code is 0490-5556-6417, pm when added.
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code is 0490-5556-6417, pm when added.
Just added a bunch of recent posts.
Add me not sure of the type yet
Add Me!
PM when you add me And I'll add you!
Been told I have Ditto Safari!
Looking for Feebas Safari! or A Feebas in General!
Currently only two friends have bought the game, so I really need people to add for the safari
FC: 2079-7174-4576
hey add me please
fc 4742-5944-4055
message me if you do and ill add you back
Ryan Eckler said:
Currently only two friends have bought the game, so I really need people to add for the safariFC: 2079-7174-4576
added add me back 1134-8323-9616 Pokemonism
been adding everyone, make sure to add back for a grand safari
I've added everyone from the last 3 pages so far. Let me know if I haven't added you back. My FC: 0602 - 7016 - 0387. If anyone has a safari with a ditto please add me. Thanks!
TheOats said:
I've added everyone from the last 3 pages so far. Let me know if I haven't added you back. My FC: 0602 - 7016 - 0387. If anyone has a safari with a ditto please add me. Thanks!
nawtdank said:
been adding everyone, make sure to add back for a grand safari
fc 5300-9383-9019
pm with fc if you added me
Added everyone above!
IGN - Nick
FC - 2191-8204-9058
Dark type
0834-1804-9538 please add
3969-4988-9131 add me i dont know what typeing i am or what i have in my zone :/ but ive also added everybody above my post
Jed said:added you 4425-1562-1282
Just added a bunch of recent posts.Jed
add me
i added both of you
added you fc 5300-9383-9019
Add me. 4527-8495-9961
Bamf333 said:
Add me. 4527-8495-9961
here is my code 3411-1145-0698 add me plz
( Edited 24.10.2013 01:20 by Christian Cabrera )
Chris Harms said:
0834-1804-9538 please add
Christian Cabrera said:
just added you here is my code 3411-1145-0698
LF ditto safari add me ill add you right back just quote on my post 1134-8323-9616 Pokemonism
9/10 (42 Votes)