkmana (40), DawnaRose (17), deathphenix112 (34), debsy42 (56), delete this account please (14), digikata (51), dimmik2012 (29), DJS (94), Dmitrio (16), dmwj80 (44), DrOlldmann (16), dsherb628 (39), Машуник-Мадрид (16), Я-Королева (16), elviracrompton (16), emttrainings (44), enambanis (16), enefraptife (16), EnequeKeyncg (16), Erossycuc (16), EURONEEENVILT (16), exarfattNeuts (16), ezpetpet (53), FadaFluhgab (17), familyguyboy (34), fantanoice (94), Fariha.002 (44), Feesytype (16), ferret1603 (16), fetadultepe (16), fgame (43), finvlor (16), Flooreofs (16), freelanserboy (17), GamingMasta01 (33), geezerbird44 (13), gennickKTHTTW (16), Geoffrey (37), ghilly (33), Glass Joe Fever (47), Glisgughips (16), GoldenWebDesign (42), gRANDMAS (17), Greeseede (16), gtyson (38), GusBrace (48), gustavo (38), hannawooldfi (16), hansolo123456 (64), happyday (43), happytime (43), Hareetback (39), Hausacuavedge (16), heidigoodwin (44), heiscordiciot (16), hekcik129 (38), Herris Douglas (39), himeadam (35), HollyYT (17), huoyan (39), HymnbeemPoege (16), Hyperduck (2024), ImanymypeCypehv (16), ImputtyDype (16), infindheank (16), Isabella8688 (30), JANKY (34), jaurg (42), Jeanhavelles (37), jessekane113 (39), jesspeters (39), JETK (36), jima520 (38), jimguadiana (35), jnirklfzh (16), Jokiertuias (17), joyblack (33), JR1 (94), jres80 (44), JudyPhillip (17), julliawellerr (16), kabuto68 (36), Kamoffemn (16), kdog (28), keithb (53), kileral (34), kimopuluo (17), KT_Extinction (39), Kusak (44), laragil44 (54), lauren9 (36), leafletprint (44), Leelondon (44), lenkapenka (16), leo26 (50), lestorinsc (17), Lilaclion (94), lilskaterlil (94), lovely144 (43), lover_moon (24), lyndylu (59), mahAmora (16), Malakihavelles (37), Mandown (94), marieemilyy (33), Master-Of-R.P.G (36), mastermadders (16), maximkooo (16), MeameLezore (16), mgs2 (48), michaeldixon61 (35), Micheal123 (44), Mongo (53), monkeyfy (42), mospresta (51), mrshadin (35), MutantMonkey (24), neipleicegodobam (16), netta2195 (34), NoMoreTears (29), nvidiafan0909 (33), obtaiCs (16), ohm (94), okgame (43), ola23 (50), oscartheman (17), OUtraby (16), Parkrer (36), patricklangs (44), peneordinyher (16), pheropetyp (16), philippaulson (30), pinkersexy (16), pinkersexym (16), pinkrose (43), playgame (43), psycho_brad (34), pypeExceels (16), Ragnarok415 (73), Rail (56), raokat (49), RayFairhurst (17), reotlyflooday (16), RichardThomas (17), roberttheebest (16), ruthmajor (44), rydcoco (94), samwee9 (39), seotoronto (44), Sephers (34), serbiff (16), serladairrarm (16), SetLafaretes (16), sgame (43), Sh00kst3r (2024), sharli2009 (44), Shawn (30), shezaracing (17), ShinMegamiTensei (37), Shistecteds (16), SidneyGarret (17), Skeriefugsgug (16), Skorobogatof (16), Slolleycivy (16), Snegopad (16), Socrates (17), solidsnake1718 (39), sonnalauurgent (16), SouiChi078 (37), stookspala (16), style197 (38), sumzron (16), sweetochko (16), sweripoy (17), TAKE IT LIKE A BITCH (94), TataGT (16), tempora (44), teresa0002 (54), tgame (43), thagreatwun24 (47), The Mariner (18), thietkelogo (36), thiswayup (44), tJZggDXsdcwEr (16), tofalella (16), Tomson (39), ttgame (43), tuttundHienda (16), tyairmax (31), tync (16), Tyncnibrirm (17), UBLTexas (17), unacetubobext (16), UncodeGen (16), unjurcidginc (16), upthehammers (16), urgame (44), urnscoff (44), VileninA (16), VoraShoox (17), witoeniscuinof (16), xsandygirlx (17), xxgame (17), yazetaw (17), ylcg3164 (44), Yooson (18), YoshiDude7 (40), zaiah5 (25), zeteony (16), zgame (43), Have a great day!

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Azuardo, lukezeppo

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