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Seeing as we're discussing A:CM it's on-topic to repost what I said in another comments section.

I want to repeat it because its 200 comments down and no-one will read it, and I was quite happy with it

I really did think it was a fine comment and i was rather proud of myself

here it is:

These crap aliens games, honestly, they're coming out of the walls



As for the wii U, don't ask me I haven't a clue

Because I'm too poor to be a nintendo fanboy at present.

It is a shame though aliens is a perfect mature game for ninty to grab

It's not about serial murder or shooting brown people because the aliens are not human and...

...probably worth killing

I don't like "mature" games about killing people and I'm a massive fanboy for aliens so it is a real shame

why do they fuck up aliens, surely it's the (only) movie license that screams videogame adaption

A little while ago I said to a friend that I was worried about the animation on the aliens

Animation on non-humans (so dogs not necessarily aliens!) is a particular interest of mine

So I said that I was actually quite impressed with the avp2009?(the last one) alien's animation

He said that he was sure that I was wrong, that the animation was crap and the animation on the new game's aliens is known to be good

But then he gets all his information off reddit. I know, what a twat.

So, It might be worth pointing out that as well as being very pleased with myself for my comment earlier on another website I was also very pleased to see that very funny gif that's circling around of the waddling alien

If I was more technically minded I would post it here but I'm sure you guys will see it if you take any interest in the game. It's worth it, it's very funny

In case you were wondering the first poster in that website wrote:

just nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

Which was very good and deservedly got 200 upvotes so you understand I'm quite jealous right now

just thought I'd fill you in.

( Edited 12.02.2013 18:13 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

Ex-Gearbox designer's GAF post, from last year...

Hate to say it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high for Colonial Marines. I used to work at Gearbox, and the development of that game has been a total train wreck, going on what, six years now?Gearbox isn't even making the game, except for the multiplayer. Primary development was outsourced to TimeGate Studios, which has a less than stellar past.

The guy leading the Wii U project spent 9 months creating the games prototype, maybe that may result in a better game, but I do have serious doubts.

( Edited 12.02.2013 18:54 by Linkyshinks )

Our member of the week

It'll be the same experience at core, regardless of the platform, methinks. Depends what he's referring to when he says we shouldn't get our hopes up...

From the outset, everything seems to be in place to make it a game that I will love, which is why I'm still pretty hyped up for it, regardless of comments such as that one. Heavy attention to detail, "80's" style lines of dialogue (call me insane but for me, Bill Paxton's "Game Over man... Game Over" is a classic), oppressive moments coupled with intense scenes of action...

What else could be fucked up? Gameplay? It's a friggin' FPS, those games have been around for a long time, what could possibly be that bad?  Bad visuals or choppy framerate? We'll see about it, but that could be a platform independent problem.

Game design? That's what worries me most, because it's hard to tell from just videos. I haven't read any early reviews yet, so I can't say too much where the problem might lie, but I have a hard time believing it's as fucked up as they seem to say.

Plus, comments from "ex-staffers" tend to be bitter in most cases... I'd like to know whether that one left of his own accord, or if he was fired Smilie.

( Edited 12.02.2013 20:57 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's been patched already

^I wonder if patching can fix fundamentally flaws AI, I've seen playthroughs of people getting through entire levels and chapters without needing to shoot the dumbass AI once.

Also, interestingly I just got a response from Nintendo about the 50/60Hz matter. I'd suggest C3ers do the same, I was polite and rhetoric but urged them that 50Hz is helping no one. Their response:

We appreciate the feedback given from our loyal customers, and as such this will now be passed onto our marketing department for investigation.We thank you for your kind attention and continued support and wish you a happy gaming experience.

Marketing? Hm. In any case I'm certain their marketing department is getting tons of complaints for this exact reason, any decent marketing department should be able to see that what their audience wants isn't 50Hz.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I haven't seen any of that. The level design / tight corridors force you into shoot-outs. It's one big shooting gallery.


"We were pleased with the allocation that we got through the launch. I think for us, it performed at expectation. I think what what you're seeing is the interest has not been to the overall level that had hoped for. And it's not performing like the Wii did.There are a variety of theories as to why that might be, but among them is there hasn't been the blockbuster from Nintendo. So Nintendo I think understands the need to have that first-party software available to drive Wii U sales." - GameStop CFO Rob Lloyd

Nintendo's still heavily reliant on their own software, to sell their hardware. This is going to take a good while, Pikmin3 certainly isn't able to push hardware sales, it's simply not that type of game. I don't see anything on the way soon that will give hardware sales a boost they need to increase both consumer and publisher confidence in Wii U.

( Edited 13.02.2013 12:21 by Linkyshinks )

Thin corridors don't mean shit apparently;


And yeah, that's exactly why Nintendo need to work pronto on souping up their digital services. Their big games won't be out for a while, and they made the mistake of getting final dev kits out way too late (this is a pretty legit excuse too; it's the reason Capcom didn't put Arcade Cabinet or Darkstalkers on WiiU, the projects were started before WiiU's digital development was ready.. probably the reason we knew jack-shit about the WiiU's capabilities right up to launch is because they just weren't ready yet.

Giving Virtual Console and eShop a big push over the coming months, with deals, surprise offerings, and cool features, would really give the WiiU some attention from Nintendo's userbase. If they released a Mother game on western WiiU VCs, the WiiU would sell tons simply because so many people want to try Mother. I'm srs.

