Pokémon X/Y Safari Friend Code Exchange, Pokémon Trades and Information

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Share Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

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Name's Hasy, FC: 5257-9955-8749

Please PM me if you added me so I can add you back!

Added you
fc 4656-7513-6063

Will add anyone my fc is 0447-5547-4537 pm when u add me. 

4656 7513 6063

Hey Everyone I need new Friends safaris, A ditto safari would be awesome but I want to add anyone.

I know my safari has onix, dwebble and shuckle

My fc is 2750 1175 1300

PM me if you add me

( Edited 19.05.2014 23:50 by andyguitar331 )

Found out safari is electric.  Emolga, Pikachu and ?

hi guys looking for safaris with ivysaur, charmeleon, wortortle and braixen my code is 1521-2725-5431 but will add everyone but plz am desaprate to get these 4 pokes in safari

can someone help me out? I'm looking for Protean Shiny Froakie I have legendary (some shiny) willing to trade. And steel safari.
FC 4656-7654-1497

I have flying type,3454 1540 0969---slayer , pm me and I'll add all. I love you all.....no really

hi guys looking for safaris with ivysaur, charmeleon, wortortle and braixen my code is 1521-2725-5431 but will add everyone but plz am desaprate to get these 4 pokes in safari pm me ur code and i'll add u.

hey guys found this to use to http://pokefs.com

My FC: 1504-6554-8438
My Safari: Water - Panpour, Gyarados, Azumarill

My FC: 4098-4501-2485
My Safari: Fairy - Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette (yellow)

Yes, I have 2 safaris, because I have 2 systems. I tend to prefer to play Pokemon X on my regular 3DS, and Pokemon Y on my new 3DS XL.

hi guys looking for safaris with ivysaur, charmeleon, wortortle and braixen my code is 1521-2725-5431 but will add everyone but plz am desaprate to get these 4 pokes in safari pm me ur code and i'll add u.

am looking for a female braixen in a luxury ball, and a female charmeleon and ivysaur in a premier ball if any one wants to trade i can offer some 5iv timid nature frokie's all female with protean

Add me

Zoe Taylor said:
hey guys found this to use to http://pokefs.com

Funny... every time I try it, the only code that gets emailed back to me is my own. No one else there.

Hey does anyone have a friend safari with espurr in it. My fc is  0447-5547-4537  pm me Ur fc when u add me. 

Hey guys! Looking for a Ninetails​ with the hidden ability drought!

If you do please pm me !


Looking for bug flying steel normal and fairy type safaris
I have normal type safari with aiduno, aipom, and eevee my fc is 4012-4815-3637 pm me if you added me :-Smilie

3110-5012-7617  i will add anyone

Hey everyone I'm looking for a Clefable with Unaware if anyone can help me out with that.

Pm me

I could trade you a whismur with scrappy and perfect iv's other than attack.

( Edited 26.05.2014 01:46 by andyguitar331 )

4828-5466-8785 don't  know the type srry

Add me: 5000-2575-8971

My safari: Ninetales, Pansear, Larvesta.
Looking for Ditto safari! Really need Ditto............

Anyone add me Starry. 1633-4391-3190

Feel free to add, 2552-2083-1860
Also Pm me if you have added so i can add you back Smilie

Comment on Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS)

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