Official Wii U Discussion Thread

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He's kind of uninformed, it sounds like he's been paying no attention to Nintendo as of late (understandable considering his business position) but his views are extremely uninformed. Not only because he thinks Nintendo won't be successful but because he doesn't know that Nintendo always said they'd sooner leave the console business than become a software developer. All sides are gonna get heavy blows.. but they always have, it's the nature of the industry; and if even SEGA can cling on for dear life, huge companies as smart as Nintendo, MS, and Sony, have ways of countering crises' with their game plans. There's nothing really special about how it is now besides the smartphone boom, but 3DS, the thing that smartphones threaten the most, has remained to be extremely successful even in the face of all that. Microsoft would much sooner step away from games, I don't think they really need it and their business model is less like consoles and more like PCs dedicated for gaming.

Also his last metaphor is just silly. Not sure where he pulled it from or why he decided to use it.

PS. LS you could stand to not only post the negative or critical Nintendo news in this thread Smilie There's a lot of positive comments I could post which are a lot more relevant to Nintendo than someone who's never worked with them and seems to be thinking that digital distribution will be the sole method of getting games in the future.

EDIT: That indie game Cryamore is coming to WiiU!
Also the WiiMini seems to be gone from NoE's site.. I wonder if it's gonna be revealed soon or if it was a genuine error? I'm sure they want to avoid consumer confusion atm.

( Edited 25.02.2013 23:54 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
That indie game Cryamore is coming to WiiU!

That's great news! I saw the kickstarter for it earlier today and I'm glad it made it to that final goal, with several hours left no less. It sounds quite intriguing from what I've read and seen.

SuperLink said:
He's kind of uninformed, it sounds like he's been paying no attention to Nintendo as of late (understandable considering his business position) but his views are extremely uninformed. Not only because he thinks Nintendo won't be successful but because he doesn't know that Nintendo always said they'd sooner leave the console business than become a software developer. All sides are gonna get heavy blows.. but they always have, it's the nature of the industry; and if even SEGA can cling on for dear life, huge companies as smart as Nintendo, MS, and Sony, have ways of countering crises' with their game plans. There's nothing really special about how it is now besides the smartphone boom, but 3DS, the thing that smartphones threaten the most, has remained to be extremely successful even in the face of all that. Microsoft would much sooner step away from games, I don't think they really need it and their business model is less like consoles and more like PCs dedicated for gaming.

There's always talk of Nintendo's doom. But, really, what is it based on? Yes, they are having a bad year financially, but they have billions upon billions in the bank and are no where near the financial situation of Sega when it dropped hardware. I remember someone calculated that if Nintendo never made another cent they could continue for the next 10+ years just on savings (or something like that).

Also, isn't Sony doing the worse financially of the big three? But there is never any talk of them turning to games only.

On the Xbox side, the Xbox team obviously love Xbox, but in the larger scope of Microsoft's goals the Xbox is merely a tool to get a Microsoft device in the center of everyone's living room. Gaming is almost secondary and a lot of the rumors (granted, they are only rumors right now) suggest Microsoft will be focusing even more heavily on general entertainment this generation.

You're pretty much right. Sony is the worst off of the three overall.. however, Sony's game dept is one of their best for financial income, so they won't be dropping out anytime soon unless they drop off the face of Earth altogether.

As for Nintendo, they're one of the richest companies in Japan - I think - even richer than Sony. They have nothing to worry about in long term- their stocks are currently much higher than Sony's too.

Plus it's worth mentioning that SEGA leaving the console business wasn't so much to do with the Dreamcast's questionable success as it was Sammy's acquisition of SEGA. Of course SEGA wouldn't have lasted to modern time anyway seeing as its eastern and western divisions get on as well as two sides of a fissure. Even so, SEGA would have continued making and supporting consoles even a little longer if Sammy hadn't merged them, even in their financial state at the time (which really wasn't /that/ bad)

( Edited 26.02.2013 02:56 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

£105 for a controller... 

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Still don't get why anyone would want a second gamepad. No developer is gonna support it in a meaningful way because it would kill the framerate and the audience that will own two gamepads will be miniscule.

Linkyshinks said:
£105 for a controller... 

Image for

I guess we know why the console is so expensive on the market; the controller is almost half the whole price. I don't expect they'll sell them seperately for a while; if ever.

Pachter amuses once more

So Pachter is despite his previous claims saying that Nintendo would last 20-30 years even if they kept making losses like this years'. Did you need any more proof that this man has no idea what he's talking about? The total lack of consistencies in his views as well as the fact he frequently says things to "make up" for other statements he's made. Still no clue why the industry gives him such an ear. "Analyst" my ass, he's about as analytical as your everyday forum-goer.

Still, the more people realise just how wealthy Nintendo is, maybe this "Nintendo will drop out of console development/go out of business" stuff will let down.

( Edited 26.02.2013 22:35 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

SuperLink said:
"Analyst" my ass, he's about as analytical as your everyday forum-goer.

