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Don't know the type yet.
nnomp said:added you here is my fc 3411-1145-0698
ign: mitch0104-0170-7380
steel, don't know which pokemon
a55holeofdayear said:
please add me and I'll add you right back0044-2804-9625
pokemonism said:
Add me 1134-8323-9616 Pokemonism
nawtdank said:
Adding from the last few pages of posts,
If possible as well knowing my safari type would be much appreciated
PM if you add me so i can add you backVavamedan
Hey I just added you guys! mine is: Nate --- 2552-1661-4865
Miren said:added lots more posters.Add me 0044-2953-1234
Don't know the type yet.
job -4356-0484-1202
Added Fabyan
DBterp said:
job -4356-0484-1202
added! 5215-0513-3202
DBterp said:You've got Lilipup and Audino too.
job -4356-0484-1202
my fc is 3411-1145-0698 and how do i figure out what type i am pm to add you
added lots of ppl add me
DBterp said:
job -4356-0484-1202
you have lillipup and audino on yours as well
roybigiv said:TheOats said:
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to adding lots of ya'll to my friend safari. I'm looking for ditto mainly(need for breeding) Normal- loudred,, aipom, evee. friend code: 0602 - 7016 - 0387Hey I just added you! mine is: Nate --- 2552-1661-4865
roygbiv, could you add me? I have steel, 0104-0170-7380
Could someone who added me let me know what I have? Also, for those who haven't, let me know when you add me and I'll add you immediately (I'm checking the thread). Dustin: 2852-7722-5561.
3351-4344-3925 Gavin add me and i'll add you
Tock 3754-7597-0206
TheOats said:
I've added everyone from the last 3 pages so far. Let me know if I haven't added you back. My FC: 0602 - 7016 - 0387. If anyone has a safari with a ditto please add me. Thanks!
added! 5215-0513-3202
Freewillshoe said:add me and ill tell
Could someone who added me let me know what I have? Also, for those who haven't, let me know when you add me and I'll add you immediately (I'm checking the thread). Dustin: 2852-7722-5561.
Freewillshoe said:fighting is your safari could you tell me my type
Could someone who added me let me know what I have? Also, for those who haven't, let me know when you add me and I'll add you immediately (I'm checking the thread). Dustin: 2852-7722-5561.
Freewillshoe said:
Could someone who added me let me know what I have? Also, for those who haven't, let me know when you add me and I'll add you immediately (I'm checking the thread). Dustin: 2852-7722-5561.
geb123 said:
3351-4344-3925 Gavin add me and i'll add you
IGN: Vannyle
FC: 2337 - 3608 - 9135
TYPE: Fire
I have a "Growlithe!"
( Edited 24.10.2013 02:00 by Firebird33 )
added everyone in the last 2 pages add me
fc 5300-9383-9019
pm me if i happened to miss you
5284-1413-9550 Gio, add me and I'll add you back really fast.
Immaggio said:TheOats said:
I've added everyone from the last 3 pages so far. Let me know if I haven't added you back. My FC: 0602 - 7016 - 0387. If anyone has a safari with a ditto please add me. Thanks!added! 5215-0513-3202
hey could you tell me what kind of things I have in my safari?
Added everyone in the last two pages
Kirsten - 1607 2133 4526
fighting type
(42 Votes)