Seeing as we're discussing A:CM it's on-topic to repost what I said in another comments section.
I want to repeat it because its 200 comments down and no-one will read it, and I was quite happy with it
I really did think it was a fine comment and i was rather proud of myself
here it is:
These crap aliens games, honestly, they're coming out of the walls
Because I'm too poor to be a nintendo fanboy at present. It is a shame though aliens is a perfect mature game for ninty to grab It's not about serial murder or shooting brown people because the aliens are not human and... ...probably worth killing I don't like "mature" games about killing people and I'm a massive fanboy for aliens so it is a real shame why do they fuck up aliens, surely it's the (only) movie license that screams videogame adaption A little while ago I said to a friend that I was worried about the animation on the aliens Animation on non-humans (so dogs not necessarily aliens!) is a particular interest of mine So I said that I was actually quite impressed with the avp2009?(the last one) alien's animation He said that he was sure that I was wrong, that the animation was crap and the animation on the new game's aliens is known to be good But then he gets all his information off reddit. I know, what a twat. So, It might be worth pointing out that as well as being very pleased with myself for my comment earlier on another website I was also very pleased to see that very funny gif that's circling around of the waddling alien If I was more technically minded I would post it here but I'm sure you guys will see it if you take any interest in the game. It's worth it, it's very funny In case you were wondering the first poster in that website wrote: just nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure Which was very good and deservedly got 200 upvotes so you understand I'm quite jealous right now just thought I'd fill you in.
As for the wii U, don't ask me I haven't a clue
( Edited 12.02.2013 18:13 by KingDom )