Well people who consider him an "analyst" aren't too far off... he pulls every statement he makes out of his ass, so he's "anal" at the very least.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

JayUK said:
Still don't get why anyone would want a second gamepad. No developer is gonna support it in a meaningful way because it would kill the framerate and the audience that will own two gamepads will be miniscule.

Linkyshinks said:
£105 for a controller... 

Image for

Nintendo won't miss an opportunity to sell "Wii U Play" given the sales of the last. The collection of games may likely look like crap, but still perfectly playable depending on the design of them.

Japanese owners have got it far worse than Westerners

Vita is Selling More Than Wii U in Japan

( Edited 27.02.2013 15:12 by Linkyshinks )

What, no eShop games in Japan??? Why hasn't anyone translated Trine 2, NAN and Little Inferno for them? All great games! NAN would do especially well there.

Japanese law states digital content requires a native publisher.

Linkyshinks said:
Japanese law states digital content requires a native publisher.

Well why doesn't Nintendo step up and publish them. It would lead to better relations with western devs and make them more money.

I reallly don't think the Nintendo R&D department ever considered people wanting to play with two gamepads....I think it was a fundamental error and design flaw of the console!

Nintendo's silence on the matter for months after E3 said it all...I do actually wonder if they even think about market research, focus groups, feedback, questionnaires and the like...or if they are too naive to even listen. I guess with the 60hz issue and the gamepad being released shows that they do to an extent...but it's already too late. Even if the gamepad has been listed separately if it cuts the CPU down and there won't be many games that support it then there really isn't much point! (other than for replacements)

I actually thought the Wii had a relatively slow start in 2006/7 in the Western world, or am I just making that up? I thought it wasn't until the Holiday season of 07 and 08 where things went crazy? (correct me if I am wrong of course)

I remember it was sold out in the first year, that was since launch. It was going on Ebay for crazy prices etc.
So yeah, you remembe it wrong. Smilie

WiiU is like 3DS was in its first 9 months; expensive, confusing to the mass market without a wide array of compelling software. And now look at it go. Smilie

Phoenom said:
WiiU is like 3DS was in its first 9 months; expensive, confusing to the mass market without a wide array of compelling software. And now look at it go. Smilie

On top of that, right now we know very little or nothing at all about many future games. At this point a huge marketing campaign would be a waste. Why spend money advertising your product when the software to back it up is still months away? I'm expecting a big push once much more games (from Nintendo) arrive.

Activision are rumoured to be unhappy with Wii U and it's audience.

A Designer who attended D.I.C.E:

"When I was at the D.I.C.E Summit earlier this month, I went around asking people's opinions on things like the Steambox, Ouya, Nvidia's Shield, and Wii U. What struck me was how many developers told me games were being cancelled left and right for Wii U."

"Activision didn't expect much from Wii U sales of Black Ops 2, but they sure didn't expect it to be that abysmal. Activision gave Wii U owners the best version of Blops 2 with Off TV features, and Nintendo fans didn't support it. It's easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it's time to open their wallets, they'll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead."

He went on to talk about publisher interest in general...

"There's just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don't want to damage their relationship with Nintendo."

( Edited 02.03.2013 08:23 by Linkyshinks )

No doubt they're disappointed, I'm sure like many they're expecting things to improve over time.

EA on the other hand..
Crysis 3 almost launched on WiiU

[quote]We did have Crysis 3 running on the Wii U. We were very close to launching it. But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that. Since we as a company couldn't launch on the Wii U ourselves — we don't have a publishing license — Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die.
So there ya have it, Crysis 3 was running fine on WiiU and the support was cut not because of power but because of well.. I think we can all guess what happened.

While lack of EA support is probably hurting Nintendo at this point, I can understand Nintendo's stance on EA's development philosophy. Origin sounds like an awfully dictator-like system and I can't imagine Nintendo want games of microtransactions either (though I'm not sure to what level Crysis managed to escape that)- it's a shame the developer couldn't release that despite it being practically finished because it must have been a lot of work on the developer's part. EA's treatment of games and employees is worrying to the games industry as a whole.

EDIT: Retro City Rampage creator's Nintendo support story is pretty heartwarming:
Amazing how he was dedicated to release on Wiiware where the project started, despite the fact he probably wouldn't make any return on it.

EDIT2: feels daft posting about Crysis here when it was already news'd! Derp, but either way I think the discussion it offers is valuable.

( Edited 02.03.2013 23:47 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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TW101 Pre Orders

( Edited 04.03.2013 06:02 by Linkyshinks )


Ask Capcom. RT @ZeldaPrime: WiiU is too good for Okami 2! HD console and big touchscreen controller! Get on making Okami 2, Kamyia-san

Linkyshinks said:

Ask Capcom. RT @ZeldaPrime: WiiU is too good for Okami 2! HD console and big touchscreen controller! Get on making Okami 2, Kamyia-san

Looks like Platinum have relaxed from their series is dead to me stance.


( Edited 05.03.2013 17:33 by Linkyshinks )

An updated version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution coming to WiiU? 


*Sorry if this is a repost, the news section is screwing up on my computer.

( Edited 05.03.2013 20:12 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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