I really hope Nintendo understand the potential of digital content and how quickly they can get it out if they really wanted to.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ha, that's an open section, you can do the same in most fps on the right setting in open areas. AI in most FPS rarely attempt to tackle a players willing to run through open areas. For a non-shooting enemy all they can do is attempt to run after you, but the AI has to switch off at some point, it can only assign a certain number to follow. I doubt the above would be possible on the Ultimate Badass setting.

NFS MW Wii U demo


Things in the video:

-Game uses the PC's higher resolution textures due to the Wii U having more RAM than the other consoles. Also has the bigger view distance and better lighting engine
-Small team working on it, but the game runs as smoothly as the other versions.
-Added co-op mode in which someone can help the player with finding objectives, slowing down police, changing the amount of traffic, change from day/night time, and respray the car on the fly.
-They also give the second player some controls "like a driving instructor".
-Co-op mode inspired by NSMBU and Nintendoland, devs also take notes from Iwata asks to 'get' the what the Wii U's about.
-Integrated Miiverse and Autolog.

( Edited 13.02.2013 19:41 by Stulaw )

Watch Dogs & Rainbow 6 coming to Wii U?

Image for

If what the OP at GAF says is true, this could be a genuine leak. Not to get people's hopes up or anything, but you never know.

I personally don't want to post up as C3 news incase it is wrong, so have left that up to jb/Adam to decide. Be good if Watch Dogs makes it, though - looks immense.

Watch Dogs would be great for WiiU - I seem to recall Miyamoto actually took a personal interest in it which is rare for him. If that was the case I wouldn't be too surprised!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Stulaw said:
NFS MW Wii U demo


Things in the video:

-Game uses the PC's higher resolution textures due to the Wii U having more RAM than the other consoles. Also has the bigger view distance and better lighting engine
-Small team working on it, but the game runs as smoothly as the other versions.
-Added co-op mode in which someone can help the player with finding objectives, slowing down police, changing the amount of traffic, change from day/night time, and respray the car on the fly.
-They also give the second player some controls "like a driving instructor".
-Co-op mode inspired by NSMBU and Nintendoland, devs also take notes from Iwata asks to 'get' the what the Wii U's about.
-Integrated Miiverse and Autolog.

Well...this is a surprise, i wasn't expecting EA to give such love, I havent bothered with Need for Speed for years, but considering the amount of effort Criterion have put in here it seems like there is Burnout seeping through the cracks every where! Which a good point from my point of view.....i would still wait for it drop in price though. 

A reduced version of WD seems plausible. R6P seems likely.

Good work from Criterion on NFSMW.

( Edited 14.02.2013 13:21 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
A reduced version of WD seems plausible.

I wonder why you say reduced? The WiiU is more powerful than the PS360, and if Nintendo and Ubisoft have been trying to improve relations they've likely had WiiU dev kits long enough to make it up to scratch if not better.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm almost certain Watch Dogs will be launched on PS4 & 720 as well as PS3 and 360. Wii U version would only be reduced compared to PS4/720 version, really.

Azuardo said:
I'm almost certain Watch Dogs will be launched on PS4 & 720 as well as PS3 and 360. Wii U version would only be reduced compared to PS4/720 version, really.

Of course, but surely the native version of the game will be the current-gen version? So the WiiU version will be fine. The PS4/NextBox versions will likely just have improved rendering/textures and such, rather than it being a game built specifically for those platforms with the current-gen version being the watered down one.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, absolutely. PS3/360 will be the primary platforms, there's no doubt. And Wii U would be at least on par with that. Watch Dogs PS4/720 certainly won't be any indication of a true next-gen game, not just because it's a first wave PS4/720 game, either. Plenty of Xbox/PS2 games made were released on 360 when the console launched, too. I'm sure we'll be seeing the same again for quite a few titles coming this year and next.

Yeah that's what I meant^ really wouldn't be surprised if that happened, would be pretty good too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

NPD: 360 Sells 5x More Units Than Wii U in Jan

Gamastura estimates that Nintendo sold somewhere between 45,000 and 59,000 Wii U consoles in North America last month. If the website's estimate is true, the Wii U will have sold worse than any of the three previous generation home consoles - the Wii, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

UK Retailers Want Wii U Price Slashed & New Strategy

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 Review


( Edited 15.02.2013 14:32 by Linkyshinks )

SuperLink said:
I can't say I'm surprised in the least that Aliens turned out shit. It's essentially a movie-game, and when has an Aliens game ever been really good especially in recent years? I cannot fathom why people expected so much of it in the first place.

I can't imagine the WiiU version will be much better to be honest.



^ Yeah I actually read about that on Destructoid this morning; it's insane how much they lied about the product being made. It's not something people are gonna forget anytime soon.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's coming...

720, PS4, / 360, PS3, Wii U

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"Truly Next-Gen Adventure" - G4TV, suggests 720 and PS4 releases.

Image for

The E3 demo was running on a entirely new game engine on a high-end PC, I wouldn't expect any of the reduced versions to look as good, they're most likely running on Anvil Next, the AC3 engine. The new engine could be down scalable though.


( Edited 15.02.2013 22:09 by Linkyshinks )

Lego City Wii U is 1 player.

Azuardo said:

Lego City Wii U is 1 player.

Darn it (though I'm not surprised.. it doesn't look like it'd work in coop without splitscreen or online)

I guess I'll just wait n see for reviews before I consider getting it.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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