Rumour: Factor 5s Kid Icarus Early Artwork [news]

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Dritttoolegit said:
Why the hell are they giving Kid Iccarus to someone else? This could have been epic as zelda, but nintendo just pretty much says "take care of my light" work... first star fox now this...

Yeah, Metroid Prime was awful Smilie Outsourcing games to other developers is sometimes a good thing, Nintendo seem to be afriad to modernise some of their games, but other developers can do this.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Phoenixus said:
Hmm, not too bad concept art. Would like to see a slightly darker Nintendo Franchise.Smilie

Indeed, I would as well.

Metroid/Zelda/Disaster/Geist are dark franchises.

Also Pit\'s Brawl design would be a complete contradiction to his game design.

\"You\'ve played his game, now look, you can play as him in Smash Bros!\"

\"Hey, that\'s not the angsty cool guy from Angst Icarus! That\'s a little anime kid!\"

\"That\'s retarded! Let\'s go back to playing cool games like 50 Cent!\"

It would be like completely disregarding the earlier games ever happened...

EDIT: Generic facial scars/eye liner ahoy! Smilie

( Edited 09.05.2008 16:30 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Fanart, just that

I don't understand how people can criticise a game from a few pieces of concept art of a single character from the game?

There hasn't been an official announcement about anything on the game, let alone any gameplay to judge it from. It's all been rumours so far, so there might not even be such a thing in development (although I hope there is).

Despite the last one being really cool looking (even though it fits a dark elf or something FAR better than an angel) these are crappy looking. Pit will probably just look like he did in Brawl anyways.

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

Vegna said:
Despite the last one being really cool looking (even though it fits a dark elf or something FAR better than an angel) these are crappy looking. Pit will probably just look like he did in Brawl anyways.

GOD I hope so.

If not I will write a song/play as Pit in Brawl to honor the short time he was awesome and not Anakin Skywalker with wings.

fenixazul said:
Fanart, just that

Looked on deviantart and couldn't find anything, not looking good for us.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

As someone who never played the original game there isn't any nostalgia connected to this project for me. But I don't think its right to make any judgements until it's properly announced. You can't really criticise a piece of news that starts with the word 'Rumour'.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

With all this talk you\'d think a Kid Icarus game had actually been confirmed...

Fake leaked bullshit fan art based on another rumour. Good grief.

( Edited 09.05.2008 19:28 by Grumbro )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The rumour\'s so big it may as well be confirmed. There have been bits and bobs all over the place for a while now.

If I\'m wrong I\'ll be immensely happy though.

( Edited 09.05.2008 22:21 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

As others have said, complete rumour, and any criticism based on this artwork is made irrelevant by the fact there are so many different versions of Pit and none of them have been singled out as the \"official\" design, or if there are anymore.

( Edited 10.05.2008 00:04 by RyanT )

All the \'rumours\' have crock-of-shit written all over them. It\'s all unscrupulous hit-seeking lowest rung sites making up rubbish which they know will be swallowed merely because Pit is in Brawl and all of a sudden over the last 3 years american cockmunch neogash types have started evangelising a mediocre and completely outdated game that nobody cared about nearly twenty years ago.

It\'s particularly amusing when people take interview responses really seriously. Example:

IGN or someone equally shit: Would you like to make a new Kid Icarus for the Wii?

Miyamoto: Yeah that would be great, but I\'m busy with other things at the moment.

What else is he going to say? No that would be shit?

Pit being in brawl also means nothing. They\'ve got to get the new characters from somewhere, and it sure makes the SSBtards feel special when it\'s a semi-obscure 8-bit nintendo character they can wank over.
[/unwarranted drunken tirade]

( Edited 10.05.2008 01:07 by Grumbro )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Canyarion said:
I doubt Nintendo will let F5 turn Kid Icarus into a dark game where he's an fallen angel. We don't want another bastard Prince of Persia!

My thoughts exactly Smilie

SuperLink said:
Save's me having to do it when the game "Kid Icarus: Pit's Gangster Adventures in Hell" (Fan translated to "Adult Satan: Lucifer's Epic Adventure") is revealed at E3 in a few months. Smilie

Just one action to reply to this: Smilie

I don't want a crappy dark game, neither a kiddies game Smilie. I would like to see a Kid Icarus in Wii like a Zelda format...but there goes F5 cracking a classic with their crappy ideas.

It's just a rumour. It might happen, but I think this will end on nothing...

Oh, yeah, I didn't like any of the artworks. Brawl's Pit looks cooler Smilie. And the story is $H!+.

