Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
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Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
Add Me!
PM when you add me And I'll add you!
Been told I have Ditto Safari!
Looking for Feebas Safari!
my code is 0345 0341 7441
dunphyr said:
If anyone has added me that I haven't added yet, please msg me or quote this and reply with your code again....too many to keep track of! Also, anyone want to let me know which 3 I have so I know for the future?
My Code is 5284 1466 7967
Enrique Vargas said:
Add me Enrique 4828-4791-3177 add me and please reply I added
added you 4441 - 9507 - 3178
Added everyone the last 2 pages!
Would be great if anyone could tell me what pokemon I got in my friend safari if you added me!
Patryk Pajak said:
Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
added you add me 4570-7981-6741
dunphyr said:
If anyone has added me that I haven't added yet, please msg me or quote this and reply with your code again....too many to keep track of! Also, anyone want to let me know which 3 I have so I know for the future?
My Code is 5284 1466 7967
added you 4441 - 9507 - 3178
Please add me 5241 3034 5357
Let me know @boycecat or [email protected] and I will add straight back thank you.
( Edited 24.10.2013 00:20 by Oliver Draper )
vFudge said:
Added everyone the last 2 pages!
Would be great if anyone could tell me what pokemon I got in my friend safari if you added me!0705-2684-9713
added, 0490-5556-6417, ill report your pokemon soon as possible.
you have ice, Sneasel and Snorunt idk your 3rd
Patryk Pajak said:
Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to adding lots of ya'll to my friend safari. I'm looking for ditto mainly(need for breeding) Normal- loudred,, aipom, evee. friend code: 0602 - 7016 - 0387
Bamf333 said:
My code is 4527-8495-9961. Pm me so i get an email alert and can add you back quicker.
fc 4742-5944-4055
code is 0490-5556-6417
benny1107rules said:
Add Me!
PM when you add me And I'll add you!
Been told I have Ditto Safari!
Looking for Feebas Safari!
Oliver Draper said:
Please add me 5241 3034 5357Let me know @boycecat or [email protected] and I will add straight back thank you.
please add me and I'll add you right back
Added you
Add Me!
Patryk Pajak said:Add me 0044-2953-1234.
Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
Patryk Pajak said:
Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
added u
4441 - 9507 - 3178
TheOats said:
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to adding lots of ya'll to my friend safari. I'm looking for ditto mainly(need for breeding) Normal- loudred,, aipom, evee. friend code: 0602 - 7016 - 0387
a55holeofdayear said:
please add me and I'll add you right back0044-2804-9625
vFudge said:You have an ice safari with sneasel, dewgong and snorunt
Added everyone the last 2 pages!
Would be great if anyone could tell me what pokemon I got in my friend safari if you added me!0705-2684-9713
4356-0484-1202. please tell me my typing =D
William Pratt said:Patryk Pajak said:Add me 0044-2953-1234.
Add me plz 4656-6769-7627
Added you both! 3883 6055 5858
9/10 (42 Votes)