Pokémon X/Y Safari Friend Code Exchange, Pokémon Trades and Information

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Share Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

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ppl! Smilie im back! yay!! im still looking for friends for safari! please add me!!
my fc is: 5429- 8896 -2644
message me urs and ill add u as soon as i can! 

I'm looking for an eevee safari i have an eevee safari also but will add anyone
My fc is 4012-4815-3637

hello I am looking for someone with mawile in his safari =p

my fc is: 0104-0371-9957

add me and send me your fc too.

Fc: 5429-8896-2644
message me if u add me Smilie

Does anyone have a shelgon safari?

FC: 3196-3022-7973

Looking for Sableye Safari, PM or reply me!

( Edited 13.06.2014 09:03 by Trainer X )

FC 1478-3869-7988 Trapinch Campurt Diggersby LF Dark Type with Liepard Please Help IGNTrainer Name X

Anyone have a bug safari and willing to add anyone on here. Pm me when u add me and my fc is 0447-5547-4537

add me 2122 6039 8525, flying safari, reply back letting me know you added me so i can add you too, also looking for people to trade with or battle.

I added beebee621, myru, alelaleasc, kolamartin, mark2706, Raf05

( Edited 15.06.2014 04:23 by buxcrunner )

Add me 2423-3266-2956


PM if you add me and I will add you back.

Safari Grass Sawsbuck Quilladin Pansage

Hey guys, I am looking for a shiny froakie, charmander, or rayquaza, and am willing to trade a shiny shaymin for it, but I also have other shinies. PM me if you guys are interested.

i am looking for mega manectric, if anyone have, PM me and add friend code. I've all 718 poke. 

PM me your friend code if you add me, have electric friend safari and am looking for anyone 4468-0993-6424

( Edited 17.06.2014 02:32 by Yokkis )

LF Purrloin / Liepard Friend Safari
My safari is Ground: Trapinch, Camerupt, and Diggersby

Reply/PM me!

( Edited 17.06.2014 07:33 by Trainer X )

FC 1478-3869-7988 Trapinch Campurt Diggersby LF Dark Type with Liepard Please Help IGNTrainer Name X

my FC 1048-9199-3375 Marcus

My FC is 1048-9199-3375 whoever adds me private message me or let me know so i can add you back

added Yokkis

Hi there,

Looking for Water Safari containing Froakie.
Looking for Normal Safari containing Chansey.

Thanks!! Please inbox me if you have these and add my FC from my sig. Ill add you back.

FC - 3196-4095-1875 Pokemon Y

danny 1435 5215 6108

I need help to fill my national dex I will give back what was traded
I need Porygon2, Blissey, Ho-oh, Metagross, Regirock, Registeel, Groudon, Mismagius, Porygon-Z, Dusknoir, Froslass, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Thundurus, and Zekrom
All help is needed. My fc is 4012-4815-3637
PM me your fc if your willing to help.

2680 9933 0308 woody

Kaiser 4656-7513-6063

add me on now

looking for Sableye please add me
FC: 0275-8102-6498

FC: 0275-8102-6498
Kecleon, Lillipup, Metang, Ditto, Aron/Lairon, Forretress
PM if you have any of the above!
I have DARK: Crawdaunt, Nuzleaf, and Absol.

Maher-2595-1907-4884 please let me know if you added me so I can add back Smilie

( Edited 23.06.2014 00:08 by mal_entendido )

Comment on Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS)

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