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

I really cannot for the life of me understand why people are doubting Factor 5 so much. Really, one would think they're the perfect developer to revive a franchise that very few people (relatively) actually care about. Quit whining about a game that probably isn't even a year into development.

Given the emphasis on flight, F5 is a natural for developing Kid Icarus. And let's face it...not even Nintendo managed to squeeze out as much juice from the Gamecube as Factor 5 did. This is the perfect combination, and in my opinion, just what Nintendo needs to give their line-up of games a slightly new direction -- begin entrusting them to close second / third-party developers while keeping a close eye on development.

*lol* Even in the 'rumour' they say, that these are artwork to sell ideas to Nintendo, not 'this being confirmed'.
Sure the first ideas are pitched and ideas given, but Nintendo has to decide what to do with Kid Icarus and what path the hero walks along.
By the way: Pit wouldn't be the only hero now grown up... (Link for example - Twilight Princess is a pretty dark adventure for a LoZ. Hell, even in Hook there was a grown up Peter Pan!)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Guest 10.05.2008#41

Grumbro said:
All the \'rumours\' have crock-of-shit written all over them. It\'s all unscrupulous hit-seeking lowest rung sites making up rubbish which they know will be swallowed merely because Pit is in Brawl and all of a sudden over the last 3 years american cockmunch neogash types have started evangelising a mediocre and completely outdated game that nobody cared about nearly twenty years ago.

It\'s particularly amusing when people take interview responses really seriously. Example:

IGN or someone equally shit: Would you like to make a new Kid Icarus for the Wii?

Miyamoto: Yeah that would be great, but I\'m busy with other things at the moment.

What else is he going to say? No that would be shit?

Pit being in brawl also means nothing. They\'ve got to get the new characters from somewhere, and it sure makes the SSBtards feel special when it\'s a semi-obscure 8-bit nintendo character they can wank over.
[/unwarranted drunken tirade]

Damn, I love you Grumbler. o/\\o

( Edited 10.05.2008 13:33 by Bart.... )

It\'s either fake or stuff that was rejected early on. There\'s no harm in releasing this stuff if it doesn\'t relate much to the actual game, I guess.

I highly doubt Nintendo would let this type of trash become a real game. You could buy a story like that for quarter in the bargain bin of a bookstore. Or free the internet.

On another note, I wouldn\'t mind seeing Factor Five make this game. The only games I\'ve played by them are Rogue Squadron 2 and 3, and those were fun to me.

On second thought, I wouldn\'t put it past Nintendo to use this plot. I think Nintendo would have the characters trying to redeem himself rather than being a bad guy, though.

I still hope the concept art has little effect on the outcome. I don\'t like the style at all.

( Edited 11.05.2008 06:13 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Compared to Lairs concept art those are a bit ass.

Image for

Image for

Image for

As if...

Guys, you don't think nintendo needs a bit of darkness in thier lineup ? Remeber the fuss over "Windwakers" cel-shading , and "Metroid" going first person ? I trust Nintendo completely.........

Ishaan said:
I really cannot for the life of me understand why people are doubting Factor 5 so much. Really, one would think they're the perfect developer to revive a franchise that very few people (relatively) actually care about. Quit whining about a game that probably isn't even a year into development.

Given the emphasis on flight, F5 is a natural for developing Kid Icarus. And let's face it...not even Nintendo managed to squeeze out as much juice from the Gamecube as Factor 5 did. This is the perfect combination, and in my opinion, just what Nintendo needs to give their line-up of games a slightly new direction -- begin entrusting them to close second / third-party developers while keeping a close eye on development.

Agreed, Nintendo make good games, but there's too much of the same thing in their style and ideals. 3rd parties would give a fresh take, hopefully, and may even inspire and help Nintendo with their own efforts.

Like bring new ideas and mechanics to the table that Nintendo may not have thought of.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

afrofanboy said:
Guys, you don't think nintendo needs a bit of darkness in thier lineup ? Remeber the fuss over "Windwakers" cel-shading , and "Metroid" going first person ? I trust Nintendo completely...

Link remained a hero.
Samus remained a heroine.

Pit is turning into a cursed devil. A complete contrast to his real personality. I can't be the only one who sees this as a COMPLETELY different thing to making a series darker. This is Bomberman: Act Zero style darkening! i.e. completely pointless dark-shit for the hell of being dark-shit.

So I hope it's not real, or that the final game, if there is one, doesn't turn out like this.

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